Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 124 124 Big Octopus

Chapter 124 124. Big Octopus

The octopus tentacles wrapped around two people who went into the sea to detect data. When the two parties were struggling with unequal strength, four more people groped over.

Subconsciously, the two people held by the octopus shouted loudly and kicked their legs that were still free to move, signaling the four people not to come here if there was danger.

The man whose breathing tube was entangled only felt that he was getting more and more out of breath. Then, the next second, a mouthful of salty seawater suddenly choked into his mouth and nose. He felt dizzy and coughed violently. Tears flowed for a while.

He realized there was something wrong with his breathing tube.

It is likely that it was scratched by garbage during the dive and started to seep.

He knew very well what this meant in the deep sea, not to mention that he was now considered a "hostage" in the hands of the giant octopus and could not move.

In his heart, a burst of unspeakable emotions suddenly surged, including loss, sadness, regret, and a trace of tragedy.

The other four people still came over, and when they swam closer, the two realized that they were four soldiers, not their colleagues.

They had obviously seen this octopus. Its huge head and well-developed tentacles were all intimidating.But they still came to the rescue without hesitation.

His consciousness was a little blurry, and the man who was trying to control his breathing felt a warm current in his heart when he saw this.

He thought in his heart, thank you for being able to feel the warmth of being cared for in the last moments of my life.


When Tang Qinqin and others dived to the same position, the battle situation had escalated to one against six.

Strictly speaking, it was one-on-five. The person whose breathing tube was leaking was so exhausted that he could hardly even make a struggle.

The air in his chest, which was already scarce, was stretched thinner by the octopus's tentacles. He did not dare to breathe hard. The seawater seeping into the breathing tube was slowly increasing. If he breathed hard, he would be choked by the seawater. He felt that he It's about to explode.

His abnormality soon attracted the attention of a soldier.

Through the transparent mask of the diving helmet, his face was flushed, and he was obviously not normal compared to the other person.

He immediately made a gesture, greeted his companion, and quickly approached in his direction.

When Tang Qinqin and others came, they happened to see a long octopus arm that could attack the warrior's back at an extremely fast speed.

"..." Shocked by the sight of such long octopus tentacles, Tang Qinqin couldn't help but dilate his pupils.

How many meals does this take?

Realizing that she was off topic, she wanted to give herself a slap. When was it, what were she thinking.

Although I don’t know if the ability of infinite strength can be used in sea water, an octopus whose size is enlarged dozens of times is still an octopus. Although it is smart and playful, it cannot be as clever as a human being. As a coastal city resident, he has grown up eating seafood. In the eyes of the big Tang Qinqin, big octopus = seafood.

Perhaps the last deep-sea phobia training was so effective that Tang Qinqin became more courageous. At this time, she rushed over without fear like a newborn calf.

The soldier had discovered the problem with the man in abnormal condition, because water began to leak from his mask.

The soldier stepped forward without hesitation, untied his own equipment and planned to put it on for him.

He knew what it meant for a mask to leak.

He also knows what he's doing.

This dimly lit seabed may very well be his final destination.

But the movements in his hands did not stop at all. After preparing his equipment quickly, he began to unbutton the mask of the purple-reddish man in front of him. Then, after taking a deep breath, he unzipped the helmet masks of the two people as quickly as possible. exchanged.

The mask is connected to a breathing tube. As long as the person wears it properly, his condition will improve, but he needs to be sent to rescue as soon as possible. After all, long-term poor breathing may cause unknown damage to the body or brain. hold up.

As soon as he took off the mask, the sea water from all sides quickly surrounded him, and the pressure of the sea water in the deep sea began to act on the surface of his bare head and face, and he felt the breath he held back was quickly dissipating.

After putting the mask on the other person, he was relieved. Although a little seawater had entered, it was not a big problem, and it was much better than not being able to breathe.

Under the man's grateful and worried eyes, he smiled calmly and put the helmet mask with a broken breathing tube on his head.

All this happened in an instant. After doing all this, he felt his hands trembling.

He turned back and glanced in the direction of his comrades, then raised his head again and tried to see through the sea, his eyes full of nostalgia.

Breathing became increasingly difficult. The comrades were fighting the octopus with the newly added forces. The sea water was turbid with the ink sprayed by the octopus, making everyone's vision even darker.

It is not a good thing to have the enemy in the dark and the enemy in the dark.

Being in the dark is suitable for hiding and conducting sneak attacks.

Tang Qinqin didn't know what was going on with him. The closer he got to the big octopus, the more excited he became in his mind. It seemed like a voice kept shouting, good ingredients, good ingredients!Discover fresh and great ingredients!

Help!Why are you just thinking about eating at this time?

Deeply regretting his "ignorance", Tang Qinqin gritted his teeth and restrained his untimely excitement at the moment.

She quickly took out an empty half-person-high jar that she had redeemed with 50 points. It was the kind of container with a narrow mouth and a round belly, and put the mouth of the jar toward the octopus's head.

This is a common method used by people along the coast to hunt octopuses. It takes advantage of a characteristic of octopuses, which is that it likes to "borrow into empty shells." It likes to dig into the empty shells of conches or oysters to protect its soft flesh.

People at the beach often take advantage of the low tide to half-bury various jars on the beach. After the sea tide rises, they can come back to "treasure hunt", which is basically a worthwhile trip.

In particular, octopus of various sizes are harvested, and sometimes crabs, fish, etc. are also harvested.

The turbid line of sight at the bottom of the sea made it difficult for both parties to see each other's position. Tang Qinqin, blessed with the ability to have a clear mind and a bright eye, drove the plug-in all the way to the big head of Brother Octopus with round eyes.

One person and one fish stared at each other for a few seconds. Tang Qinqin raised the jar in his hand, and suddenly an eye-catching scene in "Journey to the West" about the Purple Jade Gourd between Sun Wukong and the Silver-Horned King in the Lotus Cave came to mind. An unforgettable classic scene: "I call you, do you dare to say yes?"

Tang Qinqin couldn't help but chuckle.

"Big Octopus, if I call you, do you dare to agree?"

"Big seafood! Big seafood!"

As the current gradually washed away the turbid water in front of them, everyone who could see their surroundings again began to look around for their opponents.

The surrounding area was empty, and the large shadow that had just existed when the octopus existed was no longer there.

"Did you just run away?"

"It is said that when an octopus is in danger, it will release ink to confuse its vision and take the opportunity to escape. It seems that it ran away."

"It is indeed rare to see such a large octopus at this depth. Its appearance may just be an accident."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a hint of inexplicable disappointment hidden in their hearts.

But the most important thing right now is to seize the time to send those who need medical treatment ashore for treatment.

Everyone knows that divers cannot ascend quickly to prevent "decompression emergencies" caused by the difference in internal and external pressure.

There are now some safer methods for diving quickly in emergencies, but they are not suitable due to lack of preparation at the moment.

The crisis was temporarily lifted. Two soldiers and two players continued to dive and strive to complete the measurement of the data. The others escorted the soldier who sacrificed himself to save others and the surveyor who had gradually recovered his mental state to slowly rise back to the sea surface.

Tang Qinqin pursed his lips to hide his overwhelming excitement at getting what he wanted.

I'm still thinking, well, how many big treasures on the bottom of the sea have I missed due to my phobia of the deep sea?

(End of this chapter)

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