Start by building an extraordinary civilization

Chapter 26 War, killing through the army

Chapter 26 War, killing through the army


The newly born male ants and female ants, as soon as they crawl out of their cocoons, immediately crawl down in the direction of the queen to show their loyalty.

"Go and give birth to your offspring"

Feeling the spiritual connection between himself and those female ants, he couldn't help but nod with satisfaction.

"Yes! Empress!"

After bowing their heads respectfully in response, the newly born male and female ants climbed out of the castle one after another, spread their wings and flew high into the sky, heading towards different directions within the territory.

After finding a suitable place, they will land one after another, mate, lose their wings, and lay ant eggs.
"it is good!"

The queen ant in the castle immediately nodded in joy after feeling the condition of these new queens through spiritual connection.

The two big eyes of the queen ant were also looking outside the castle at the border with other ant colonies.

Because of the loss of new soldier ants, the army of soldier ants is rapidly decreasing, and the defensive line has repeatedly shrunk, changing from the initial offensive posture to a defensive posture.

The queen ant's mental thoughts moved. Except for some worker ants who were serving the queen and the young ants, the remaining worker ants began to gather towards the border of the territory. They would serve as a reserve army and rush up to drag the army of soldier ants when they could not resist it. Soldier ants that live in hostile ant colonies.

"Time. I need time. I only need three alternations of light and darkness, and I will no longer be afraid of any ant colony."

The queen ant's eyes flashed, and she was constantly commanding the soldier ants and worker ants on the border through her spiritual link, killing the enemy at a lower cost, and at the same time, she was also constantly condensing her body.

Gradually, the big belly behind the queen ant began to shrink little by little, changing to the size of an ordinary ant's abdomen.

At the same time, the queen's body strength is also increasing little by little, which has enabled the queen to crawl around.

In particular, her mental strength has been greatly enhanced, making it easier to command the entire ant colony.

However, after all, without the supplement of soldiers, even with the flexible command of the ant queen and the high-definition map display, the ant army at the border of the territory is constantly shrinking its defense line, and more and more places are occupied by hostile ant colonies.

After the first day, the ant eggs began to hatch into young ants, and the army retreated more than ten centimeters;

The next day passed, the young ants began to form cocoons and pupate, and the army retreated again by more than 20 centimeters, which was already a long distance.

After all, the entire continent where ants live is only about thirty square meters. If divided into six ant colonies, it will be even less. It is only five or six square meters, three or forty centimeters, which is equivalent to losing It’s quite a territory.

Looking at the two queen ants closer to the periphery and the many ant eggs they laid, the mother queen of this ant colony couldn't help but be filled with anxiety, anger, and a faint hint of fear.

She shouldn't have stopped laying eggs so early, otherwise she wouldn't be in the predicament she is in now.

But at this time, even if she wanted to regret it, it was too late, so she could only delay it as long as possible.

The mother queen ant began to issue orders, instructing the remaining worker ants to start migrating the queen ants and ant eggs near the border.

However, even if the order given by the queen ant was extremely timely, on the third day, when a group of ants that had formed cocoons and pupated began to emerge from the cocoons, more than a dozen queen ants were still killed, and many of them were killed. The ants are killed inside the eggs before they are born.

Fortunately, finally, some adult ants began to break out of their cocoons one after another, and quickly joined the army ahead.

Gradually, they began to stabilize their defenses.

And as time passed, their advantage began to increase, and they began to counterattack little by little, pushing the front forward.

Hundreds of queen ants lay eggs, which is naturally hundreds of times more than one queen ant.

Therefore, when this ant colony began to maintain a stable defense line and gain some advantages.

This advantage is like a landslide and a tsunami, and it is out of control.

In less than half a day, the army had already pushed back to the original battle line, leaving only a thick layer of corpses in the territory.

Then, they began to compress and advance in reverse. Even if the two ant colonies mobilized more soldier ants for support, it seemed to be of no avail.

Dense swarms of soldier ants roared in, completely submerging the positions on both sides, and rushed towards the ant colony territories in the southeast and north.

Facing the nearly endless ant tide that submerged everything, the ant colonies on both sides looked so pale and powerless.

Slowly, the ant colony army in the east has flooded the ant colony hinterland in the southeast and north.


Suddenly, a high-pitched neighing sound came from the north. A huge ant that was three to four centimeters in size violently collapsed the queen's castle and rushed out with great speed.

Wherever she passed, whether it was the ants on her side or the ant army from the east, she knocked them away one after another.

In just an instant, she had crashed into the depths of the army of ant colonies in the east, and while waving her four arms, she pulled out afterimages in the air, beheading ants one by one.

In an instant, broken limbs and arms were flying around, and ants were dead in patches.

In just a moment, she had cleared out a large area of ​​ants.

Next, she kept moving and kept moving forward quickly.

With the nearly endless army of ants, it was naturally difficult for her to kill them quickly.

But at the same time, the endless army of ants was also unable to stop her actions and could only let them be slaughtered.

And her every move is naturally under the surveillance of the Queen Ant Queen of the Eastern Ant Colony.

Looking at her attitude of wanting to kill the army of soldier ants and directly behead and kill herself, the Queen Ant Queen was also heart-beating.

Looking at her body that had become very slender and graceful, she did not feel that she could defeat the figure rushing among the ant army.

In this case, it is natural to make a strategic shift.

As the empress of an ant colony, how could she put herself in danger?
There was nothing to say, the Queen Mother had already started to move herself.

At the same time, she also issued instructions through the spiritual link, ordering an ant queen to come to the castle and pretend to be herself to attract the attention of the ant queen.

The Queen Mother herself quickly left the castle.

Although the queen ant in the north has not yet reached the edge of her territory.

However, it's always a good idea to err on the side of caution.

In fact, the Queen Mother's decision was completely correct.

The queen ant in the north was like a killing machine, charging all the way, carving a bloody path through the thousands of troops.

It crossed her territory, cut through the mountains at the junction of the two territories, entered the territory of the eastern ant colony, and fought all the way to the rear of the ant colony.

(End of this chapter)

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