Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 230 230 Desert Journey (24)

Chapter 230 230. Travel in the Desert (24)
With more team members of different identities joining, players have a stronger sense of mission.

The queen bee migrated with her people and most of the hive, and lived in a temporary wooden hive built by the brown bear clumsily.

Bees are social insects, and the queen bee's social division of labor is to lay eggs full-time, shouldering the social responsibility of reproducing offspring.

The queen bee during the overwintering period will not produce offspring, but when the weather gets warmer and food becomes more abundant, she will begin to produce in large quantities.

If the brown bear takes good care of it and allows the bee colony to live a carefree life, it will get more honey in the future, and every day will be sweet honey.

The brown bear's assigned job is not just to take care of this swarm of bees, it is his exclusive source of daily snacks, a sweet burden that his glutton should bear on his own.

It also needs to learn from human players to do greening and infrastructure.

Although its clumsy bear paws look like they can crush fragile flowers and grasses to death with just a single exertion, the long claw tips are actually sharp tools for digging soil, and their powerful forelimbs can pull on the ground with just a single stroke, creating a deep-rooted tree. Dirt pits of claw marks.

After digging the hole, loosen the soil and scatter the seeds.

This is not over yet, it also needs to learn to deal with its own feces and carry out harmless treatment - retting, so as to increase soil fertility and enable the seeds to obtain more nutrients.

The brown bear looks like a stupid big guy, but he is a teammate with good execution ability. He does his job seriously every day. Although he moves a little slowly, he can accomplish everything every day. Day is over.

The players observed and studied the bees' various daily communication methods, and even figured out a more obscure communication code between team members in case of emergency needs.


Time flies so fast that when everything comes to life in spring, the brown bear has already loosened the soil of at least a dozen acres of wasteland, applied fertilizer, and scattered seeds.

The snow covering the ground turned into snow water and began to nourish the land that had been resting for a winter.

The wolf's precious daughter-in-law is about to give birth, and will give birth in half a month.

Many of the single wolf boys have found partners and are living a prosperous life.

At this time, the alpha wolf had already given up the idea of ​​taking the entire family and leaving with the players.

Life in my hometown is getting more and more promising, and I am full of food, so there is no need to take them away from home and travel around.

After all, this is the place suitable for them to live.

And when it completes its sacred mission as the chosen wolf one day, it is also willing to bring its wife and children back to take care of itself in old age.

The human beings on this land have had strong local feelings since ancient times. How could they not miss their hometown and be attached to their homeland after being raised by the same water and soil?

It told its own daughter-in-law about its adventures, and mentioned that it would probably be working with this group of humans for a long time in the future, and that it would not be able to accompany it day and night.

Speaking of which, he was indeed the beautiful wolf he fell in love with. After hearing this, his wife did not make any fuss, and even turned to comfort him, saying that she should just go out and see the world when she was young, and that she could also use it as conversation material for her children when she is old. , is a great blessing.

What's more, he is willing to stay by his side to support his husband and raise his children, even to the end of the world.

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for!

It is said that spring rain is as expensive as oil.

Players are currently racing against time.

The ancient city on Turtle Back that we had visited before had a poor ecological environment and was no longer as prosperous as before, which made players concerned.

Soon after spring started, we organized manpower again and came to the vicinity of the ancient city, busy treating wasteland and doing greening.

The alpha wolf had to take care of his pregnant daughter-in-law and was inconvenient to run around, so he temporarily handed over the brown bear's original task of taking care of the bees, the little ancestors of the group, to him.

After a period of experience, the brown bear has become a good player in greening.

It is strong, in its prime, full of energy, honest and honest, and does not shy away from being lazy. Everyone in the team likes it very much.

Even the bees whose nose was not a nose and whose face was not a face started to smile when they saw it.

Compared with other bears I met before who took things for free and plundered the fruits of their hard work, this brown bear was already very "self-restraining and polite".

Now the relationship between them and the bear can be regarded as mutually beneficial. There is no question of who suffers, so there has naturally been a change in attitude.

Uncle Li and Aunt Lan met them by chance when they were herding sheep.

Seeing that this group of young people spared no effort to do these practical things for their hometown, the couple joined the greening team without saying a word.

Taking into account the local characteristics of straw weaving crafts, the grass species selected by the players this time are not only high-quality forage such as alfalfa, but also splendens, Haloxylon ammodendron, etc., which are highly adaptable to the environment.

The grass seeds were soaked in the water of life in advance. The germination rate was very high and the germination was fast. Before the first spring rain fell, a circle of bare sand surrounding the ancient city was covered by everyone's concerted efforts. seed.

Just having grass is not enough. There is strong wind and sand here, and it also needs to be protected by anti-sand forests.

Planting trees has long been a skill that players are familiar with, and soon, saplings were planted around the perimeter of the grassland.

Before the players were about to leave, Aunt Li Shulan and several other aboriginal households were infected by the people's "Foolish Old Man Moves Mountains" spirit. They also realized the importance of improving the environment, took over and shouldered the important task of protecting the environment and continuing greening and planting.


The alpha wolf became a father and gave birth to three healthy wolf cubs.

In order to express his love for his teammates, the brown bear even contributed his beloved royal jelly that he had saved for a long time and gave it to the alpha wolf.

Knowing that he was about to leave, the alpha wolf gathered his younger brothers and held an emergency farewell meeting.

Even though the wolves were reluctant to leave, they had no choice but to say goodbye with tears when they learned that their boss had a great destiny.

They also know that the alpha wolf values ​​​​love and justice, and always thinks about them even when he gets benefits.

A country cannot be without a king for a day, and the big Wolf family cannot be without management to take over.

The new alpha wolf was elected and took over the heavy responsibility bitterly.

Different from the usual intrigues and life-and-death fights for power and interests in the human world, animals in nature are strong-willed, and whoever is more capable can conquer "public opinion."

The new alpha wolf respects the former wolf very much and has no intention of replacing him. Thinking about his half-full ability, he is afraid that he will not be able to do the job and will live up to the expectations of the other wolves.

But even if it doesn't believe in its own abilities, in this position, it will work hard and do its best to lead everyone to the top of the wolf clan.

Before Tang Qinqin left, he also received a special surprise.

The little hedgehog from before ended its hibernation period a few days early. He came looking for her and shyly said that he would leave with her.

It has become the players' new teammate, joining the fourth small animal player in the team.

Like a shy little girl, the shy little hedgehog has won everyone's hearts.

It bid farewell to the tribe, bid farewell to its family, and began its journey to fulfill its mission.

(End of this chapter)

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