Chapter 18
In the next few days, Firefly went out early every morning and did not return to the Deacon's Mansion until midnight with searchlights on.Not to mention Firefly, even Huang Jiang's throat felt a little uncomfortable from talking too much.

Gloria Island has still had very sunny weather these past few days, with gentle wind and sunny weather, and the sea and sky are broad.

According to local elders, the sea area where Jialan Island is located is the most peaceful ocean in the blue world.Except for frequent hurricanes during fixed seasons, the weather is good most of the time throughout the year.

This prevents the plants on Gloria Island from using too much nutrients to resist disasters. They grow freely, and every part of their bodies is full of nutrients.

Even the green grass that can be seen everywhere exudes a delicious fragrance.

In such an environment, it is no wonder that the sheep on the island are so strong.The wool on their bodies is the only income for the islanders after the Huangjiang Sea Ban - if they can sell it.

On a new day, there was still no sign of Firefly in the office. She had already left for the southeastern sea early.

The fireflies are weak on their own, and Huang Jiang certainly can't let the little guy take the big risk of returning to clear out the mirages alone.What they are doing now is just preparing information for the future.

According to statistics over the past few days, mirages on Gloria Island are mainly concentrated on the east side.A total of 78 mirage sightings were reported in Fireflies, for a total of 233 mirages, an average of 3 mirages per wave.

Most of them were "herring" and "flounder", and "hairtail" appeared a total of 20 times. Most of them were located in the center of the mirage formation. Even if they appeared sporadically alone, Huangjiang did not dare to let the fireflies go up.

Reality has never been a place where you can compete with your luck with confidence.

But even so, killing the lone mirage and stealing the mirage with torpedoes also increased Huang Jiang's military merit to 56 points. Compared with the previous poor situation, it was a good start.

However, knowing that now, Firefly still hasn't seen the mirage above the "hairtail fish", which makes him very disturbed.

With the emergence of a new mirage named "Sawfish" in the Clover Territory, mirage activities have entered a riotous season of the year.Reports of mirage invasions continued to come from various governor-general territories, and some powerful mirages even reached the governor-general's main island, causing some governors to lose face. The new deacons were also very unfortunate to be in the first round of office. Yue then fell into the quagmire of fighting against the mirage.

The mirages seemed to be endless, coming from the unknown sea and swallowing all the ships along the way.

Most of the border islands of the Federation have begun to implement sea bans.

There were even incidents where a large number of islanders abandoned the island and fled.

The Parliament was so anxious that it issued six orders in a row urging the deacons in various places to strictly guard the islands and regain the lost islands.

However, this was of no use. The deacons inside the Federation had no intention of moving at all. They still wanted to wait until the wave of mirage receded and take back the lost island bit by bit.

Most of the butlers who had to leave their islands due to mirage attacks thought so too.

There are discussions every day on the Sea Fog Forum about where the mirage invasion has arrived on all fronts - except for the Westerly Drift front.

Gloria Island, located at the forefront of the battle line, although there are mirages passing by every day, is relatively peaceful than the aquatic fire in the forum.

Is this something to be thankful for?
Huang Jiang looked through the records on the forum in previous years.Mirage riots occur every year, and almost all five fronts riot together.

Not to mention Gloria Island, even Cycad Island was lost several times, and every time Governor Milton spent a great price to regain it - after all, for Mirage, iron and oil are the necessities of life. , every time they appear, they will tear apart all the iron products they see.

For them, the iron mine is simply the paradise they dream of. It is the Akihabara maid cafe in the eyes of otakus, and it is free.

Therefore, every year, mirage riots cause little damage to Gloria Island, and we need to thank Cycad Island for helping to attract firepower.But even so, Salinger issued evacuation orders for islanders three or four times.

So this time, will Mirage Riot and the West Wind Drift Front really be an exception?

Fireflies reported a mirage sighting.In the standard mirage five formation, after firing a round of torpedoes, Fireflies left quickly. She has been spotted by mirages several times in the past few days. Mirages with a formation number of less than 3 usually run away when they see fireflies, but Once the number reaches five, they will attack the fireflies like crazy, and several times the fireflies have to rely on smoke to retreat.

Unfortunately, this round of torpedoes did not achieve results.The trajectory of the torpedo was still too obvious during the day, and the Mirage was not a bulky ship and could not rely on steering to avoid the torpedo in time.

"Admiral!" Firefly shouted in surprise. "What's wrong!" Huang Jiang stood up from his seat and realized that he was not at the scene.

"Mirages, and many more mirages, fifteen nautical miles away."

Fifteen nautical miles... This means that the fireflies have entered the range of most mirages.

Huang Jiang's expression immediately became serious: "Retreat immediately!"

"They haven't discovered me yet. But..." the fireflies stood up on tiptoes, "They don't seem to be coming this way. They just... emmmm, went directly to the west."

Due west... passing by Gloria Island, in that direction is... the starry sky.

"What kind of mirage?"

"'Herring', 'flounder', 'hairtail'... there are many mirages that I have never seen before." Firefly muttered, "I also thought there was a mirage with a completely different style."

"The painting style is different?"

" do I put it..." Firefly thought about the adjectives, "It's like..."

"Just like when we were in the port area, the admiral took us to the Xingzhou Strait to rob the Yamato." Firefly gave an example, "Remember, admiral? You married Sister Helena a few days after that. "

"Ahem." Huang Jiang said seriously, "Don't talk about these things during battle."

"Oh." Firefly stuck out her tongue. As an initial ship, she became a wedding ship later than Helena.

The painting style is different...

After joking briefly for a while, Huang Jiang's thoughts returned to reality.

Could this be the mirage leader of West Wind Drift?

Gypsophila collar…

Huang Jiang opened the forum and found information about the Starry Sky Leader.

The federal border suddenly turned [-] degrees at the tulip collar and gypsophila collar, and it was not until the Luwei collar that it returned to its normal position, making the sea area where the Yellow River is located form a federal power. gap.

Because there are no islands nearby, the vast ocean is beyond the range of Sea Soul's attack, making the only island in the sea, Gloria Island, an isolated island without support - after all, Cycad Island will not give him any help.

And in this gap, where the tulip collar and the baby's breath collar intersect...

It is the most important mineral island in the Starry Star Territory.

Oil Island - Wengzhu Island.

In the friendship of colleagues and with a little intention of being friendly, Huang Jiang posted a message on the forum that "Jialan Island has witnessed a large number of mirages attacking the west".

 Ask for collection!Ask for a recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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