Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 187 187 The Silent Truth (28)

Chapter 187 187. The silent truth (28)
I don’t know how Tang Qinqin persuaded Zhang’s father to surrender, agreeing to have his daughter accompany him, and began his father-daughter’s “grand ambition” of becoming a soldier.

At this time, one of the future founding protagonists of this hegemony is looking at the few dozen followers in front of him with a embarrassed face, and the empty pockets without a trace.

"It's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice..." As soon as Zhang's father opened his mouth, Tang Qinqin raised his hand: "This is easy to handle!"

The big guy who has taken over Zhang's house now, isn't he just here to give away equipment!

Also let him know that there is a price to pay for occupying the magpie's nest!
But Tang Qinqin didn't tell Zhang's father this.Before he showed a certain level of strength, he would not believe that his always pampered and good daughter actually became fond of talking with her fists, and even had crazy thoughts of "robbing families and homes".

As for his few troops, they don't even have enough to eat, and they can't even carry a stick. They can't expect to be able to grab equipment. It's better if they don't give away their lives.

Tang Da tricked Qin Qin into sneaking into Zhang's house quietly at night.

Oh, it can no longer be called "Zhang's House". The symbolic plaque at the door has been removed and replaced with "Liu's House". Listening to how loud and impressive the name is, Tang Qinqin is quite satisfied anyway. It shows that there should be a lot of good things in it, so it's worth being happy!

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and it is suitable for doing some chivalrous deeds, robbing the rich and helping the poor, which is not good enough for outsiders.

Because there were no surveillance equipment in this era, Xiaoqi was used as a living map, which was more convenient than various navigation systems.

In the courtyard, the many potholes left by most of the green plants following Tang Qinqin were renovated and other valuable flower bonsais were planted. Tang Qinqin also saw several very exquisite rockeries and rocks, and even ten A few beautiful koi.

In the spirit of plucking geese's feathers, Tang Qinqin packed them all up and took them away. For a time, the companion space became a lot more lively. Team Gouzi and Meow Meow happily inspected the new scenery that appeared on the territory, and were very satisfied.

After removing the lush and vibrant courtyard, Tang Qinqin didn’t even let go of the sleeping horses in the backyard. He directly let them move to a new home in their sleep. By the way, he played with the guards who were on duty and patrolling the yard from time to time. hide and seek.

The remaining key weapons arsenal and small treasury have not yet been found.

The most important items should be found in the most heavily guarded places. Where there are intensive patrols, there may be "treasures" buried there.


Zhang Baoguo and several of his classmates and friends participated in this national defense war. They took to the streets, holding banners and shouting slogans to protest against the thieves' occupation of the country and at the same time, they wanted to wake up their sleeping compatriots.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance; where there is response, there is hope.

But after all, I underestimated the wolf ambition of the thieves. After a long time of planning, how could they easily give up this land, which is rich in products and rich in resources and rich in heritage for thousands of years?

The national defense war officially kicked off when the thieves deliberately provoked trouble and fired the first shot.

Warlords from various places who still had their minds and consciences intact also joined hands to fight against the thieves and jointly resist the invasion.

Zhang Jingzu, who had regrouped and had updated equipment, once again took up the banner. At this time, he had already recruited the teams of two other defeated warlords. As for the two traitors who had been cheating on others, they had been tied up and beaten to a state of disgrace. Their legs were broken and sent to the central government. On trial.

"Manman, you won't regret it?" Zhang Jingzu asked with a complicated expression the day before the battle to regain the Northland began.

He vaguely felt that the girl in front of him was not his own, but the bond of blood could not be faked, and he only persuaded himself that in troubled times, it was a good thing for her daughter to have the ability to protect herself, and there was no need to delve into the rest.

What's more important is that the hatred between the country and the family is at present, so he puts this little thought aside.

I don’t know how good it is to serve the country now, or whether the school is safe...

The heart of the old father who is worried about his children is particularly strong at this moment.

"I don't regret it." Tang Qinqin looked serious and spoke firmly.

As a latecomer, reading through the modern history of the motherland, every frame is the growth of painful blood and tears, all of which explain that if you fall behind, you will be beaten. Self-improvement is the kingly way. The strength of the motherland requires thousands of people to work hard. Every inch of the territory of the motherland must be fought for, and no inch of it will be given away!
She was fortunate to be born in a peaceful age, under the red flag, and grew up in the spring breeze.She has seen the prosperity of the country and the safety of the people, the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the people.

I have also seen people walking forward with heavy loads, and the people guarding them behind them are peaceful for a long time.

If she only had a grateful heart before, now in troubled times, she is extremely determined to learn from thousands of predecessors, carry the bright red flag, go to the front line, go to places where the motherland needs it, and serve for the motherland. Do your part to protect the country.

After she heard these words spoken, the warm beating in her chest responded to her heart.

Tang Qinqin pursed her lips, as if she felt a trace of wish from the original owner.


Born in an era of peace and harmony, even after going through various tests and experiences in many games, Tang Qinqin was still very uncomfortable facing a real war involving bloodshed and sacrifice at first glance.

She saw burned houses, destroyed families, killed lives, and heard the sad and tragic cries. This calm land became a mess and covered with ashes during the war.

He looked up at the sky that was darkened by the thick smoke, wiped the tears that rolled down his cheeks unconsciously, and looked at the bravery of the people around him who rushed towards the thief regardless of their own safety. Tang Qinqin gritted his teeth and tried hard to control the discomfort in his heart. Joined the team to kill thieves.

At this moment, there are only two words left in my mind, kill the thief!
As time goes by, the huge differences in weapons and equipment between the enemy and ourselves gradually become apparent, and thieves with more sophisticated weapons and continuous back-up support begin to gain the upper hand.

However, the determination of the Chinese people to defend the territory and defend the country cannot be underestimated. After half a month of fierce struggle, the "Zhang Family Army" led by Zhang Jingzu finally succeeded in regaining another piece of land occupied by the bandits, but it also paid a high price.

Whether it is confrontation or defense, the current team is in urgent need of replenishing manpower and various combat readiness resources and weapons.

Tang Qinqin, who became disgraced after struggling on the real battlefield, also quickly grew into a real "warrior".

The cavalry level of Zhang Jiajun has always been good, and they have great advantages in combat. Because they are located in the north, most of the soldiers are northern men. They are tall and have long legs. Although they cannot eat enough due to the war, they look a little sallow and thin, but they are full of energy and energy. Quite enough, everyone has light in their eyes, and everyone has faith.

(End of this chapter)

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