Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 348 Internal Cleansing of West Wind Drifting

Chapter 348 Internal Cleansing of West Wind Drifting

"How long will it take to build the dock?" Huang Jiang stood on the desolate Malan Island.

Looking at the remaining buildings of the Edelweiss Collar in the past, Huang Jiang was quite emotional. Despite the mirages, especially the high-level mirages, they had certain intelligence, but their lives were like wild beasts. Such exquisite houses were abandoned.

On top of these ruins, the infrastructure team from Jialan has already spoken. The first thing they have to do is to build several roads on Malan Island that run through the island. Fortunately, Malan Island is not very big, and this project does not Not too big.Today, Jialan is in a stage of rapid growth, with infrastructure projects in full swing. The infrastructure team that is still in the training stage is forced to grow into the best infrastructure team in the Blue Federation under the huge project pressure.

However, in the past few months, most of Garland's infrastructure team has been deployed to build new highways across the commonwealth.This federal highway plan led by Rockefeller and constructed by Garland Construction Group carries the opportunity for Garland's rise. Once the entire federal highway is connected, the demand for cars will surge. While the Standard Oil Group brings huge profits, it will also inject a powerful stimulant into the industrialization of Garland. At that time, Garland will start on Violet Island and start further industrialization with Garland Automobile as the core, starting from the textile industry. Waiting for light industry to move forward to heavy industry.

Due to the huge amount of work, Huangjiang had to share a large part of the project with other construction groups. However, this also indirectly won the favor of some members of the business alliance, allowing Huangjiang to have more say in the business alliance besides Joey. , which will be of great help to Jialan’s future development.

"It can be initially put into use tomorrow spring." Stoll's answer brought Huang Jiang back to reality.

"So fast?" Huang Jiang was a little unbelievable. This was not a game. He could shoot the base wherever he wanted in a short time.

"This is the magic of money, sir." Stoll showed a smile, "We pay them ten times the commission, and they reward us five times the efficiency. In fact, Carnation's shipyard holdings have reached the limit, and they have already I haven't started work for several years, so I just use our project to practice my hands, so that the employees will not be born."

Huang Jiang shrugged. He was an open-minded person and would not blindly interfere in things he didn't understand. He didn't know anything about the shipyard, but Stoll's work was inseparable from the shipyard. He must know better than himself. There are so many, and with Stoll supervising the work, Huang Jiang is no longer worried about cutting corners.

"So will the Sea Soul Mothership not be produced until next year?" Huang Jiang asked the question he was most concerned about.

"The research and development of the new model will take until next year." Stoll said, "But ships like the Iris, which is converted from a general resource ship, can be produced in a temporary dock, and with the Iris in front, we The technology has also matured a lot, and if you need it, we will probably be able to equip the Sea Soul ladies with two new Iris-class Sea Soul Motherships by the end of the year."

"So fast!" Huang Jiang was greatly surprised.

Stoll smiled: "We are a team from the best shipyard, and efficiency is definitely not a problem. In fact, this kind of transformation does not take much time, especially in wartime, like before the Iris. In that way, we are all fighting while transforming.”

Stoll thought for a while and continued: "In fact, if Jialan's industry is more mature, I think our construction speed can be faster. Some necessary parts still need to be purchased from outside, which is a lot of waste on the road. Less time.”

"I will." Huang Jiang promised.

After all, this is part of his plan.Now Jialan is carrying out Huangjiang's plan steadily and orderly with the dividends from steel, electricity and automobiles.

At the same time as the road construction on Malan Island, there was also a tractor factory on Iliao Island and a car factory on Violet Island.

You must know that even in the current Federation, except for a few important islands in the territory such as Sunflower Territory, which have achieved industrialization, most of the territories in the Federation are still in an agricultural-based structure, and many places have stopped at enclosure. The labor force was wasted in vain, but it allowed Jialan to eat well and absorb a large number of people, which to a certain extent solved the headache that Huangjiang had always had.

According to Lexington's calculations, when the next generation of Garland grows up, Garland will completely get rid of the need for immigrants and become self-sufficient in the labor force.

Huang Jiang took a deep breath and looked at the sunset in the distance.

The emblem on his left hand trembled slightly, Huang Jiang clenched his fist and took a look.

It's news from Lexington.

【Haikongxing, is resurrected. 】


Huangjiang staggered and fell into the sea.



Tea Island.This territory that originally belonged to the Edelweiss Territory is now the headquarters of the West Wind Drifting West Sea Fleet and is the core of the West Wind Drift's management of the Edelweiss Territory waters.

At the same time, this is also a rare aluminum ore producing area in the blue world. Mirage is able to mine a large amount of aluminum ore here every year, and the annual output has far exceeded the needs of the "Flying Fish" troops.However, out of a cautious attitude, Angler Fish continued to increase production, and all excess aluminum ore was transported along transportation lines to the core waters of the West Wind Drift.

In the center of Tea Island is the largest mother body in this sea area. It has a huge body and covers 90.00% of this huge island. Only a circle of land is exposed on the edge where it meets the sea.

After nearly a week of sailing, "Warship Bird" returned to Tea Island with its last subordinate.Standing on familiar land, she couldn't help but burst into tears.

Finally escaped!

She recalled the scene when she led the troops to leave the tea island that day. It could be described as a happy spring breeze.

Originally, she thought that her mission was just to show "Anglefish"'s determination to deal with Jialan.In fact, she did this very well. The "Sunfish" on Evelvet Island was successfully trapped, losing part of its troops and temporarily losing the threat to the dominance of "Anglefish".

Everything is perfect, you can imagine what kind of reward you will receive when you return.

However, she never expected that the situation would take a turn for the worse in the next few months. Before she could report back to Cha Island, the powerful sea soul troops from Jialan tore through the solid three-island defense line, almost overnight. In a short period of time, the originally impenetrable Violet Island became an ancient city.

She is determined to kill her enemies.

It's a pity that "Anglefish" ordered to retreat.

Violet Island surrendered to Jialan almost without resistance.

Of course, "Warship Bird" didn't know that "Sardine" who stayed behind Violet didn't resist, but now she has no such thoughts at all.

She almost ran as fast as she could and threw herself into the mother body of Cha Island.

She didn't want to return to her ancestors and become a madman.

Her men did the same.

"What a shame!" "Flying Fish" said angrily as he watched "Frigatebird" behave from a distance.

"I heard that they encountered a return to their ancestors?" But Angler Fish smiled, and it didn't look like he had lost the battle at all.

"Yes." "Feiyu" looked very ugly. After all, it was the mirage in her army that returned to her ancestors.

"'s really scary."

"Indeed..." Feiyu said with lingering fear as he recalled the atavistic phenomenon he had encountered.

"Then..." "Anglefish" showed a bright smile, "In order to prevent the spread of atavism, it is reasonable to carry out epidemic prevention measures."

"Feiyu" got excited and replied tremblingly: "Yes...yes."

"Ah, ah, ah." Anglerfish's eyes curled up, and he covered his mouth with a frightened expression. "Then make good preparations, and you must not let the atavism spread inside the West Wind Drift~!"

"Didn't those old guys just lose the battle? They're really annoying." "Ankler Fish" murmured as he looked at the sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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