Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 708 Milton’s Melancholy

Chapter 708 Milton’s Melancholy
Milton woke up from his sleep and stared at the ornately decorated ceiling for a few minutes.

When he completely woke up from the sleepiness of getting up, anger filled his heart again.Milton had been trained as a candidate for governor since he was a child. He knew that as the supreme lord of a governor-general, he needed to remain calm at all times.However, what happened in recent months has caused Milton, who thought he was rational and calm, to lose his temper repeatedly. Not long ago, he even got angry in front of all his subordinates.

In Milton's eyes at this time, he was surrounded by young men.The Lann family handed him the list of nobles that Jialan had secretly bribed, and constantly encouraged him to support them in dealing with Jialan's leaders, completely cutting off Jialan's path to further growth.

Milton didn't know the ambitions of the Lann family, but when he saw the list, his mind was like a boiler and he almost exploded on the spot.Every name on the list was a lord who had solemnly sworn loyalty to him.There are several clan leaders among them who are his right-hand men, and many positions in Tulip Leader are in their hands.

Among them were not only industrial aristocrats, but also many landed aristocrats.

Milton found it difficult to understand why these land aristocrats, whose land was left uncultivated and in crisis because of their labor force being robbed by the Garlands, would be related to Garlands.At that moment, Milton even believed that the list was deliberately fabricated by the Lane family in order to intensify the conflict between Tulip and Gloria.

However, when he reviewed the families on the list with an extremely lax attitude, he found that even under the most lenient regulations, they were all people who were actually doing business with Jialan.

This time Milton was no longer calm.I did have my own selfish motives in dealing with the Jialan leader at the beginning, thinking that Jialan had offended the majesty of the governor and needed to scare the monkeys, but it was also to appease the nobles under his command and make them think that he was still insisting on safeguarding their interests.

But now?
I was under huge pressure from public opinion to attack the Jialan Territory for them, but in the end, these guys were doing one thing openly and another behind the scenes. As a vested interest, they sold themselves out as the governor first?
Milton was so angry that he acquiesced to the Lan family's actions.But as a governor, even when angry, he still has basic thoughts.Seeing that the Lann family was so active in connecting with various governors, and even acting in their own name in some places, Milton knew that there might be considerable facts about Jialan's bribery, but there must also be the Lann family behind it. .

Intertwined with suspicion and anger, Milton accidentally looked back and suddenly found that he was alone.And he is a very thoroughgoing person.

When he promoted extremely radical policies in the past, it was not without opposition from the nobles, but at any time, even if thousands of people blamed him, the Kenna family would always be his most solid backing.But now, according to Standal's intelligence... I'm afraid his family is not reliable anymore.

After the market integration, goods from various regions began to be interconnected, but the forces in various parts of the Blue Federation were very complicated. It goes without saying that it would be difficult for a foreigner to sell his own goods.So Jialan Ling started first, using the successful experience of HM Clothing, selecting agents across the federation, and then handing over its own industrial products to local agents for sale. This method increased the price of the products, but for Jialan Ling He said that their biggest advantage is that their industrial products are very cheap. Even if the middlemen make the difference, they are still cheaper than products from all territories.

In this way, Jialan saves the cost of rebuilding local power, and at the same time successfully recruits a large group of forces, which also allows Jialan's influence in the middle level of federal management to gradually increase, and it has gradually risen to the top. The Kenner family This is the beginning of this trend.

When Milton first learned that his family was the dealer of Jialan Automobile in Tulipland, he was shocked, and then became extremely angry.To him, this was a huge betrayal.What could be more powerless than being stabbed in the back by one of your own family members?

Don't they know that they are acting like this to maintain the core interests of the Kenna family?
Milton immediately wanted to give up the agency of Jialan Automobile, and took the lead in organizing the expulsion of Jialan products from the Tulipland Industry Association. The name was just to protect the local industry of Tulipland (although Tulipland had no other business besides farming). What local industry?).

However, the idea of ​​this matter was quickly vetoed by Milton himself.

Because... the money given by TM Jialan Automobile is too much.See this entry.Milton finally understood why Gloria was able to rise rapidly in just a few years.For deacons, money is king.

Just being the general agent of a place has wealth that makes the governor attracted. So how rich is the headquarters of Jialan?

After figuring this out, Milton felt an extremely real fear and an imminent threat.

If we really want Jialan to continue to grow, then who should have the final say in the tulip collar?

After explaining this point, Milton finally gained the support of his family with great reluctance.For the entire Kenner family, money is just an embellishment, and power is the core.Only with power can they use the governor's credit to gain more benefits, not just wealth.

However, at this time, the previous conflicts between the two were only based on official conflicts originating from Cycad Island. No matter how much background Jialan Automobile has from the Jialan Deacon House, it is still a private capital. If the young man opposite If people don’t want the incident to escalate, then they are happy to make the money.

But what Milton didn't know was that this was what Huang Jiang was happy to see.

When there is an entanglement of interests with an enemy, it is destined that both parties cannot be enemies forever.Huang Jiang does not want to be an enemy of the Tulip Territory forever, because from reality, it is almost impossible to defeat a governor. Even if Milton falls, the next Tulip Governor will still be Kenner. The conflicts between the governors will not change, and the other governors can at most point fingers at Tulip, but they cannot directly interfere with Tulip's affairs. This kind of thing is a tacit understanding between the governors and is a taboo. The federal federation is actually a kingdom federation. , so fighting is okay, there is no need to fight to the death, but Huang Jiang will never suffer, and even wants to make a profit with blood.

Huang Jiang hopes to let the Lann family charge forward and break through the currently blocked passage to become the governor. However, he also needs to leave a way and be ready to counterattack the Lann family at any time so that they cannot threaten his development. When the time comes, he will inevitably have to fight against the Lann family. Use the tulip collar like Lane used Milton.

Of course, these things are going too far. I am afraid that Huang Jiang and Milton will definitely find it funny when they mention these things.

It is estimated that this governor does not know the nature of human beings.

Taking my profit does not mean that you can ignore it if you can. The big stick of small money can knock people unconscious.

It's too early to knock the Governor unconscious, but there are always people who get knocked unconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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