Ghost Rider's Judgment

Chapter 479 General Dick

Chapter 479 General Dick
"Why should I go?" Chen Qi replied directly.

When Hoffman heard Chen Qi's words, his heart skipped a beat. Although he knew that Chen Qi was confident that he would never be afraid of the Black Rock Army, the Black Rock Army was not easy to mess with outside. If the Black Rock Army and Chen Qi were to deal with each other, It is extremely detrimental to Olin Country.

And the tone of the Black Rock Army was still as respectful as before, he said: "General Dick has something important to discuss with you."

"Important matter? I'm sorry, His Royal Highness asked me to wait for him here. If I go with you, it will be like letting him go." Chen Qi refused.

"This is related to the safety of the country, and His Highness the Prince will understand." Heiyanjun said.

Chen Qi heard from his tone that General Dick seemed to have a higher authority than Prince Eric.

"What does the safety of your country have to do with me?" Chen Qi said.

The Black Rock Army was stunned for a moment, then he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Our general said that not only does he want to discuss important matters with you, but he also has something that interests you."

"What?" Chen Qi asked.

"That's a black stone. The general said you would be interested in that thing." The man replied.

"A black stone?" Chen Qi was startled. The black stone is a key prop in this world. When Chen Qi was in this world, he got a black stone from the Beast Prince. There was also such a black stone from the Snow Queen. Yvonne even This black stone gave her a major breakthrough in her research.

And that General Dick, since he also has a black stone, could it be said that his Black Rock Army was built by this black stone?
Chen Qi pondered for a moment and then said: "Okay, I'll go with you. Sledgehammer, go and tell Prince Eric!"

"Okay." Hoffman responded.

Then Chen Qi left with Heiyanjun and others.

In the south of the city, Duke Krauser had a nightmare that led him to believe that something terrible would happen in the valley over there, so he began to deploy his private army there.

The people in the city thought this was a threat and were worried that Duke Krauser wanted to start a war, so they increased the defense deployment at the southern gate.It was General Dick who was in charge of the deployment of the southern city gate at the moment.

After a while, Chen Qi followed the Black Rock Army to the southern city gate.

At this moment, General Dick was wearing a thick black gold armor, with a giant blade across his waist, and a black gold helmet. His whole body was covered airtight, with only his eyes leaking out.

"Cheer up, you bunch of idiots. Don't think we're just showing off. The enemy won't give you time to react." General Dick's rough and piercing voice was extremely unpleasant, his eyes were like falcons, and he He stared at her as if he would become his prey.

As for General Dick, Chen Qi also felt a strong sense of guilt. Among the dungeons he had experienced before, only super villains such as Voldemort and Wu Mei had such deep guilt.

It seems that there is a reason why this general has a bad reputation.

"Oh, young man, it seems that you are the famous Ghost Rider." General Dick said in a high tone after seeing Chen Qi coming.

The tone of his words was quite arrogant, but Chen Qi could feel that he didn't mean to be like this, but it was a habit. I'm afraid he would treat everyone in this tone unless he was facing the king.

"You are General Dick? My time is limited, you said you have something that interests me, show it to me!" Chen Qi replied flatly.

General Dick was not dissatisfied with Chen Qi's tone, but laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, that's really straight to the point. If that's the case, then please follow me!"

After that General Dick said that, he turned towards the closed city gate and shouted: "Open the city gate!"

"I said, what are you doing?" Chen Qi asked curiously. Didn't this guy say he wanted to show himself the black stone before?Why do you want to leave the city suddenly?

"Let me show you the black stone. I don't have that thing here. I need to take you to see it." General Dick replied.

Chen Qi looked at the troops guarding the city wall. They looked prepared and said, "But is this good? Aren't you preparing for war?"

General Dick replied: "Yes, we were preparing for war, but the target we were preparing for was not Duke Krauser, but those unknown enemies."

"What do you mean?" Chen Qi asked.

"Haha!" General Dick laughed dryly, and then said: "Duke Krause and I were comrades on the battlefield. I know his character best. He will never commit rebellion. And if he really He wanted to rebel. He had a better chance to launch an attack before, but he didn't do it. Besides, Duke Clauser's territory is to the east of the main city, and if he wanted to attack the main city, he would set up a position in the south. , don’t you think it’s ridiculous?”

General Dick said in a disdainful tone: "Huh, those useless ministers in the palace usually doubt this and that, but when it comes to war, they run farther than anyone else."

"So, do you believe what Duke Krause said, that terrible things may happen on the other side of the canyon?" Chen Qi asked.

"Hmph, I didn't believe it at first, but..." General Dick's tone became cold, and then he said: "Forget it, just come and see it and you will understand."

Chen Qi followed General Dick to the forest outside the city. The forest here was denser than ordinary forests. There was only a small distance between trees, and there was no room for one person to enter.

Just when Chen Qi was curious about what Dick had brought him here, the trees in front of him suddenly seemed to be alive, and he moved. The trees neatly dispersed to both sides, leaving a passage in the middle.

Not long after, a graceful figure came from the woods. It was a beautiful woman wearing a white gauze with an extremely gentle face.

The woman walked forward, bowed deeply to General Dick and Chen Qi, and then said in her voice as warm and sweet as running water: "Long wait, General Dick."

"No need to be polite, Windsor," said General Dick.

General Dick then turned to look at Chen Qi and said: "Let me introduce to you, this is the famous Ghost Rider, and this Ms. Windsor is a member of the Secret Guardian and a witch. She is assigned to The jungle around here is dedicated to negotiating with us.”

"Hello." Chen Qi smiled and then said hello.

He didn't know this witch. Normally, he should have seen all the members of the Hidden Guardian, but this Windsor should have joined after he left.

(End of this chapter)

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