Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 160 160 The Silent Truth (1)

Chapter 160 160. The Silent Truth ([-])

[Welcome to the "The Silent Truth" Quiz Game.

The difficulty level of this round of answering game is +++. There are five big questions in total. The game scenes are random. Players are asked to explore the game rules by themselves.The game is about to start, please be ready. ]
Tang Qinqin tossed the eraser in his hand up and down, eager to try.

This is the first time I have encountered a game that requires you to explore the rules on your own.

[Silent truth one: As the crystallization of the wisdom and hard work of our ancestors thousands of years ago, ancient books are one of the cultural treasures that we need to protect and cherish.

However, ancient books themselves refer to those books that were not printed using modern printing technology. Their preservation is not easy, not to mention that they have to be passed down through the baptism of time. Many ancient books that exist today are damaged, moth-eaten, moldy, and "adhesive." "serious" becomes a "book brick" that is difficult to read.

In reality, we are faced with problems such as a lack of professionals in the protection of ancient books, a small establishment, insufficient staffing, closed management, and low utilization.

The current situation of ancient book protection is worrying.

The mission of this game is to learn and become a qualified and excellent protector of ancient books, repair ancient books, achieve ancient books, let more people understand, respect, love and voluntarily protect ancient books, protect and inherit the excellence of our nation accumulated for thousands of years Traditional Culture. ]
Ancient books are ancient books, and ancient books are an elegant name for ancient books.

Tang Qinqin is very interested in becoming a protector of ancient books.

But obviously this is not a skill that can be learned simply. To learn the skills of protecting and restoring ancient books, you not only need to learn knowledge from professional books, but also need to be led by a master and then "practice" yourself.

However, the scarcity of ancient book conservators shows that it is difficult to find a master to lead the way.

Even if you find good luck, whether someone is willing to take on a disciple and whether they have time to take on a disciple is another matter.

However, the players were lucky, there happened to be an ancient book restorer in the live broadcast room.This old master is 60 years old and has been engaged in the research and protection of ancient books for 40 years.

After hearing about the players' intention to study, he pondered for a long time before nodding his head and agreed, but there was one condition: they must pass his test.

And this test will be placed after the players learn from him for a month.

Players who have been in the same team with Tang Qinqin for a long time consciously took this learning opportunity seriously. When the master taught and explained, they all sat upright like primary school students and carefully took notes during the class.

Brother Tang Qinqin and others who have been free recently also came to study with the master. Qi Lao is very supportive. On the premise of not delaying his job, he is willing and supports the young people to learn more skills, not to mention that he can also get in touch with some Ancient medical books, I am also very interested in these books that contain the valuable professional experience of our ancestors.

In fact, you can only learn a superficial knowledge in a month, but you can also differentiate between superficial knowledge and superficial knowledge.

When the appointed time arrived, the old master started his "disciple selection" inspection with a straight face.

"Everyone sit down, don't whisper to each other, and write your own answers. My exam is divided into two parts, one is the written test, and the other is the answer question."

Looking at the "disciple Miaozi" sitting full of people below, the old master suppressed the corners of his lips that couldn't help but curl up.

Craftsmen all have a bit of a weird temperament and a bit of aloofness, but there are almost no craftsmen who don't like to accept apprentices, especially talented apprentices.

Indeed, there is an old saying: “Teach the apprentice to starve the master.”

But few people want to see their line of work have no successors and lose its inheritance.

Each player has a blank piece of paper, a pen, and nothing else in front of them.

"Now, please listen carefully to the question."

"Tell me one of the units with the richest technology and experience in the restoration of ancient books of ethnic minorities in our country."

Tang Qinqin wrote "Yun Province Library" without thinking.

Yunnan Province itself is a province of multi-ethnic integration, and the Yunnan Province Library has achieved breakthrough results in the restoration of ancient books of ethnic minorities such as Yi, Tibetan, Dongba Sutra, and Dai.

"Have you finished writing? Next question," the old master walked with his hands behind his back: "Write the meaning of organizing ancient books."

"The arrangement of ancient books is the various processing of the original ancient books. The purpose is to make the ancient books more convenient for current and future generations to read and use. It can also be said to be the field of arrangement of ancient books."

Thanks to the improvement in learning ability and intelligence attribute points, Tang Qinqin has a good memory for the key points taught by his master.

"The third question is the methods and processes of organizing ancient books."

Tang Qinqin thought for a while, and wrote down the answer with confidence.

The old master's "loving" eyes couldn't help but glance here again.

"The fourth question is not the method of sorting ancient books, but a process of sorting ancient books, but what is indispensable for any ancient books after sorting?"

"Preface and Postscript."

These two words may seem simple, but to truly write a good preface and postscript requires more knowledge.

"The last question is how to remove mildew stains on ancient books."

"Use a cotton ball dipped in ammonia or alum water, and gently wipe it on the mildew spots on the pages. After it is removed, use absorbent paper to blot it dry..." Tang Qinqin, who has perfect theoretical knowledge despite having no practical experience, wrote neatly Answer below.

"Okay, write your name on the answer in your hand and pass it from the back row to the front, as fast as you can."

The old master urged.

"After the transfer, please sit down where you are. Questions and answers will begin shortly."

Before anyone could figure out what was special about this "question" and why it was raised separately, the players in the front row had already started this part of the exam.

However, they were called to the master one by one individually.

Ask in person and answer in person.

It turns out that this is the special meaning of "quiz".

Every player who answers the question will leave directly, and the master will make his or her own judgment by making a check or cross on the list.

This also made the remaining players want to ask the "vanguard" what questions they had but had no chance, and all of them looked anxious.

Song Yuanze made a "come on" gesture to Tang Qinqin quietly and sent an "autumn spinach" as a takeaway.

Tang Qinqin was nervous, so he just smiled lightly, then returned to his senses and sat quietly, watching the master's "interview" process with other players.

When it was their turn, Lan Lan, who was sitting outside, came on stage first.

Seeing the tragic emotion on her face that "a strong man is gone and never comes back", Tang Qinqin was amused and his heart, which was beating so nervously, was somewhat relieved.

Lan Lan answered the question smoothly, because Tang Qinqin noticed that the corners of the master's mouth were a little high, and his face looked more amiable.

After Mengru came up immediately, it was Tang Qinqin's turn.

 Yesterday was National Day, my mother’s birthday. I went home. It was the busy time of autumn harvest, so I didn’t have time to update. I apologize to the little cuties who like this book.

  I will take the time to make it up, and wish everyone a happy National Day!

  May my motherland prosper and the country be rich and the people be strong!

(End of this chapter)

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