Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 148 148 The Involved Old People

Chapter 148 148. The Involved Old People

As the herbs grown in Tang Qinqin's companion space, small courtyard and back mountain matured and harvested batch after batch, her planting talent level gradually improved, and now she has reached the intermediate planting talent level.

Significant results have also been achieved in improving the germination rate of Gastrodia elata and the survival rate of Dendrobium officinale seedlings transplanted in the field.

Although the growth rate of these two is still slow, with more "juniors", the number of the family has suddenly expanded, and people no longer worry that they have become an endangered species.

After the completion of the first traditional Chinese medicine hospital in the Sunset Red series, relevant state departments rectified the Chinese herbal medicine market.

The original herbal medicine market was a mixed bag of good and bad, and adulteration and counterfeiting were everywhere.

There are also many precious medicinal materials with extremely high medicinal value that are resold overseas, but are rarely available in the domestic market.

Under heavy pressure, the development of traditional Chinese medicine has been difficult and slow. Many prescriptions have not exerted their original effects and their medicinal properties have been greatly reduced.

To reverse this situation and expand the future market of traditional Chinese medicine, all people need to participate.

Relevant state departments have begun to popularize the knowledge of Chinese herbal medicines to the general public, and have even set up a special subject of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine from childhood, and have offered courses from elementary school onwards.

Originally, there were many folk herb collectors who made a living from herbal medicines. Most of them knew the properties of medicines, could handle medicinal materials, and knew how to grow herbal medicines. They were hired by local departments as "full-time personnel" - responsible for finding rare wild herbs, cultivating seedlings, and teaching.


The laurel tree "propagated" more than a dozen pots of vibrant seedlings with its own branches, and they have been reserved by friends and senior fellow students.

The flower language of laurel is the honor of victory and sweet love.

A wreath of laurel branches is called a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory and honor.

The "scent leaves" we use daily when cooking hard vegetables are its dried stems and leaves.

The laurel tree picked up by Tang Qinqin has already donated several leaves to be dried and used to stew pork ribs, pig's trotters, chicken, duck and goose.

At this moment, the atmosphere between her and it was a little delicate.

"Are you really not going to think about it?" A thin voice sounded.

Tang Qinqin looked up at the ceiling in confusion.

In my lifetime, I have not been urged by my parents to fall in love, but I have been cared about by a small bush about major life events.

This wonderful experience is really indescribably weird.

"I can bring you sweet love. Although it is not as passionate and unrestrained as a rose, it is absolutely elegant and romantic." The laurel tree is still trying to recommend itself. In its view, the survival of the race is very important.

So after he had many "descendants", he began to worry about Tang Qinqin's emotional life.

"Maybe you can't understand that we are different, Little Yuegui," Tang Qinqin decided to reason with it: "Human beings are very complicated, not as simple as you. Many things need to be carefully considered and considered, especially feelings. More What's more, I'm so busy that I hit the back of my head every day, and I don't have time to fall in love."

"To maintain a relationship, you need to spend time and accompany each other. At present, it is not the time to fall in love. I admit that he is very handsome and I do have thoughts about him, but simple liking is too much. It’s too cheap, and until I’m not sure about my feelings, it’s better to keep a distance.”

The little head of the laurel tree could not understand the complexity of human beings. She shook the leaves of the tree and did not continue to speak.

However, things in the world are sometimes unexpected.

Tang Qinqin never thought that she would soon be exposed to sweet love.


The first phase of the sunset red series of infrastructure projects was completed quickly. The surrounding supporting facilities are complete, such as nursing homes, hospitals, cultural and entertainment centers, and universities for the elderly. Soon after its opening, it received rave reviews, not only from the elderly, but also from the psychological counselors, chefs, doormen, nutritionists who stayed there. Teachers and others are very happy.

There is a folk saying: "An old man in a family is like a treasure."

The life experience, work experience, life experience, etc. accumulated over half a lifetime are enough for them to become life teachers and bring valuable life wealth to the young people around them.

In the past, people had strong hands-on skills and could basically repair things at home if they were broken. Nowadays, young people rarely have this skill. When things break, they must either send them for repairs or throw them away; in the past, it was basically necessary to make clothes and needlework. Everyone is good at it, and many people nowadays can’t even sew buttons.

Therefore, when an old man in a nursing home carved a lifelike auspicious ornament out of old tree roots, it quickly became the favorite of the young people in the nursing home.

If no one around them does these things, they may not feel it is a big deal.

Seeing the irresistible charm of the craftsmen from the inside out, everyone gradually became unable to sit still.

Not to mention that netizens in the live broadcast room love to watch the simple but wise handicrafts of the elderly, but the young people in the nursing home will go to the elderly to "steal from them" whenever they have free time, and the elderly are suddenly busy.

When other old people saw it, they also showed off their unique skills, such as straw weaving, dough making, mortise and tenon joints, tie-dyeing and even sugar painting, and the inner scrolling was in full swing.

More and more people are paying attention to this bustling nursing home. From time to time, primary and secondary schools organize students to come and interact with the elderly in a friendly manner, but in fact they quietly "steal teachers".

Most old people don't mind having their skills learned from others, especially the younger generation.

As I get older, I don’t have much else to think about. I am very happy to see someone inherit my craftsmanship. The key is to feel the excitement of having someone around me. I can’t wait to show off my special skills and become the most beautiful “ancestor” in the nursing home.

Traditional handicrafts sometimes emphasize a "master-apprentice" relationship. If you see it right, you will seriously become a master and accept a disciple. One will teach carefully and the other will learn seriously. Both parties are very satisfied.

In this benign development environment where the craftsmanship is passed down, the elderly are not alone, and young people can learn more useful things, the second phase of the sunset red series infrastructure has also begun.

The new infrastructure mania - the excited old players all ran in front, followed by a much larger team of new players.

So far, Tang Qinqin's senior brothers and sisters have all joined the player team. Although Mr. Qi is interested in games, he ultimately chose to be a "left-behind old man".

"This is the home ground for you young people. I, the old man, will not join in the fun. You can go and have a good time while you are young, but the ugly words are ahead. No matter what your status is, you are all my apprentices. I taught you Don’t forget things. Don’t forget your original intention either.”

"Always remember your identity and responsibility as a doctor."

Tang Qinqin and his senior brothers and sisters nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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