Admiral in the Azure World

Chapter 742: Resolutely kill Chef Tirpitz!

Chapter 742: Resolutely kill Chef Tirpitz!
The confrontation on Xia Cao Island had nothing to do with Tirpitz's fleet.After the Z-driver arrived and took over the other side of the island, Tirpitz and Bismarck led the fleet into the resource zone waters according to the original channel.

Since it was the way they came here, the first island they encountered was naturally...Huangyang Island.

This is also their first goal in this battle.

Although the resources of the aircraft carriers can still be maintained for a period of time, with such a huge disparity in the strength of the two sides, it is unlikely that the carriers will cannibalize the islands in the resource belt from the outside inward, because on many of the islands in the middle, mirages are all Very strong defenses were built, as well as one or even several powerful mirage troops.

Huangjiang's method is very simple, which is to directly skip the islands that are the focus of mirage defense and attack the islands with weaker defenses. These islands are the vast majority of the island groups in the resource belt.Normally, these relatively weak islands would be radiated by the core islands where powerful mirages are stationed. In fact, there would not be much difficulty in defense. This is also the way most defense networks are composed. Even mirages cannot do this. Every island in such a large area of ​​​​sea is strictly guarded.

But things are different now.The aircraft carriers relied on their air superiority to firmly suppress the mirage troops on the core islands and were unable to come out for support. The shortcomings of these vulnerable islands became particularly prominent.

Huangyang Island is the only island in the resource belt that does not have rich mineral deposits. Naturally, not many mirages pay attention to it. The defenders on the island were originally weak. The temporary defenders who had been replenished by the night were actually a little stronger.

But this kind of strength is only relative, not to mention that Bismarck skillfully burned down the island's resource warehouse before leaving.This caused serious difficulties in supplying the defenders who came in a hurry overnight. They could only rely on transportation under night to obtain very few resource supplies from the tea island.

On one side is the Tirpitz fleet, which is full of fighting spirit after recharging its strength, and on the other side is the Mirage garrison, which hastily settled in and has insufficient supplies.There was no surprise in the outcome of this battle.

After occupying Huangyang Island again, the follow-up destroyers quickly followed. Guarding such an island does not require too many ship girls, and the Z destroyer fleet only dispatched four destroyers.

After Tirpitz and the others repaired themselves, they set off again in the evening without spending a whole night.The closest destination to Huangyang Island is definitely Tea Island.However, the strength of the defenders on Tea Island is completely conceivable, and it is still unknown how long the aircraft carrier resources can support it. Bismarck does not want a fleet to challenge Tea Island alone. Let’s not talk about the outcome. Time is destined to be wasted. Instead of this, It is better to bypass the tea island.

The Tirpitz fleet entered the waters of Tea Island. From a distance, they could see Saratoga and their bombers opening up over Tea Island. Did they explode several fireballs in the sky? It didn't take a second thought to know that they were teaching again. Mirage aviation.

The fleet quickly passed through the waters of Tea Island and headed straight for Kapok Island behind Tea Island.

"Huh?" Bismarck glanced at the radar with a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Sister?" As the flagship, Tirpitz saw the strangeness in his sister and asked curiously.

"There is an unknown signal on the radar." Bismarck said seriously.

Eugen hurriedly asked, "Is it a mirage?"

"Not sure... Send the identification code quickly." As he spoke, Bismarck was already preparing the main gun. The chance of meeting his own family members at the enemy's words was really low... It was almost like meeting Hood when he went out.

"It's the Hood Fleet." Eugen said quickly.

"...?" Bismarck touched the main gun with some embarrassment, "Why didn't I know? What are Hood and the others doing?"

"They set off from Fritillaria Island and their destination was Jingan Island, which happened to pass through this sea area." Prince Eugen explained, and it seemed that he had already had a detailed communication with Hood.

"No matter how urgent the mission is, is this too hasty? At least we have to notify nearby friendly forces, especially now that we are still operating within the enemy's sphere of influence." Bismarck scratched his messy hair with a headache. It's not a matter of embarrassment or not. If Eugen hadn't contacted and identified the Hood fleet in time, she would have fired this shot.

"Well..." Prince Eugen said hesitantly, "Hood seems to have informed you."

"Why didn't you receive it?" Bismarck frowned. "She seems to have blocked you..." Eugen said, dumbfounded, "and then gave up sending messages..."

"What a mess..." Bismarck had a hard time understanding Hood's train of thought.

Tirpitz chuckled and said, "Can't you understand this? She blocked you last time. She wanted to send a message this time, but she felt that taking the initiative to remove you from the blacklist was too proactive. She couldn't overcome the problem in her heart. Daokan, I would rather take a risk and wait until you ask her to remove you from her blacklist."


"To put it simply, Hood is arrogant." Tirpitz continued with piercing eyes, as if a otaku had met someone who was smoking CP, "Oh my god, you have to know that there are very few Hoods nowadays. And Huang Jiang Aojiao."

Although Bismarck did not understand what Tirpitz was saying, she instinctively rejected the words that appeared in Tirpitz's mouth, just as she rejected the books that Tirpitz was selling at some strange exhibitions featuring her and Hood. Picture album is average: "Stop messing around, use your number to reprimand her! She's just messing around!"

Tirpitz stuck out her tongue. In fact, she was the culprit in this incident. The reason why Hood blackmailed Bismarck was the result of her overdose on CP last time.

The message was sent quickly, and Hood replied at the speed of light: "That guy asked you to say this, right? The tone is exactly the same."

Tirpitz replied with an emoji.

Although there were some accidents in the middle, at least nothing happened this time. After that, Hood finally took the initiative to restore normal relations with Bismarck.

"Lest you make mistakes in recognition in the future and I accidentally hurt you." This was the first sentence Hood communicated with Bismarck again.


"Look, look." Tirpitz said to Bismarck with excitement, "I just said that Hood is very suitable for twin ponytails."

"What does the twin ponytails have to do with this?" Bismarck looked hard to understand.

Tirpitz said matter-of-factly: "It must be a pair of ponytails! Tsundere, blond hair and a pair of ponytails are the highest purity!"

Bismarck remained silent, his eyes gradually becoming sharper... Oh no, in Tirpitz's eyes, this look was very dangerous, just like the teacher's expression when he was about to confiscate his comics.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong!" Tirpitz completed a set of apology moves with unusual skill.

Bismarck was speechless. He covered his face and said helplessly: "Speed ​​up the speed. Hood knows our strategic goal. If she is allowed to capture Jingan Island first, she will inevitably come to ridicule us."

"Oh, we fall in love and kill each other."

"Huh?" Bismarck looked at Bei Zhai.

"Yes!" Beizhai shouted, "Tirpitz fleet, advance three!"

(End of this chapter)

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