Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 189 189 The Silent Truth (3)

Chapter 189 189. The Silent Truth (Thirty)

"Rhubarb, well done!"

A clear and sweet female voice sounded, and the yellow-haired dog who was named and praised happily wagged his tail.

It was the loyal dog that was kidnapped by the thieves before.At this time, it was holding a skinny gray rabbit in its mouth and it ran all the way back to Tang Qinqin.

After being raised by her for a few days and cleaning up the scars all over his body, this dog already looked very spiritual again.

"You need to take good care of your injuries first. After you heal your injuries, I will take you to find your master." Tang Qinqin gently touched the ragged fur that was cut to make it easier to apply medicine, and saw the light in its eyes become even brighter.

"Woof, woof!" Dahuang was very happy when he thought that he would be able to return to his master soon.

It looked at the person in front of it again. This person was also very kind to it, very good. It was she who saved it...

"These days, even rabbits really can't get enough to eat." Tang Qinqin took the poor rabbit caught by Rhubarb. It was quite big and had long forearms. Unfortunately, it was light and flimsy in his hand, with only a few ounces of meat.

Animals may still be able to eat enough in the inaccessible mountains and old forests, but in today's human world where even grass roots and bark are treasures, they have to search the entire mountain to fill their stomachs with food. How much rations can be left for them? .

After patting the rabbit that was dying of hunger or fright, Tang Qinqin took it into the companion space.

Forget it, think of another way.

Is he just so skinny, stewed and gnawed on bones?
She herself is not short of food. What is short of food is the growing Zhang family army as the territory is recovered.

More and more people who do not want to be enslaved and oppressed, who have awakened the blood in their bones and stand up to resist, have joined the team. There are even octogenarians who are trembling when they walk, and small children of three or four years old who are so skinny and heartbreaking that they are below them. .

Before finding a suitable village to house these old and weak children who needed care, Zhang Jiajun kept them firmly in the center of the team along the way. As the population in the team increased, the demand for food and water also increased greatly, and the nearby "rich "Households" have been emptied by her.

The more Tang Qinqin looked at it, the more he felt that his path of "robbing the rich and giving to the poor" could actually be broadened and his vision could be further set.

With so many mouths open, how can you have the strength to fight off intruders without eating enough?
At this time, the last area of ​​the northern battlefield has not been recovered. It is the richest and most productive area in the Northland, and it is also close to the border.

There is a very important stronghold for the thieves there, and it is also an important military base. It is heavily guarded and difficult to approach.

Tang Qinqin couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth when he thought of that.

It's better to be on strict guard. The more guarded you are, the better it is that there are good things.

And since this is the last bandit stronghold in the north, why not just make the dumplings and cook them in the pot?

The recovery of the Northland is just around the corner!
After some gearing up, Tang Qinqin said hello to Zhang's father and went alone to find out the details of the enemy camp.


The thieves do not want to see the awakening of the Chinese people, because this will seriously affect their sinister invasion plan.They began to concentrate their firepower on those cities and areas where there were awakened leaders and important members of the resistance to the invasion, and carried out armed attacks from both air and land. It didn't matter that the resulting artillery fire was in the sky, the ground was covered with scorched earth, broken walls, and corpses were everywhere. …

In the face of the national crisis, young students who were serious about their studies and wanted to serve the motherland with success in their studies have abandoned their pens and joined the army. In order to defend the integrity of the motherland, to protect the integrity of the motherland, to protect their families and thousands of compatriots, the young students also began to shoulder the burden He picked up the sword, picked up the weapon, and tried his best to kill the enemy bravely...

At this time, Zhang Baoguo, who was in a foreign land, was striding towards several fighter planes parked on the tarmac in the college with other students.

These fighter planes have always been the treasures of their academy. They are the heart and soul of every Air Force student and they are cherished during training.

But today is not training.

Every figure walking towards the fighter plane is an outstanding student from the academy. On their shoulders, everyone's expectations and missions are now shouldered. They are about to fly the fighter plane and fight the enemy in the air.

Zhang Jingzu, who didn't know that his own son was about to embark on the battlefield, was leading the growing Zhang family army to advance towards the last bandit stronghold in the north.

The old, weak and young were not suitable for the severe cold weather that was about to be faced. They had been taken away in batches by the civilian escort team and arranged well. At this time, all the remaining people in the team were "elite soldiers and strong generals".

"Boss, why don't we buy some more dried chili peppers to take with us? It's only going to get colder and colder along the way. Brothers are wearing thin clothes, so I'm afraid they won't be able to withstand it. Chewing some chili peppers in your mouth will make it better... "

The soldier in charge of logistics distribution in the team came forward and asked Zhang Jingzu, with an indelible sadness on his brows.

Those dog thieves were hiding in the mountains with plenty of supplies, and they were not afraid of the cold. However, they did not have cotton-padded clothes or trousers, and they did not have enough food. They were afraid that if they entered this snowy area, they would die of cold and starvation before they could confront the enemy...

He turned his head and glanced at the same empty thin clothes that the boss was wearing, and felt sad.

Zhang Jingzu is a rare governor who can be called kind, close to the people, and capable of commanding. He is rigorous in governing, generous to others, decent, and does not like personal enjoyment. He is a very popular leader.

This is why many people are willing to follow him.

When Zhang Jingzu heard this, his thick black eyebrows also frowned, but he still waved his hands calmly on his face: "Huzi, don't worry yet."

He saw the anxiety and confusion on his brother's face, but he was not in a hurry to explain.

He did not forget the little look in his daughter's eyes before she left. It was clearly a sign that she had gone to "rob the house".

Sometimes I suddenly think about it, the sweet girl that he and his wife have loved for more than ten years has become more and more happy on the road of being a man under his nose, and is gone forever.

I hope that when I meet my wife in the future, she can hold on and accept this reality.


Dragging the branches to hide the footprints left by her and her "little brothers" on the snow, Tang Qinqin confirmed Lao Zhang's location, then directed her little brothers to carry the dozen large packages she had packed, and arrived at the location she said , push down the mountain.

A dozen brown bears of various heights, short, fat, and thin, with clumsy bodies and cute manners received the order and used their strong bear paws to push the packages down like snowballs. They thought it was Tang Qinqin playing a game with them, and they were all excited. The meaning is still unfinished and the howling continues.

Patting the sturdy little brothers one by one to signal them to be quiet, Tang Qinqin paid them the generous "reward" he had prepared in advance, and then chased them back to hide and hibernate, so as not to be stared at.

Watching their retreating figures until they disappeared, Tang Qinqin quietly followed behind and eliminated their footprints as quickly as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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