Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 255 255 Waste Utilization

Chapter 255 255. Waste utilization
The dark energy that was expanding its territory under the sea was contained, and its territory became smaller and smaller.

But everyone cannot relax their vigilance at all. This dark energy is very evil. Before being sure to wipe it all out, they must control the scope of its harm to prevent greater losses.

During this period, the players of Yingdao Kingdom were constantly ostracized and ridiculed by players from various countries.

At the beginning, they were stubborn and stubborn, but after a long time, they may have awakened a little shame that they hadn't seen for a long time, and each of them buried their heads in doing things honestly, as if they knew they were wrong and wanted to atone for their sins.

The protective cover of the ocean cleaning system has a time limit. During the time limit, players must come up with a more perfect treatment plan as soon as possible.


"As the old saying goes, it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, the one that can catch mice is a good cat." Lao Tian said: "This evil energy is also energy. It would be perfect if we could find a way to use it for us."

"Finally, I heard something decent from you." Zheng Guangping looked pleased, "That makes sense, and I agree. If we can use it, we have found a new energy source, which will relieve us a lot in the future. energy shortage pressure.”

"It has such a domineering devouring ability. If we use it, where should we use it?"

It was rare for Lao Tian to be praised, and the tall man felt a little embarrassed for a moment.

Laojiu frowned and became excited for a while: "I think it may be applied to medical treatment? For example, to eliminate tumors..."

Dark energy has the characteristic of devouring life. It should not be a problem to devoure tumors that multiply rapidly. The question is, how to ensure that it does not harm other healthy parts of the body?
"Everyone can give it a try if they have any ideas. But I hope you remember that the main premise is to protect yourself and be responsible for yourself and our team." Dong Mingzhe stood up and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Laojiu quickly stood up and walked to the laboratory.

Although his ideas are a bit whimsical and full of difficulties, you can only come to a conclusion by practicing everything, right?
Seeing this, other people also stood up and went to verify whether their guesses were feasible.

Song Yuanze nodded to Tang Qinqin and followed with the remaining brothers. Their main direction was still low-carbon and environmental protection.

The dark energy trapped in a small space at the bottom of the sea does not know that it is being noticed by everyone.

At this time, it could not break out, so it had to quietly erode the sandy land on the seabed, trying to escape underground.

The marine creatures polluted by dark energy were "isolated" in a sea area alone, observing their situation while waiting for a solution.

Octopuses and hawksbill turtles were currently circling around this group of old acquaintances who could not get closer.

"Old Yuan, you have lived longer than me and have seen a lot. Do you know what is going on?" Octopus asked.

"Octopus brother, you think highly of me. I have never seen anything like this. It is said that you octopuses are very smart. Why don't you think about it again?"

The hawksbill turtle replied while swimming slowly.

This problem is beyond its awareness.

I have lived for nearly a hundred years and have never seen such a posture.

There was no such situation in the story Grandpa told it, right?

No, it seems, Grandpa said that there is a tool in the human world that can be put into the sea to take away many fish and shrimps. If they are unlucky, turtles will also be caught together.

Could it be that this is a tool used by the human world to catch them?
It quickly bit the octopus brother's tentacles and retreated.

The octopus was startled and subconsciously sprayed out thick black ink, quickly darkening the sea area.

At this time, the visibility of the underwater world is directly =0.

"Brother Turtle, why did you bite me?" The octopus retracted its bitten tentacle accurately in the darkness, and hugged it with other tentacles with a distressed look on its face.

"Uh, I didn't mean it, Brother Octopus..." Laogui quickly explained.

Octopus is not a petty person either. They have known each other for decades.

This turtle has always been gentle and does not like to cause trouble. It is always naive and comfortable to get along with.

"You said this was a good thing humans did?"

"Do humans catch them to eat?"

"Then why didn't they just come down and catch it? Didn't they dare?" The octopus opened its chatterbox and babbled the question to the hawksbill turtle.

"...How about you go up and ask for yourself?" Yuan Xu was so confused by the question that he said out of breath.

That's what it says, because it's certain octopuses don't want human contact.

Unexpectedly, Octopus, who has always been a quick-thinking man, somehow made the wrong move, and he really thought this was a good suggestion.

"Okay, Lao Yuan, this is a good idea! I have been curious about humans for a long time, and I also want to know whether we octopuses are smarter or they are smarter. Why don't we have a competition?" The octopus looked excited and its tentacles were ready to move.

"What are you talking about? Are they cute humans? Where are the humans?" came a voice filled with joy, and then, a giant black and white classic creature appeared in front of Ichikame Ichika.

It is a killer whale that is known by humans as the largest dolphin in the world, a tiger in the sea, and the king of the sea.

Killer whales, also called killer whales, are named after the male killer whale's dorsal fin exposed on the sea surface, which looks like an ancient Chinese weapon - a halberd, standing upside down on the sea surface.

The label affixed to it is that it is bold, cunning, greedy, and cruel by nature. It is an apex predator that makes all creatures in the underwater world tremble.

However, killer whales, known for their ferocity and cruelty, are good friends of humans and are very friendly to humans.

Scientific research has reported that killer whales' love for humans is similar to humans' love for furry little animals. Sometimes killer whales frequently "strand", waiting for humans to come and "take care of" them, thereby satisfying their wish to contact humans.

At this time, the orcas, who were full of joy, heard the news about humans and couldn't wait for the petrified two to speak.


There was a tense atmosphere on every ship on the sea.

Players from all countries feel that they represent the face of their motherland. No one wants to be compared, but they all want to be in the lead.

Laojiu, who is wearing a heavy protective suit, is observing the reaction of the experimental subject, a white mouse. There is a small tumor in the mouse's body. He is once again trying to control the dark energy to eliminate the tumor without harming the mouse's body.

Recently, with the deliberate promotion of games, the development of traditional Chinese medicine in the motherland is getting faster and faster, and the medical level has reached a new height.

The physical quality of people in the country has been improved overall.

However, in the context of the increasingly harsh global environment, there are still very few suitable environments for the growth of herbal medicines, which has driven up the price of traditional Chinese medicines.

The scarcity of medicinal materials needs to be compensated by other methods.Laojiu then thought of dark energy.

The dark energy is obviously not docile and is extremely difficult to control. It is like a rebellious and rebellious thorn that does not obey orders and points in the right direction.

The previous failures were all due to failure to control it and almost harming the mice.

As an animal ally dedicated to human medicine, mice are very respectable.

This little white mouse in Laojiu's hands was allocated by the state, and he worked tirelessly to help him conduct more than a dozen medical experiments, large and small.

It is one of his closest companions and comrades-in-arms.

It means a lot to him.

He has been saving points recently, hoping to exchange them for an "experimental robot" in the game mall, which can infinitely simulate human body data to conduct various medical experiments. By then, his mice will no longer have to bear the pain. Waiting for this technology If they understand it thoroughly and promote the research, I believe that the future of human medicine will be brighter and more brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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