Start by building an extraordinary civilization

Chapter 20 Accelerate the passage of life and change the ant colony

Chapter 20 Accelerate the passage of life and change the ant colony
Just when Yuan Shi stretched out his hand, touched the force field of consciousness and wanted to press the ants inside to death, he suddenly stopped.

But it was at this moment that Yuan Shi suddenly remembered that the collective consciousness in the force field of consciousness seemed to be able to affect the subconscious mind of the ant colony.

And the life of a life is actually affected by the subconscious mind to a certain extent.

For example, Yuan Shi once heard about an experiment in which a person was blindfolded, and a knife was used to cut his wrist with the back of a knife, and then water drops were dripped to continuously tell the person that he was bleeding.

After a long time, he subconsciously thought that he was bleeding continuously, and finally he actually died.

Moreover, it also showed various states of death from excessive blood loss.

Therefore, a person's subconscious mind can really determine a person's life or death.

And what about the ants?Can their lifespan and death time be affected through their subconscious mind?
In fact, ants are far inferior to humans in terms of soul consciousness and life form.

So, if the collective consciousness in the force field of consciousness can reversely affect the subconsciousness of the ant colony, and then affect their life span limit, allowing them to undergo a faster life cycle?
Thinking about it carefully, Yuan Shi really felt that it was very possible.

"Well, you can give it a try."

Yuan Shi retracted his fingers and held his chin in thought.

The next moment, Yuan Shi's mind moved slightly, and his mind instantly communicated with the force field of consciousness and the collective consciousness of the ant colony within it.

The collective consciousness in the force field of consciousness is composed of the consciousness and cognition of all ants.

But its main body, after all, is still Yuan Shi's consciousness vitality, which has been completely assimilated by him.

Without Yuan Shi's intervention, it would naturally be the collective consciousness of the ant colony, dominated by the ant colony's own consciousness.

And after Yuan Shi intervened, then He is the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and will carry out a new evolution based on Yuan Shi's will to form a new general trend of heaven and earth.

As the saying goes, small things can be reversed, but the general trend remains unchanged.

And Yuan Shi is that general trend.

As Yuan Shi's ideas were engraved, a new world trend was rapidly formed.

However, under the evolution of collective will, Yuan Shi's idea was not implemented by letting many ants in the ant colony die quickly. Instead, this purpose was achieved in a gentler and indirect way.

That is the speed at which the ant colony's soul consciousness begins to accelerate.

Even because of the influence of soul consciousness, their movement speed is accelerating little by little.

In this process, they will naturally consume more of their vitality, thereby achieving the purpose of causing the ant colony to die faster.

From Yuan Shi's perspective, the movement speed of all the ants in the entire ant colony suddenly became faster and faster, as if they clicked on fast forward.

"Uh, that's fine too!"

Seeing the changes in the ant colony, Yuan Shi was slightly stunned, and then nodded in approval. All he needed was the increase in consciousness and vitality brought about by the death of the ants, and a deeper analysis of the ants.

As for the process and method, he didn't care much.

Sure enough, as the soul consciousness of many ants circulates and their movements continue to accelerate, the vitality of these ants will naturally be consumed quickly, and the ants will soon die.

Obviously, these ants have been living for a long time. At this time, when time is accelerating, they will soon usher in the end of their lives.

Just like the male ants before, after these ants die, they often begin to actively integrate their consciousness energy under the influence of their own spiritual instincts, and even assimilate themselves with the consciousness energy in order to last longer.

It's a pity, just like before.

Today's consciousness energy can only carry their consciousness memory. Their life consciousness spirituality cannot be integrated with the consciousness energy, let alone allow them to continue their lives.

As for their conscious memories, will they have an impact on Yuan Shi's consciousness?

In fact, no, what can have an impact on Yuan Shi's consciousness is the ant's basic spirituality of self-awareness and self-affirmation.

Mere memory is equivalent to observing and cognition of the world from another perspective.

Just like observing through surveillance or watching a movie, it may cause a person's emotions to fluctuate, but it will not cause any interference to his or her own cognition.

After the consciousness energy merged with the ant's memory, at most, this observation became clearer, giving Yuan Shi a new piece of knowledge.

Only after realizing the vitality and integrating the ant's fundamental spirituality can it have an impact on Yuan Shi's consciousness.

And this is what Yuan Shi is trying to avoid now.

As for the ant's memory, Yuan Shi recorded it with great interest.

Although ants' current understanding of the world will not increase Yuan Shi's knowledge.

However, don't forget that there is still a world of memory in Yuan Shi's consciousness space.

Although there are also insects such as ants due to the memory of the original body.

However, that is just the behavior of some ants observed from the original perspective.

And how can that compare to the memory of a real ant?
Almost as soon as these ants died, Yuan Shi copied their memories into the memory world.

This not only makes the behavior of some ants in the memory world more flexible and natural, but also completes part of the world view of the memory world, making the memory world even more perfect.

As for the consciousness vitality that escaped after the death of the ants, Yuan Shi did not take it back immediately, but let it integrate into the consciousness vitality force field, increasing the strength and coverage of the consciousness vitality force field.

After all, if you want to gain more, you have to make some investment first.

Only when the consciousness force field is stronger and covers a wider area can more ants be trapped.

As time goes by and more and more ants die, the consciousness energy in the consciousness force field will naturally gradually become thicker and richer.

Naturally, the ant colony was affected even more profoundly.

Later, when Yuan Shi noticed the new ant eggs laid by the queens again, he was shocked to find that even the ant eggs just laid by these queens had already begun to have slight fluctuations in consciousness and vitality.

This means that the current ant colony has completely adapted to and even integrated into the current conscious energy environment.

"Hehe, good! Very good!"

Feeling the changes in the ant colony, Yuan Shi couldn't help but chuckle with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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