Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 284 Royal Navy, charge!

Chapter 284 Royal Navy, charge!
I don’t know since when, Hood and Bismarck had some tacit understanding.

When he saw Bismarck's resolute eyes, Hood already understood that this old enemy of the battleship caught in the mirage had already put all his hopes on her.Especially when Eugen started fighting with his back to Bismarck, Hood's feeling became even clearer.

So she couldn't help looking at Bismarck.

At this time, Bismarck also looked at her from afar.

The two people's eyes met, and without any words needed, Hood already understood what Bismarck meant.

"Qi, you are really not afraid that I will harm you intentionally." Hood muttered.

Then, Hood set his sights on Firefly. This cute destroyer was holding up her little water gun with a strong look on her face, guarding the carefree fantasy.

Judging from the fantasy, it was probably him who fell down again.

It's really worrying.

Whether it's a fantasy or a firefly.

"What to do, Senior Hood." The lion also saw Bismarck in the distance. This situation undoubtedly put Bismarck's fleet on the fire, and his own fireflies were still inside.

Probably because most of our own destroyers are naughty, the cute and cute Firefly is unanimously loved by the big sisters of the battleships. Among them, the three sisters who love insects the most are the three glorious sisters. They teamed up to create the current magical girl suit for Firefly, which can In other words, unlike Fubuki's second-class magical girl, Firefly was created by the three glorious sisters to be a genuine technological side magical girl.

Although he can't be like Guanghui and the others, the lion is also very concerned about the fireflies.

Unlike Hood, who focused on Bismarck, Reputation and the Prince of Wales also saw the fireflies caught in the mirage's defense.

The two battleships' eyes immediately widened, and their main guns were directly aimed at the "Sunfish" who were attacking the fireflies.After the Firefly Dreadnought was hit and sank, the ship was completely destroyed and turned into a civilian. With the efforts of the commander, she finally regained her identity as a ship girl, which made all the ship girls in the Royal Navy at that time have a sharp rise in Huang Jiang's favor.

It can be said that Firefly is the favorite of the Royal Navy.

Seeing that the group's pet was being besieged, how could Reputation and the others not be angry? If it weren't for the mission issued by Huang Jiang, they would probably have transformed into Nelson of Section 29 right now, rushing up to be the Explosive Hammers who bullied Firefly's mirage. Dog head.

Fortunately, Hood still retains his sanity.

She didn't want Bismarck's determination to be in vain due to their impulse.

The always-embarrassed royal flagship finally showed the decisiveness she usually concealed.When Hood ordered the entire team to continue attacking the enemy in front of them, Reputation and others were a little surprised.

But when they saw Hood standing in the breeze, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

So elegant.

As expected of the successor chosen by both Warspite and Elizabeth.

You know, as the flagship, the one who loves Firefly the most is actually Hood.

There was an explosion in the distance.

All the ship girls were shocked.

The Prince of Wales was drinking red wine elegantly, and she thought it was just a simple pursuit mission.She stopped when she saw Bismarck and the Mirage Troops behind her.When she saw that the fireflies were among them, she put down her glass.

The huge explosion just now shocked her.

The delicate red wine glass fell into the sea, and the red wine inside spilled out, floating on the sea like a pool of blood, and then quickly faded until it disappeared.

Wales completely ignored his beloved glass and looked forward.

When the smoke cleared, Bismarck and the others were fine.

But Eugen was obviously struggling, his mouth was slightly open, and he kept breathing.The shell just now was obviously not an ordinary shelling, and it seemed that Eugen was very reluctant to block it.

Seeing this, Hood stopped staying and ordered loudly: "There is no time. We must destroy the enemy in front of us as quickly as possible. Only in this way can we get Bismarck and the others out of the predicament!" Although Reputation and the others were concerned about Fireflies, they I also understand this truth.Edelweiss Island sent such a large team to rescue the "Sea Urchin" troops. It was obvious that they attached great importance to this main force.

It is not difficult to see from their impetuous attacks that they are trying to get the fleeing troops in front of them out of danger as soon as possible.

Hood and his party have shifted their focus from destroying the enemy to protecting the safety of Bismarck's fleet.The purpose of both parties is to rescue teammates who are besieged by the other party, and the besieged teammates are in front of the enemies of the rescue team.

In such a complex battlefield, no one has time to think about specific tactics.

Now, it's time to fight for combat capabilities.

After all, the Royal Navy must eliminate the mirage troops in front of them and successfully merge with the Bismarck in the middle in a very short period of time in order to break the current deadlock, thereby taking all the advantages of the battlefield into its own hands.

In order to achieve this goal, Hood finally got serious.

A faint colored light emitted from her flagship position. At the same time, all the ship's ships were dyed with a layer of brilliance.

Glory to the Royal Navy!

This is a skill that Hood always dares not to use easily.

This is the flagship skill. It is almost terrifying for the blessing of reputation and others. However, it is also a double-edged sword. If you are not careful, the entire fleet will collapse under the enemy's indiscriminate bombing. It is common to be destroyed. thing, so Hood generally prefers to use Royal Parade, a skill that increases fleet speed.

However, now, the Royal Navy fleet has occupied an absolutely T-optimal formation, and there is no need for pursuit mode now.

The situation Bismarck faced was very urgent, and it was no longer a situation in which he could retain his strength.

Under the glorious blessing of the Royal Navy, the entire Hood fleet was in high spirits.

Seeing such a situation, how could "Sea Urchin" not understand the situation?

Although I don’t know what happened to this sea soul force that is clinging to me, but judging from their performance, they are definitely going to use a decisive blow against me! !

"Sea Urchin" was horrified, and the bombardment attacking Bismarck's fleet became more and more rapid.

And "Sunfish" was even more shocked.

She had long noticed the Sea Soul troop in the distance, but she had never paid attention to the main force of the Sea Soul even though the Sea God was worthy of it. In her eyes, it was all just illusion, and they were all paper tigers.

However, the moment Hood made up his mind, the temperament of the entire fleet changed.Even the "Mola" had to pay attention to this high-spirited force.

Her intuition told her that this was a powerful force that could strangle her.

Facing such a force, even the "angler fish" may not be able to escape safely.

This is obviously going to kill "Sea Urchin" and the others!
"Mola" became more and more anxious.

However, Bismarck became more and more calm in the face of the increasingly rapid attacks from both sides.

Hood got serious.

Then the mirage won't last long.

This is confidence in an old friend.

Hood didn't know what Mirage was thinking, and she didn't want to know.

Hood waved his hand, calmly and almost terrifyingly:
"Royal Navy, charge!"

(End of this chapter)

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