Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 257 I, Huang Jiang, the little man in the eyes of the ship girl

Chapter 257 I, Huang Jiang, the little man in the eyes of the ship girl

Huang Jiang and Lexington did not stay warm for long. After inspecting Wutou Island for a while, Huang Jiang and Lexington took Hood straight to Iris Island.

Along the way, Hood looked suspiciously at the two people on the deck who were sculptures. They had been standing there, but they didn't even say a word, just quietly blowing the sea breeze.

"Did you do something shameful?" Hood leaned out of the window and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"No." Huang Jiang denied immediately.

"No." He emphasized again.

Lexington glanced at Huang Jiang and opened his mouth, which almost scared his little heart out. Fortunately, Lexington's final answer was: "No."

"This is not a shameful thing." Lexington stretched and said calmly.

Huang Jiang's eyes were darting around, but he didn't dare to look directly at Mrs. Lie.

"I thought the commander was cheating." Hood sniffed, turned around, and continued to drive her ship.

"What is stealing?" Huang Jiang quickly explained, but when he turned around, he found that Hu De had no intention of listening at all.

Hood's muffled voice could be heard faintly in the cabin: "But it's impossible even if you think about it. The commander won't like ordinary women. He just likes to be on the ship."

"Don't mess with the word "get on the boat." Huang Jiang covered his face and leaned on the railing. The sea breeze blew through his fingers, blurring his eyes, and tears of humiliation flowed out.

"Don't you want to get on the boat?" Lexington leaned into Huang Jiang's ear and murmured quietly.

"Ah?" Huang Jiang looked at Lexington in surprise.

Lexington blushed and turned his head to look at the scenery beside him, but there was nothing there except the sea.

"What were you talking about just now?" Huang Jiang asked in shock.

"No, talking to myself." Lexington did not look back, and even gradually turned around, with her back to Huangjiang, her ears turned red.

"Will talking to oneself reach someone's ears?..." Huang Jiang said speechlessly.

"That's because you have good hearing." Lexington was shy. She didn't know why she said such a thing to Huang Jiang. Could it be that she was pretending to be a girl before and failed to perform?
"But I can obviously feel the heat in my ears!" Huang Jiang didn't know why, but today he just wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Lexington gave Huang Jiang a hard look.

"Are you... are you flirting?" Hood walked in from inside.

"It doesn't count." Lexington saw Hood coming and returned to her original appearance. She naturally took Hood's hand and pulled her to her side. Hood's body blocked Lexington's face. .

Lexington didn't know what was said in Hood's ear, but Hood laughed, and he no longer looked like the aristocratic lady he had been before.

But she no longer had this attitude when she ran to sail the boat.

Hu De always kept his stature very low in front of Huang Jiang.

Even the slow Huang Jiang finally realized this slowly.

"Is everything really okay over there on Edelweiss Island?"

After chatting privately for a long time, Lexington finally brought the topic back to business. Huang Jiang, who had been dazed for a long time, finally came back to his senses and nodded: "Welsh and the others are here. Definitely no problem."

"Don't underestimate the Royal Navy's battleship, Lexington." Hood's face showed a rare look of pride, "We are the only organized main fleet besides you." Indeed, this is the case, the game is organized There are many ship girls, but the only two fleets of the British and American fleets that form a single force and have sufficient attack capabilities. There are not many French ship girls, and except for Richelieu, none of them can keep up with the times, and the Soviet fleet This is especially true for ship girls. The most outstanding thing about the Japanese series now is the need for support. As the core aircraft carrier team, it is the first choice for rapid promotion activities. However, the Japanese series' independent battleship system still lacks an actual leader. As for King Kong's seemingly beautiful system BUFF, it has never been put to use.

As for the fishery policy, hum!In terms of combat, the lovely Changchun is omnipotent. She is a system by herself.

"I don't mean to look down on you." Lexington squeezed Hood's hand and rested his chin on Hood's shoulder, "Don't try to alienate me from Guanghui and the others."

As a powerful support in the aircraft carrier group, Lexington is the one who brought the Brilliant Sisters from the newbies to the full level. She has a really good relationship with Chipeng and the Brilliant Sisters.

"Come on." Hood rolled his eyes, "I can guarantee that if we compete for favor, those juniors will definitely go to your side."

"Eh..." Huang Jiang hesitated, reminding them if the topic had gone off track.

Hood folded his hands and glanced at Huang Jiang: "I forgot that the person with the crookedest butt is sitting next to him."

"Huh? It's unfair." Huang Jiang didn't know that he just shouted, and Hu De's fire would reach him.

"Aren't you going to sail the boat?" Lexington watched as the speed of the boat slowed down little by little.

"We're almost there." Hood pointed to the harbor head that appeared in the distance, "It's time to go in."

"I'll go with you." Lexington smiled and held Hood's waist.

Huang Jiang was stunned for a while, pointed at himself, and said, "Aren't we going to talk about Edelweiss Island again?"

The two ship girls laughed when they saw the confused Huang Jiang.

"Why are everyone different today?" Huang Jiang scratched his head in confusion when he saw Lexington and Hood talking and laughing in the cabin.

"Hehe, how was today's result?" Hood winked at Lexington.

Lexington rolled his eyes at Hood and said, "I never thought you would encourage me to do this."

"There is no other way." Hood returned to the driving seat and slowly sailed the ship into Iris Island, "We are all on a wedding ship, so we don't do it first, but our commander is too dull. You and he are the only ones who have made progress. If you don’t let him cross your wall, he won’t be able to see the magnificent scenery behind the wall.”

"There are also a group of wedding ships whose eyes light up when they see him." Lexington said with a smile.

Hood laughed too, but said nothing.

"What if I don't let him see behind the wall?" Lexington said after a moment of silence.

"No," Hood said reassuringly, "At least it won't be like this in Lexington."

After hearing this, Lexington was stunned for a moment, then smiled. He looked out the window at Huang Jiang who was still scratching his head. He lowered his head and murmured: "I can be jealous too..."

"Do you want us to give you a little bit?" Hood raised his eyebrows.

Lexington just lost his smile, and was suddenly amused by Hood: "I will restore the Huangjiang River to its original appearance..."

"No, you don't need that kind of scumbag commander who wants us to comfort him even if he gets married." Hood pouted and said seriously, "You scumbag who only wants to get married but can't get married should quickly correct his amnesia while he's amnesia." It’s good.”

"Ha." Lexington nodded Hood's head, "What are you thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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