Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 130 130 The shark opened its mouth for help

Chapter 130 130. The shark opens its mouth for help

We also dealt with a few sea turtles that were entangled in plastic bags. Since their injuries were minor, they could be returned directly to the sea. The sea water is rich in salt, which can disinfect and disinfect their wounds.

It was the next "patient"'s turn. Tang Qinqin looked up and was almost scared out of his mind.

A shark whose head was much larger than hers opened its mouth in front of her and showed its fangs.

The sight of four or five rows of knife-like teeth makes people shudder.

There are about 5-6 rows of teeth in a shark's mouth. Only the outermost ring functions as teeth, and the others are spare teeth.When the outermost teeth are lost or damaged, the inner teeth will quickly come in to replace them.

Shark's teeth are fixed in a different way than we conventionally think. Its teeth are easier to fall off, which also leads to the replacement of tens of thousands of teeth in its lifetime.

The shark opened its mouth wide, and Tang Qinqin heard its painful roar.

"It hurts! My throat hurts!"

Seeing the fish around him retreating away, Tang Qinqin took a deep breath, listened to his own pounding heartbeat, and moved his head closer to the shark's mouth.

The dim sight in the sea prevented her from seeing the problem clearly for a while.She turned on the headlights, and this time the shark's mouth was illuminated so brightly that it was unobstructed.

"Fishhook?" At the shark's throat, Tang Qinqin saw a shiny metallic object, with one end embedded in its flesh and the other exposed.The skin in that area already had some signs of redness, swelling and pus.

This is not a type of fishhook commonly used by ordinary fishermen. This fishhook is a large fishhook used in sea fishing, and the hook head is also thicker.

Tang Qinqin was a little hesitant at this time.

Regardless of its terrible bloodthirsty reputation, it is just a marine animal that accidentally swallowed a fishhook and became unwell waiting for rescue; but we have learned lessons from ancient times about accidentally getting ourselves involved with good intentions, such as "The Farmer and the Snake" , "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf".

Tang Qinqin was not sure how much "conscience" the ocean beast in front of him had compared to snakes and wolves. After all, in their world, the law of survival was the law of the jungle.

The protective bracelet only activates automatically when she encounters a life-threatening danger. Tang Qinqin believes that if she is bitten by the shark's dense teeth, her life will not be in danger for a while.

"Can I skip it?"

"Isn't this a mandatory question?"

"It's a big gamble."

Maybe Tang Qinqin hesitated for a long time, and the shark opened its mouth a little tired, so it closed its mouth impatiently and stared at Tang Qinqin with its small focused eyes.

"Little Shitou, I need your help." Tang Qinqin called Obsidian, who was sleeping in a dark place.

"Give me the spider silk, and I'll find a way to tie it to the fishhook and pull it out."

After much deliberation, the idea of ​​saving sharks equally won out by a slight margin, and Tang Qinqin decided to give it a try.

But at the same time, she was extremely vigilant in her heart. She tied spider silk around the shark's teeth. The strong obsidian material kept its excellence well, and the sharp teeth did not cause any damage to it.

Tang Qinqin planned to enter the shark's mouth together. This was the safest way she could think of at this time.

Only stick your head and one arm in. When the shark closes its mouth, its body will be bitten and the bite will bleed. The bloodthirsty ocean overlord in front of you will be even more excited.It is better to enter the shark's mouth as a whole and secure yourself from falling into the shark's stomach and being corroded and digested by the acidic secretions, and you still have a chance to save yourself.

Tang Qinqin quickly got into the shark's mouth.

He took out another piece of spider silk and tied it tightly to the fishhook. After tying it, Tang Qinqin quickly exited the shark's mouth.

"It's really exciting." Quanxu withdrew completely. Tang Qinqin felt a sense of joy of surviving a disaster, "Get ready, three, two, one!"

She tightened the spider silk in her direction. The tough and elastic spider silk was as tight as a taut bow string. When the shark grinned in pain and fluttered randomly, making the surrounding sea water turbid, it was accompanied by a stream of blood. The fishhook that had been bothering the shark for a long time was finally successfully removed.

Feeling the long-lost pleasure and relaxation, the shark opened and closed its mouth several times, excited.

When it finally came out of its excitement, it swam in front of Tang Qinqin and flapped its short fins to thank him.

"Let's go, let's go," Tang Qinqin wished that this great god would leave quickly. Every nerve in his body was tense.

As for the wound in its mouth, the "culprit" fishhook has been taken out, it's nothing but a slow recovery.

When the shark swam away, the surrounding marine animals gathered around it again.

A clownfish swam cautiously from the rock gap where it was hiding, and opened its mouth towards Tang Qinqin.

However, it does not have a mouth full of suffocating fangs. It swallowed a plastic bottle cap by mistake and got stuck between its cheeks, which made it difficult for it to eat later.

"Poor little boy." Tang Qinqin felt a little sorry for these innocent marine animals.

We can still ask humans for help. In more unknown places, many poor little animals die silently, paying for human mistakes.

Another turtle swam over.It looks funny with a straw stuck in its nostril.

"I think Jiang Huaiyi will complete this game task more perfectly. Although he is a land animal doctor, he must have more experience in dealing with problems than us."

While Tang Qinqin gently touched the turtle's head soothingly, he carefully picked up the exposed end of the straw with tweezers and pulled it out.

"Be careful in the future." After "receiving" several turtles in a short period of time, Tang Qinqin felt very uncomfortable. She looked at the backs of the turtles swimming leisurely and contentedly, hoping that they would avoid these potential dangers in the ocean.

Next, Tang Qinqin also encountered marine animals that were tangled up in floating plastic products and unable to break free. They accidentally ingested plastic products, causing indigestion and difficulty in eating. They even suffered from poisoning, behavioral disorders, hunger, suffocation and other serious conditions.

Even when he was practicing in a medical clinic, Tang Qinqin had never encountered so many "patients".

She started a live broadcast, intending to let more people "feel the same" and see what these innocent lives suffered.

"Maybe the picture will make you feel uncomfortable, but this is reality."

"They're struggling to survive in places we don't normally see."

“...There is no need for everyone to go to the sea to rescue them personally. We just need to reduce the use of single-use plastic products from now on, carry water bottles and shopping bags when going out, and do not litter everywhere... These commonplace basic qualities should be implemented to everyone’s actions.”

In fact, these heart-wrenching images are just the tip of the iceberg.

In the news of a certain country, a stranded whale carcass was found to have as many as 80 plastic bags in its stomach, weighing 8 kilograms.

The image of an albatross whose stomach was full of bottle caps starved to death on the beach appeared in newspapers.

There are also countless turtles and dolphins that have died after eating plastic bags...

According to statistics, about 15.6 billion masks have been thrown into the ocean in the past two years. About 1100 million tons of plastic waste flows into the ocean every year, accounting for 85% of the total marine debris. In another 30 years, the total weight of plastic waste in the ocean will will exceed the weight of fish stocks, and all ecosystems from river sources to oceans are facing increasing threats.

Marine life faces not only threats from marine garbage, but also new problems such as oil leaks, nuclear wastewater pollution, and acoustic environmental pollution.

(End of this chapter)

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