Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 174 174 The Silent Truth (5)

Chapter 174 174. The Silent Truth ([-])

"He seems to be crying."

Tang Qinqin whispered in Song Yuanze's ear.

He didn't notice that her ears, which had just come into close contact, turned red instantly.

Song Yuanze blinked uncomfortably, his heart pounding like a deer, his heart beating loudly.

"Why are you looking at me, let you look at the village chief!" Feeling the scorching gaze that had been falling on him after knowing it, Tang Qinqin was ashamed and annoyed, and glared at him angrily.

Villagers who heard the loudspeaker broadcast came to the village head one after another to gather.

How the items are distributed is the village chief's business, and "outsiders" cannot interfere. The two of them stood aside with the truck driver to act as mascots. They only waited for the village chief to finish his speech before working part-time as porters to unload the items from the truck.

The little old village chief looked very cunning, but his prestige in the village was not small. He only coughed lightly with his hands behind his back, and the lively discussion below suddenly stopped and fell into silence. Everyone raised their heads and looked forward obediently.

After briefly explaining the situation, the little old man waved his hand to dismiss the meeting, and the old people lined up in an orderly manner.

The three mascots watched in amazement.

Tang Qinqin noticed that although these left-behind elderly people looked thin and wore ordinary clothes, they were all very energetic. Even the elderly people with physical disabilities had beaming smiles on their faces.

Um?Is it their arrival that makes these old people so happy, or is it the wrong way to open it?

Thinking about it with my toes, I know that this full of energy cannot be gathered in a short time.

This can only show that even though this is a village that lacks the vitality of young people, even though it lags far behind the rapidly developing urban living standards, and even though there are still various shortcomings, the spiritual life of the old people in this village is They are full of vitality, energy, and faith. Their presence breaks the three people's stereotype of the elderly left behind in the countryside.

I couldn't help but look at the little old man who was looking smug at the moment. I really couldn't tell that underneath this "greedy and money-obsessed" appearance, he actually hid a lot of ability and was a popular person.

Song Yuanze stood aside. The old people in front of him gave him a familiar and friendly feeling. After observing with doubt for a while, he finally understood where this strange feeling of familiarity came from.

These old men are most likely their senior comrades. Most of them still retain the memories and habits of the military green that was once full of blood and glory.

That spine that cannot be bent even by the passage of time, that clear and sharp gaze, that inadvertently revealed posture and movement...

He couldn't help but look back and look for the village chief.

This seemingly thin and frail little old man is actually quite extraordinary.

Several playful children ran over and looked at the excitement here with wide eyes.

They are also thin, but compared to these old people, they appear much plumper.

It was obvious that they, these naughty boys, had received more care.

However, Tang Qinqin subconsciously looked at his phone, and then looked up at the clear-eyed child next to him in confusion.

"Hey kids, are you guys on school holidays now?"

Tang Qinqin first thought of the reason why the school-age children who were going to school did not show up in class.

The little boy, who was as tall as Tang Qinqin's waist, blinked innocently at Tang Qinqin and said nothing.

He is a good obedient boy, the village head uncle can say that he can't talk to strangers.

Although the sister in front of me is very beautiful, she doesn't look like a bad person.

Tang Qinqin also seemed to be aware of the problem, so he gave up continuing to "difficult" the children, and instead took Song Yuanze to find the village chief.

After hearing the question, the little old man squinted his eyes to hide the cunning glint in his eyes.

However, Song Yuanze could clearly see his little actions and emotions.

He stood calmly next to Tang Qinqin, his eyes mostly focused on his girlfriend, looking extremely harmless.

The little old man glanced at him several times in confusion, but couldn't find anything wrong. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, could it be that the sharp look that could almost see through people's hearts just now was really not the kid in front of him?
"Actually, few children in the village go to school." The little old man looked downcast. "The children's parents go to work outside, and few of them are taken with them. Those who stay are lucky enough to be able to follow their grandparents. , grandparents, some can only adapt to independent life early on their own, or the older one can take care of the younger one and depend on each other."

As he spoke, he used his sleeve to wipe the corners of his eyes where there were no tears.

Tang Qinqin and Song Yuanze couldn't help but twitch their lips.

This little old man is a dramatist!

"Those who can go to school are from better-off families, but you have also seen that the living conditions in our mountain valleys are like this. How many children can have good conditions? Most children do not have the opportunity to go to school, or how many years have they studied? I was forced to drop out of school..."

"The oldest of the children left behind in the village is twelve or thirteen years old, and the youngest is just over one year old. Well, that tall boy over there is the brother of the one-year-old baby. Both his parents have gone out to work. He has to take care of his younger brother and his little sister who has just been weaned."

"Actually, there are literacy classes composed of us old men and women taking turns teaching them every day. After all, knowledge is power, and the children are the hope of the future. This is the only effort we can make..."

Tang Qinqin, who felt sour in his heart, unknowingly had red eyes.

Xu was already deeply involved in his feelings, and the village chief also truly joined the red-eyed team. Even inexplicably, Tang and Song became slightly hunched when they saw his back that had always been straight.

Even though he had already guessed that the little old man in front of him wanted to play the emotional card to steal their wool, the fact was exactly what he said. Tang Qinqin could see the expectation and disappointment in the eyes of the children around him when the village chief talked about going to school.

As for the little old man's appearance of being a money-obsessed philistine, Tang Qinqin simply ignored it and even felt a little cute in it.

This bad old man who is a dramatist is actually doing it to benefit the children in the village.

Although the state and all sectors of society have many support measures and welfare subsidies for left-behind elderly people and children, in our vast land, there are still some remote places with limited information, lagging development and backward educational conditions.

Even the children in Dashan Village who can go to school have to travel long distances every day to study in the only school in the town.

In that school, there were no more than five or six teachers and even the principal.

The left-behind elderly people in Dashan Village refused to accept their fate, and followed the little old village leader to tinker with handicrafts. With their own efforts, they have supported three school-age children to study in the classroom. Although it is a drop in the bucket compared to the number of children left in the village, but After all, I saw hope.

(End of this chapter)

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