I once created a lost belt in the moon world

Chapter 182 Singularity point f?

Chapter 182 Singularity point f?

"Is there anything in Fuyuki City that can replace heroic spirits?" Illya asked in surprise.

"It seems not, at least I've never noticed it myself," Emiya Kiritsugu shook his head, "Let's go and have a look."

"Let's go, Lance. Let's go with me and have a look," Tia said in her heart.

"Weimiya, let's go and have a look," just after Tia said something to Lancelot in her heart, Tohsaka Rin also came over to say something.

Tia smiled softly: "Okay."

A group of people followed Aoqi Orange curiously, even King Arthur was full of curiosity, but Aoqi Orange led the way very confidently.

Soon, everyone came to the school, and then went all the way to the place where Tia first crossed over, the place where Cu Chulainn killed him first.

As Aozaki Orange stopped here, everyone's faces showed expressions of surprise.

"Is there anything here?" King Arthur was the first to ask in surprise.

"Isn't this the place? The place where Emiya was killed by Cu Chulainn for the first time!" Tohsaka Rin also said.

"Yes, it's right here," Aosaki Orange nodded, then stretched out his hand and wrote a symbol in the space.

"Rune runes?" Tohsaka Rin was surprised again, "Although this is just a rumor I heard, I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to see the runes with my own eyes."

"It is said that runes are a lost writing system. No one even uses the clock tower, but it was completed by Miss Aozaki Orange. Even Aozaki Orange restored several original works based on the existing data. Rune," Illya said.

"Hehe," Aozaki Chengzi smiled, but didn't say much.

Following the symbols Aozaki Orange drew in the space, a hole suddenly appeared in the space, and many shadow followers emerged from the hole.

"Holy crap! Aren't these things the same thing?" Tia exclaimed in surprise after seeing these shadow followers.

That's right, in the original Lostbelt, after Tia and others went to Kenneth's mansion, Kenneth created a Command Spell Meditation Room using the Command Spells he had researched.At that time, Tia, Gudazi and Mashu all entered the command spell meditation room together, and then followed Gudazi's perspective into the past that Gudazi had experienced.

There, Tia and others followed Gudazi and experienced a special strangeness, and learned that they had rescued Olga Marie.

But among them, Tia could not forget that she had seen many shadow followers who might have been Angola Mainyu emerging from a place.

At that time, Tia and Lancelot followed Gudazi's perspective and saw a huge space crack in a place.

Many human-shaped black shadows emerged from the cracks in space, forming a circle.

But then a huge thorn giant hit from a distance like a cannonball, hitting the center of the black shadow group, and even the cracks in the space were blown apart.

It is true that this huge thorny giant is Cu Chulainn's treasure, but no one knows exactly why these black shadows emerged.

At this time, Tia looked at the space here and recalled the space she saw in Gudazi's memory. Tia was surprised to find that it was actually the same place.

"Are these really the shadow followers of Angora Mainyu? Is it possible that this place really has something to do with Singularity F?" Tia could be said to be surprised at this time.

But Tia had no time to think about this at this time, because these black shadows poured out from the cracks in space crazily, and everyone took action immediately.

"The appearance of these black shadows looks a lot like Angra Mainyu to me," Emiya Kiritsugu said.

"Is this the true identity of the evil in this world?" Tohsaka Rin asked doubtfully.

"Are these all shadows of the evil in this world?" At this time, it was Aozaki Orange's turn to wonder, "After I discovered the space crack here, I was worried that I couldn't handle it alone, so I just used this place for my own purposes. The rune seals the space, I didn't expect that what I sealed would be the shadow of the evil in this world."

Tia's heart was still full of doubts at this time, but she did not forget to eliminate these black shadows.

At the same time, Tia was also surprised to find that these eliminated black shadows were actually absorbed by the Little Holy Grail.

At this time, no one thought of a serious problem.

Then since these black shadows are the shadows of Angola Mainyu, then suck these shadows into the Small Holy Grail and let these shadows enter the Great Holy Grail. Then wouldn't the Great Holy Grail treat Angora Mainyu as a wish come true?

Then wouldn't the evil in this world be born again?
As these black shadows continued to pour out of the cracks in the space, within a short time, the Small Holy Grail was filled, and Aozaki Orange used runes to forcibly seal this space.

"It's full, that's it," Aozaki Orange said, while picking up the small Holy Grail and shaking it.

At this time, everyone also looked at the Little Holy Grail in Aozaki Orange's hand, but they were all shocked by the scene inside the Little Holy Grail.

Because at this time, the little Holy Grail seemed to be filled with black mud. From the black mud inside the Little Holy Grail, two familiar figures appeared from time to time.

It is the two heroic spirits Red A and Medea.

The phantoms of these two heroic spirits were in the black mud in the little holy grail, just like they were in boiled black water, making weird gurgling sounds non-stop.

"Aozaki Orange! Destroy that little Holy Grail!" Emiya Kiritsugu was very familiar with this, because he had personally experienced the baptism of black mud.

"The evil in this world!" Illya also exclaimed in surprise.

However it was too late.

The Little Holy Grail automatically flew away from Aozaki Orange's hand and flew somewhere.

Tia knew that direction was where the Great Holy Grail was now.

That's right, since the collapse of the original Great Hollow, the Great Holy Grail itself has been moved to other places.

Tia didn't say anything, and immediately took the lead to catch up.

"Hurry up and catch up with him!" Emiya Kiritsugu also shouted.

"We cannot resurrect the evil in this world!" Irisviel also shouted.

Everyone then chased after him.

Everyone in Tia chased Kotomine Kirei to his last hiding place, where the Great Holy Grail was finally hidden by Kotomine Kirei.

And as Tia caught up first, she immediately began to condense purifying bows and arrows in her hands.

However, this time, the evil in this world seemed to have its own will in advance. A red A made of black mud appeared in front of Tia.

"you again……"

(End of this chapter)

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