Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 240 240 Air Pollution Survival Mode (9)

Chapter 240 240. Air pollution survival mode ([-])

When someone inadvertently lowered his head, he discovered that the land under his feet began to add a touch of light green color.

That touch of green spreads in the wind, running towards the whole city and into the distance under everyone's feet.

The sky that had been covered in dust for half a century was cleansed of dust, and blue sky and white clouds appeared in front of people again.

I don’t know who started it. People were crying, laughing, hugging each other, regretting, rejoicing, grateful, and expressing their unspeakable emotions.

The once desolate automobile city has regained its vitality and vitality like a black and white painting filled with color.

The restored vitality source will feed the earth with a steady stream of majestic vitality, and also awaken the creatures in the remaining state of the species.

"It seems like the world has changed when I wake up after a nap!" A pale and thin little girl whispered in her mother's ear.

"Mom, I like this world so much. It's really the blue sky and white clouds you told me about! It's so beautiful!"

"Mom, can I take a deep breath? Can I play freely? I'm going to run and jump under the blue sky. Mom, I feel full of strength!"

The relatives surrounding the little girl all had red eyes.

To conceive and raise a child in a harsh environment that looks like the end of the world, the crises and hardships involved are unimaginable unless you have experienced it yourself.

"Of course, my daughter can run around as much as she wants and go outside to soak up the sunshine."


The green radish roots warmed by Tang Qinqin absorbed the abundant vitality in the air, gradually sprouted new shoots, and ushered in new life.

They crowded together lively, scrambling to grow their bodies, and embracing the dream world with excitement.

Soon, the room where they were located was filled with greenery, and their heads poked out from the crack in the door.

It was a good dream, and Tang Qinqin woke up with a smile on his face.

"Hey, second brother, she's awake, she's awake!" came a familiar voice.

Tang Qinqin opened his eyes and looked over, seeing the room full of green pothos.

If not the two Luluo brothers who have a strong sense of chirping, who are they?

She protected their roots, and the source of vitality gave them new life.

"Squeak!" The little counselor in his pocket liked the strong vitality, and breathed intoxicatedly with his head up.

Outside the window was an unexpectedly clear sky.

"I have returned to my position. Thank you to the visitors from afar for your help!"

Tang Qinqin heard the rich voice of the source of vitality.

"You're welcome, please take care of yourself!"


After exiting the game world, Tang Qinqin gained a strong power of merit, which was a return gift from that world.

Both the main mission and the side mission were successfully completed, and the rewards were generous. The points were successfully collected for Xiaoqi to exchange for entities.

After this game mission is over, you can accompany it to choose a furry image.

At this moment, she suddenly wanted to see what the source of life on the planet she lived on looked like now.

Is it alright?

She wanted to tell it that humans had recognized the mistakes they had made and the harm they had done to it, and were working hard to make up for it...


[Welcome players to Survival Mode!The mention of acid rain makes people's faces change.Acid rain refers to rain, snow or other forms of precipitation with a pH of <5.6, which is mainly caused by man-made emissions of large amounts of acidic substances into the atmosphere.

Acid rain can cause soil acidification, accelerate the loss of soil mineral nutrients, induce plant diseases and insect pests, and significantly reduce crop yields.

It can also cause acidic corrosion on the surfaces of buildings and other objects, endangering human health.

Survival mode simulation environment ([-]): Black town.

Main mission goal: Survive for one week.

Side mission goal: Bring brilliant colors back to the earth. ]
The black town is indeed worthy of its name.

Based on the game description, Tang Qinqin roughly understood the origin of the name of the town in front of him.

Acid rain will harden the surface of non-metallic building materials, dissolve cement, produce voids and cracks, reduce strength, and damage buildings.

The blackening and dirtying of building materials affects urban capacity and urban landscape, which is called the "black shell" effect.

The town in front of us still looked dim even against the blue sky above.

In addition, the same thing between the black town and the car city is that the towns are deserted, without a trace of greenery, and there is nothing else except surface buildings.

After walking aimlessly for a long time, Tang Qinqin didn't meet a single aboriginal person in the town.

Even though it was supposed to be the center of the town, not a single soul could be seen on the streets lined with buildings.

Not to mention that the shops and stores on both sides of the street all have unified iron gates. If you look closer, you can still see the pits eroded by acid rain on the gates and iron gates.

Is it possible that there are some unusual weather phenomena here that make people stay at home and unable to go out?

I looked up at the sky. Although it was not clear, it was clear. There was no strange smell in the air.


Tang Qinqin tried to use his psychic ability to find the biological aura of this town.

After this investigation, she discovered that the indigenous people she could not find were not hiding in buildings on the surface, but living deep underground.

Is it because the surface buildings have been eroded by acid rain and have become less strong, and the structures are too brittle, posing safety risks, so everyone has to find another way and choose an underground living environment, right?

When the sky was getting dark, Tang Qinqin chose the building that looked the strongest and walked inside.

The house had not been taken care of for a long time and was somewhat dilapidated. Even the door was ajar.

The cold and musty smell that hits the face, and the remnants of cobwebs all over the corners of the house indicate that it has not been popular for a long time.

There were only a few simple pieces of old furniture in the house, which were already covered with a thick layer of dust.

What a deserted place to stay.

This situation made Tang Qinqin suddenly miss the warm-hearted Mi Le.

She and Grandpa Hua should be living a normal life now, right?

From now on, you can live under the blue sky and white clouds, surrounded by green water and green mountains, and breathe fresh air.

We won't meet again, right?
"Hey, let's work."

After Hui Tu Tu Lian finished cleaning a room, it was already getting dark outside.

After closing the door and washing up briefly, Tang Qinqin ate something in the dark and planned to go to bed early.

In the middle of the night, there was the sound of pattering rain and whistling wind outside the window.

Tang Qinqin, who had always slept deeply, was also awakened by this huge battle. He sat up and looked out the window.

Windows are made of glass, and the main component of glass is silicon dioxide. The opponent that can corrode it is hydrofluoric acid. Under normal circumstances, acid rain has nothing to do with it.

This is because almost all the other building materials in the house have been corroded and deteriorated, but apart from being covered with dust due to long-term neglect and having low clarity, it has not suffered any real damage.

Is the rain in black towns all acid rain?Or is it just a relatively high probability event?

Tang Qinqin stood up and walked to the window and looked out.

At the same time, the Black Town Weather Monitoring Center located on the underground floor also sounded the alarm, warning sleeping urban residents to take precautions against acid rain and protect their lives and property.

(End of this chapter)

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