Day by day in the infinite game

Chapter 269 269 Starry Sky

Chapter 269 269. Starry Sky
The first dinner after arriving on the Antarctic continent was very sumptuous.

At this time, Uncle Li, an old crew member, also opened the backpack he had been keeping secretly and poured out a bunch of vacuum-packed food.

The sharp-eyed station staff immediately widened their eyes.

"My dear mother! It's all meat!"

For those of them who have been stationed at the base at the "end of the world" for a long time, what they miss most is the taste of their distant hometown.

There are also various canned meat products on weekdays, but there are only a few that come and go.

Nothing can compare to the "rich and oily red sauce" in front of you, which makes you salivate and move your index fingers!

"Lao Li, that's interesting!"

One person punched Uncle Li with his fist with red eyes.

The players looked at each other when they saw this, and finally one of them couldn't help but take out the first piece of hot food and put it on the table to share.

Then, in the blink of an eye, under the noses of the station staff and old crew members, a table of "Man Han Banquet" was born magnificently.

There were even a few male players who were good at drinking and tentatively took out a few bottles of fine wine that they had treasured for a long time, intending to share them with everyone.

"Uncle Li, Uncle Luo, the dishes are all ready, let's sit down and start cooking, shall we?" Lao Tian lived up to expectations and shouted at the top of his voice, waking up a few people who were in a daze.

Seeing everyone's eager eyes looking expectantly, Uncle Li and others felt a little choked up in their throats for some reason, and their eyes were quietly red.

"Come on, it's fate that we meet. Let's all sit down. It's rare for everyone to get together. Let's relax and have a good meal."

Uncle Li reacted and pulled his brothers and friends beside him to sit down.

For a while, people in the house had a lively dinner that was as sumptuous as a New Year's Eve dinner.


After the meal, some of the drunk people were helped to rest, while the remaining people went out in twos and threes to walk outside to eat, watch the night view, and watch the stars.

The dark blue sky is dotted with many stars as bright as diamonds.

Song Yuanze and Tang Qinqin leaned on each other and stood on the snow.

"Aze, tell me, are the stars we see now so beautiful in the first place? Will we be able to go to them one day and see their true colors up close?"

Tang Qinqin raised his arm and pointed at the brightest star above his head.

The stars we often talk about are mainly divided into two categories, stars and planets.

Stars can emit light due to nuclear fission reactions, such as the sun.

Planets do not emit light but can reflect the light of stars, such as the moon.

Depending on their distance from us, their ability to emit light, and the degree of lightness and darkness they appear in front of our eyes are also different.

"Perhaps one day soon, we will go into space to explore the solar system, even the Milky Way, and the farther cosmic world. At that time, we can see with our own eyes what these celestial bodies look like."

"Our country's lunar exploration project has been progressing steadily and has achieved good results so far. The era when we officially enter space is not far away."

Song Yuanze looked up at the starry sky with concentration and said.

"Then let's not forget to take a good look at the planet we live on. It has given so much to us humans, and we owe it."

Tang Qinqin suddenly felt sad.

Song Yuanze silently held her in his arms and gently placed his chin on the girl's head.

"It will be fine. Our existence will always be meaningful."


The next day, the players slept until they woke up naturally before getting up leisurely.

After simply washing up and eating some food, everyone started exploring the Antarctic continent with their ski equipment.

While enjoying the wonderful scenery of ice and snow while enjoying the wind, the first stop everyone wanted to visit was the penguins, the indigenous people here.

The emperor penguin can be said to be the representative species of Antarctica. It is the largest member of the penguin family.

Topics about them generally focus on positive images such as being gentlemen, cute, tall and handsome.

The Adélie penguin, which is also a native penguin, has the title of "rogue" penguin.

They like to collect stones and will steal or even fight to get them.

In their minds, having more stones means having a higher social status.

It is said that Adélie penguins are also quite scheming and know how to "seek advantages and avoid disadvantages." In order to detect whether there is danger in the ocean before going to the sea for food, they will kick teammates into the water and retreat immediately if danger is discovered.

"In fact, penguins live not only in Antarctica, but also in other parts of the world. For example, there is a kind of spotted-billed ringed penguin living on the west coast of Africa. They have an 'ugly' appearance, are petite in size, and have a gentle personality. Because their sound is similar to that of a donkey, , also called Jackass Penguin.”

"Another example is the little blue penguin, the smallest member of the penguin family. Because it is too small to store fat, it can only live in areas with mild climates, mainly on the coasts of Australia and South America."

Because they were worried about the new players having to explore on their own when they first arrived, a staff member who had been in Antarctica for nearly ten years served as a "guide" to take everyone to appreciate the beauty of the ice and snow and introduce the species that live here.

If he hadn't given a popular science introduction, most people would have thought that penguins only live in Antarctica.

Of course, those kept in zoos by humans do not count.

"I'll start with my ugly words. I can take you to see penguins, but you must keep a distance and don't interfere too much in their lives. Because of human plundering of penguin eggs and environmental degradation, many penguin species have become endangered. We can treat them Stay curious, appreciate and observe them, but the first step is to protect them and try not to disrupt their normal life.”

He "beats" everyone with a serious look on his face.

The players all nodded in agreement.

On the other hand, the big fat goose in Lao Tian's arms chattered a few times with its small eyes, revealing a bit of cunning.

It is said that "Penguin" always wears a classic black and white color suit. His image is cute and naive, and he is very popular.

It refuses to accept it. It is clear that flawless white feathers are more dignified and are the peak configuration of "goose life".

In its head at the moment, the image of penguins is that of a fat ball covered in fat and shambling around. It is said that their "wings" have degenerated and they cannot fly.

Thinking of this, it fluttered its big snow-white wings proudly.

At this time, Lao Tian was listening to interesting popular science, and did not notice at all that his pet couldn't wait to compete with the local aboriginal "goose".

At this time, a loud bang suddenly sounded, causing everyone to look around curiously and panicked.

"It's the sound of collapsing glaciers in the distance."

The station staff were not surprised and explained to everyone.

In recent years, with the global greenhouse effect, the melting rate of glaciers has accelerated, and glacier collapse has occurred more and more frequently.

Not only the Antarctic, but also the Arctic, which is also a world of ice and snow, has been mentioned in the news more than once. As a result, polar bears continue to lose their habitats and the ice floes where they can breathe, and they can only swim in the sea to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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