Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 194 194 The Silent Truth (35)

Chapter 194 194. The silent truth (35)
However, Tang Qinqin's coma could be regarded as a "blessing in misfortune". When her consciousness fell into a deep sleep, she dreamed of the original owner's original life.

Zhang Manman is a tall and slim lady of the Republic of China who received good education and new ideas. She is gentle and polite, kind and not squeamish. She is very favored by Zhang Jingzu and his wife. Her brother who is two years older than her also loves her very much.

After Zhang Jingzu disappeared, the Zhang family fell into chaos. It was Zhang Manman who stabilized people's hearts, calmly commanded everyone to leave, and went to his grandfather's house with his mother and Aunt Lian.

But in that war-torn era, three weak and helpless women were walking alone on the road, each competing for their beauty and beauty. It was easy for them to be targeted and become lambs in the mouth of evil wolves.

In order to protect her young lady and the young lady, Aunt Lian was beaten to death and taken away. She was sold far away and never heard from again. The charming Mrs. Zhang was robbed by another group of thugs and became the "Mrs. Yazhai". , because she refused to obey, she suffered a lot of torture and had mental problems; Zhang Manman, who was in her youth, was sold to a rich old man in his 60s to be the concubine of No. 18 house. Because he was young and inexperienced in the world, , who didn’t know how to fight in the inner courtyard, and was disfigured by the eldest lady who was jealous of her youth and beauty. She used dark methods to destroy her appearance, and her voice was damaged with medicine.

Later, he escaped by chance and joined the Weiguo army. However, his body was very weak due to being tortured, and he missed his family too much and became ill. He regretfully passed away not long after.

Until the moment she closed her eyes, she had never seen her family again, nor had she heard even a shred of news about her father, mother, and brother.

Another regret in my heart is that I haven’t had time to contribute to the defense of the motherland, and I haven’t had time to fight side by side with like-minded comrades...

The game progress bar, which had been as steady as an old dog for a long time, quietly increased to 90% while Tang Qinqin was in coma.


After Tang Qinqin finally woke up, Zhang Baoguo's injuries were basically fully recovered, but the head sequelae caused by the crash prevented him from returning to the sky.

He was depressed for a long time.

Upon seeing this, Tang Qinqin filed an application, packed up the man and his bedding, and brought him to Zhang Jingzu, who had already fought in the eastern region.

Zhang Jingzu had not seen his daughter for a long time. With tears in his eyes, Zhang Jingzu looked at Zhang Manman who had lost a lot of weight. He stuffed a piece of meat into the fire and burned it, not even looking out of the corner of his eye. Zhang Baoguo stayed.

Especially when he heard that his son was so depressed that he had "no way to serve the country" due to his injury, the disgust in his eyes was so thick that it was almost dripping with water.

"A man is a great man, capable of bending and stretching, but he can't stand such a little setback? He's still not a descendant of my Zhang family!"

"Are you missing an arm or a broken leg? Why is there no other way to go if your head is still on your shoulders?"

"If you can't get to the sky, just stay on the ground. Why, the enemies are flying all over the sky. If you don't get to the sky, you can't catch them, right?"

"Look at your potential!"

"I, Zhang Jingzu's son, cannot be a coward who wilts when he is hit!"

Zhang Baoguo kept swearing and cursing, but the distress and worry hidden in his eyes could be seen with just one look.

Zhang Baoguo blushed with shame.

Why did I stop moving forward and give up on my dream just because of this difficulty?

A dignified man can't stand any setbacks, but he still wants to achieve something?

My father was right. By acting like this, he was indeed out of character with the Zhang family and was unworthy of his father's expectations and cultivation.

He quickly got out of the corner, reflected on his problems, admitted his mistakes, corrected his mentality, followed Zhang Jingzu's Zhang Jiajun team, and began to get used to another battlefield.

Later, the mother of the original owner also came to the team and took on some of the logistics work.

The family has been reunited ever since.

When Tang Qinqin finally collected the perfect score and left this world, the domestic situation was already very good. More and more people of insight came forward to guide the people of the country towards a bright and beautiful future...


Back in the real world, Tang Qinqin relaxed for two days.

After struggling in a real war environment for several years, her nerves were not tense every day. She wanted to live, her family lived, her compatriots lived, and her motherland remained intact...

Feeling the peaceful and stable life again, and the confidence brought by a strong country and a prosperous people, she thought silently in her heart: To the heroic ancestors who sacrificed their lives and blood for the motherland and stood firm and fearless in their beliefs, thank you for your efforts. Now, The prosperous times are as you wish, the motherland is prosperous, and the nation is prosperous.

After this game is over, she wants to go to the Martyrs Cemetery.

I heard that it is full of righteousness, and it is a magical place where ghosts and monsters will goose-step and leave quickly when passing by.

I heard that it is a place where no matter how timid you are, you will not be afraid of passing by it at night.

She wanted to comfort the heroes and martyrs. The Chinese people will always remember their selfless dedication and they will always exist in the hearts of the Chinese people.


When Tang Qinqin was about to enter the last game scene, Song Yuanze finally had the opportunity to see his long-lost girlfriend again.

Although they didn't separate for long in reality, they couldn't see each other or communicate with each other in the game world. He missed her very much.

"Bad girl, you don't miss me at all? Why don't you come to see me or wait for me..."

Song Yuanze turned into an aggrieved big dog and hugged Tang Qinqin without letting go, sighing resentfully.

Only then did Tang Qinqin know that after every round of the game, Song Yuanze came to the courtyard to look for her, but every time he failed, he never saw even the message left for him.

Mo Qin felt guilty for a moment that he was a bit scumbag.

I had to work hard to coax my boyfriend, try my best to smooth my hair, and make sure there would be no next time.

The boyfriend had just gotten better, and there was a knock on the courtyard door again.

It was Lan Lan and Mengru who were also full of resentment and grievances.

This was great. He had coaxed one person and ignored the other. He had coaxed one person and the other to become sour and jealous. Tang Qinqin had a very big head.

At this moment, I feel like a foolish king who has not handled the relationship with the beauties in the harem well. I am confused and at a loss.

In the end, he managed to get "forgiveness" by using his food talent to prepare a table of delicacies. Tang Qinqin, who was so busy that he was sweating, swore that he would use this as a lesson in the future.

She reflected on it and realized that she really didn't invest as much as the other person gave her, regardless of love or friendship.

The maintenance of a relationship depends on the efforts of both parties, not the strength of one party.

She really values ​​love and friendship, so she must learn to deal with interpersonal relationships better and correct her problems in a timely manner. Otherwise, if she loses them one day, she will only regret it.

She has an introverted temperament and is always used to suppressing more emotions in her heart. She is not good at expressing them. In the future, she will have to learn to incorporate her emotions into her life.

Before entering the game again, Tang Qinqin did not forget to call Tang's father and Tang's mother.

(End of this chapter)

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