Start by building an extraordinary civilization

Chapter 252 Active substances, puppet monsters

Chapter 252 Active substances, puppet monsters

Of course, Chen Ya didn't think about killing people or letting blood.

Moreover, doesn't her own flesh and blood fit her better?

Of course, Chen Ya had no intention of cutting off the flesh, but there was no problem in bleeding some.

After all, it was just initial research, so she couldn't just cut the flesh and bones directly.

But blood is different. As long as the nutrition of this thing keeps up, it can be replenished quickly.

Next, just like Yuan Shi before, Chen Ya began to refine her blood with the power of heaven and earth.

The difference is that Yuan Shi transformed his body bit by bit into Force skin and Force blood.

Chen Ya, on the other hand, forced out a little blood, and then used the power of heaven and earth to wrap and fuse it.

After all, although the power of heaven and earth is magical, she cannot guarantee that there will be no sequelae.

If something went wrong, she would have no regrets.

And during this process, she will also add some natural substances and observe the reactions.

In the following time, as Chen Ya tried again and again, she finally cultivated a ball of active substances.

The active substance was originally a group of crimson liquid, which could grow by swallowing matter and the power of heaven and earth.

Chen Ya mixed these active substances with soil to form a red mud ball, and then created a group of puppets with extremely high spirituality.

On the surface, they are not much different from life.

Chen Ya even injected different personalities into them, giving them various distinct personalities.

Kind, peaceful, violent, cruel, irritable, sad and so on.

Of course, although they were born with spirituality, they did not reach the level of intelligent life, and were not even as good as some more spiritual animals.

This also resulted in them being extremely obedient and docile when facing Chen Ya.

Under normal circumstances, they would be completely affected by Chen Ya's infused personality.

Kind people will continue to help other beings, even if they themselves are hurt.

Those who are violent and cruel will often carry out some violent and cruel behaviors, constantly conflict with other beings, and even attack and destroy everything around them for no reason.

And those who are irritable and sad, will often have violent anger and sadness because of some trivial things.

This made the spiritual puppets fabricated by Chen Ya, after losing her restraint, they would often attack and fight with each other, destroying the whole small world into a mess.

Basically, at the end of the day, the remaining puppets in the small world are the ones with strong aggression.

Those who are kind and peaceful are the first to be killed and eliminated.

In an orderly society, these kind and peaceful beings may be allowed to exist.

However, in the jungle law environment of survival of the fittest, they will only be eliminated quickly.

Moreover, because of the activity of this active substance and its continuous growth.

These puppets fabricated by Chen Ya also have the ability to continuously devour and grow.

As long as they are given a period of time, these puppets can grow to the same size as humans, or even larger. Even if they grow to a size of several hundred meters, it is not impossible.

However, her little world is only a hundred meters in size.

As for releasing them outside the small world, given that they are controlled by emotional instincts and lose the restraint of Chen Ya, they will inevitably mess up other civilizations, which will cause public outrage.

Moreover, if one is not careful and allows them to grow to tens or hundreds of meters, it may not be a big deal to the masters of the small world who have already integrated the original particles.

But for other survivors, it would be a disaster.

Therefore, these puppets controlled by emotional instinct cannot be released to the outside world and can only be sealed within the small world.

Faced with this situation, Chen Ya quickly thought of a solution.

That is when fabricating these puppets, a growth limit is engraved in their core, and after reaching a certain level, they will divide and reproduce.

As a group of spiritual puppets, they naturally do not reproduce through normal methods. What they carry out is asexual reproduction.

In other words, these spiritual puppets can completely do it: two from one life, four from two, and eight from four.
Constantly showing exponential growth, one is a group.

Chen Ya only needs to fabricate the original ancestor, and they can multiply into a huge group.

Referring to the lives in other small worlds, these spiritual puppets created by Chen Ya are also small lives, and the largest ones are no more than the size of a thumb.

However, relying on their ability to almost completely digest and devour objects, they grow extremely quickly.

In almost a moment, they were able to devour and fuse substances that were the same as their bodies, and then rapidly grow and divide.

In just a short period of time, Chen Ya's small world turned into red, with countless spiritual puppets.

Except for Chen Ya, these spiritual puppets are constantly fighting and fighting, devouring everything they can see.

It's even more terrifying than the Zerg in fantasy.

After all, the Zerg still need queens, broods and the like.

And these puppets don't need this at all. They only need to keep swallowing and swallowing to develop into a huge group and swallow up all the material resources they can swallow.

In this situation, not only did other people feel frightened, but Chen Ya herself was also a little worried.

If this is not handled properly, it will be a disaster that will destroy the world.

Although the world today is basically the end of the world.

But, after all, he still has some survivors, right?
And the puppet created by Chen Ya can even swallow and destroy the entire earth star.

Therefore, these puppets created by Chen Ya were unanimously named ferocious beasts by everyone, and they would only continue to destroy and kill.

Even Chen Ya's small world, after those puppets and beasts grew stronger, dropped down to a full level.

Moreover, as they continue to fight and die, not only will some of them be swallowed by other ferocious beasts and re-enter the cycle of heaven and earth, but some will also be transformed into the power of heaven and earth, and be absorbed and fused by Chen Ya.

This resulted in the rapid decrease of the land in Chen Ya's small world.

In just a few days, it dropped to a depth of more than one meter.

From this, we can imagine how ferocious those ferocious beasts are.

If it really wants to spread out and devour the entire planet, it is really not impossible.

Moreover, they are extremely difficult to destroy. As long as there is one left, they can quickly grow again.

It can be said to be extremely difficult.

Fortunately, they are controlled by Chen Ya and have been bound to Chen Ya's small world.

(End of this chapter)

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