Yuan Shi Tian

Chapter 333

Chapter 333


Yingyi, Taishi's residence!
There are dozens of houses in the middle of the mansion, with bright and dark layouts. The layout of the houses is simple and empty. Except for weapons and weapons, there are no carved galleries and paintings to embellish the luxury.Groups of armored soldiers guarded the courtyard indifferently. The armor leaves rustled when they swayed, and the scabbards made a clanking sound when they collided with the armor.

As a veteran of the Four Dynasties, the interior and exterior of this Grand Master's residence are more than simple and solemn, but not enough to be dignified in the courtyard.Most people's impression of this mansion is that it is rigid, with heavy rules that cannot be exceeded, just like a military camp.

In the main hall of the mansion, Wen Yuanming was dressed in coarse linen clothes and sitting on the Taishi chair. His old and strong body carried a majestic and upright aura.

Grand Master Fu Xuntaichang sat on the armchair, frowning, and said leisurely: "Brother Yuanming, this time at the meeting in Yingkou, the princes from the three parties gathered together, is there any chance to settle the dispute between the three of them?"

"Opportunity?" the old master said warmly: "Brother Taichang thinks too simply. Since the three tiger cubs have grown up and become tigers that can eat human flesh and drink human blood, you can ask them to restrain their fangs now. What’s the difference between directly taking their lives?”

"The meeting at Yingkou was just my last effort. It would be best to quell the war. Even if the war cannot be quelled, I have tried my best. Anyway, our Lu State's [Blackwater Warrior] and [Flying Phoenix Divine Soldier] are two powerful The foundation of the army has not been damaged, and the ancestor of the Xun family has not fallen, so why should Taichang brother worry about the foundation of Lu State?"

Although Xun's heavenly ancestor was severely injured, he has never appeared until now.But when I heard that Yuanming used his third divine eye to observe Xun's luck, he could still see the great fortune of heaven and man suppressing Xun's luck.

The so-called luck of death disappears, and luck is the most false.

This is the clear proof that the heavenly being still exists in the world, and it is also the reason why the Zheng and Song Dynasties did not send troops to the Lu State, but interfered in the internal affairs of Lu in the name of Lord Gaoyang and Lord Xinling.

If a deity, a god or a demon is desperate, the power it can unleash will be disastrous.

Therefore, as long as the ancestor of the Xun family survives, the country of the Xun family in Lu will be as stable as Mount Tai.

Of course, this is when there is no problem in the Lu State itself. If the Lu State itself is in chaos, and there are gods, gods, and demons to restrain the ancestor of the Xun family, the Lu State will still be destroyed.

Xun Taichang said quietly: "Brother Yuanming, how can I not worry? Now the land of Lu State is on fire. Several princes are attacking each other. Under the continuous flames of war, the foundation of Lu State that Marquis Wen has worked hard for more than ten years has laid. It’s disappearing into nothing bit by bit.”

"As a descendant of the Lu Xun family, this old man is deeply saddened!"

Grand Master Fu Xun Taichang's words made the old master frown unconsciously. The old master looked at Xun Taichang and said solemnly: "Then, I wonder who Taichang brother thinks can be the new king of my Lu country?"

For the three elders of the Xun family, Wen Yuanming suddenly became vigilant, and he spoke with a touch of solemnity.

"Brother Yuanming is serious. This old man is not a lobbyist among the three of them. With just a few of them, it's not worth it for this old man to give up his old face and come to my man's house to act as a lobbyist."

Xun Taichang smiled softly and said calmly: "I just watched Zheng and Song Dynasty jumping up and down. As a person from Lu Guo, and also a public servant, I felt resentful and resentful in my heart."

"Then, what does Brother Yi Tai Chang mean?"

Wen Yuanming moved his beard and said in a deep voice: "Brother Taichang, if you have anything to say, you might as well say it bluntly. You and I are both Lu Guozhushi. At this time when the country's destiny is ups and downs, you and I are the only ones who can discuss something." Two."

The old master saw clearly from the beginning to the end that among the so-called three elders of the Xun family, except for one, Xun Taichang, who deserved real trust, the other two, Xun Taiyong and Xun Taiwei, had to have reservations.

Although the conduct of Xun Taiyong and Xun Taiwei is worthy of everyone's respect, their descendants are their constant fetters.

Who knows at this time, how many of the descendants of Xun Taiyong and Xun Taiwei were living under the command of Lord Gaoyang, and how many of them were guests of Lord Xinling.

Therefore, under the heavy fetters, the old master did not think that the two of them were still worthy of trust.

Under such circumstances, Xun Taichang is in charge of the [Flying Phoenix Soldier] talisman, and his own character is worthy of the old grand master's trust. His attitude can also determine the ownership of the monarch to a certain extent.

Xun Taichang said bluntly: "Today's elders of the Xun clan are mostly divided into three factions. Most of them are inclined to Gongzi Ze, a few are inclined to Gongzi Yang, and only a few are inclined to Gongzi Yu."

"Because there is no ancestor to suppress it, the elders of the several clans go their own way, and each has his own set of plans. Don't you know that under the collapse of the nest, there will be no eggs, a group of short-sighted old guys."

Listening to Xun Taichang's complaints, Wen Yuanming remained calm and said with a smile: "So, Taichang brother doesn't have any inclinations of his own?"


Xun Taichang paused and said with profound meaning: "My tendency is the future tendency of the entire Lu State. As long as it is beneficial to our Lu State and beneficial to my Lu State, it is my tendency."

"Brother Yuanming, there is a rumor going around the entire camp that the senior official Si Ziqi is about to marry, and that in-law is none other than the prosperous young master Yu. Isn't this true?"

In the current Grand Master's Mansion, there are countless people watching from inside and outside, and how many people are hiding in the dark. It can be said that there are half light and half darkness.Of course, there is an old grand master who has too much power and has not expressed his opinion for a long time, which makes the young master extremely worried.

Of course, this so-called 'rumor' is widely circulated in Yingyi nowadays, and at least three or four percent of the credit is accounted for.

Wen Yuanming looked calm and said: "Hmph...it's just a little stratagem to alienate people. Did Brother Taichang believe it?"

Xun Taichang sneered: "Of course I don't believe in my brother's temperament, but...is this important?"

"Whether you and I believe it or not, it has nothing to do with the current overall situation. As long as one of you, Master Ze or Master Yang, believes it, brother, just imagine what will happen?"

After all, whether Xun Taichang believed it or not was irrelevant to the overall situation, but as long as one of Gongzi Ze and Gongzi Yang believed it, the meeting in Yingkou would be in a different situation.

Of course, the meeting of the three feudal lords will definitely not be peaceful, but this is also the final opportunity for Lu State to calm down the war.Wen Yuanming and Xun Taichang both knew that the three princes would not let go easily, nor would they be willing to wait for death, but they just kept a trace of their thoughts.

"Brother Taichang... you and I control the military power and work hard for the survival of the country of Lu. We are afraid of slacking off, lest we should be ashamed of our ancestors. As long as we uphold the public spirit, we will be worthy of our own hearts. , worthy of the people of the country, the rest of my life is enough!"

Xun Taichang smiled bitterly and said: "The Grand Master's intentions are pure, I am indeed inferior! I just hope that the meeting at Yingkou will not push the chaos in Lu State to the point where it is out of control."

Although, based on the military power in the hands of Wen Yuanming and Xun Taichang, they can make the final decision and recommend a prince and son to succeed the throne of Lu.

However, the two of them also had concerns. The civil and military ministers in the court had unclear intentions, the elders of the public family had their own interests, and several princes and princes were powerful.Outside, Zheng and Song were watching, and at least two gods, gods, and demons were sharpening their swords.

Amid external and internal troubles, they had to stay on the sidelines for the time being. Once they couldn't bear it and went into battle shirtless, it would be a completely different story.

No one can live without scruples in this world. Even if he is the strongest in the world and has divine power that can overwhelm the universe, he still has some scruples.Wen Yuanming and Xun Taichang were one of the few remaining important ministers of the Lu State. They were not only responsible for the life and death of their family, but also related to the national destiny of the Lu State.

"If the Yingkou meeting really does not meet expectations and the three parties go to full-scale war, what should we do?"


Castle Peak Ferry!

The water of Qingjiang River stretches for three thousand miles. Its water is fast and violent, and its water potential rises and falls violently. There are only a dozen light and sturdy rafts cruising on both sides of the river.

"Aoyama is still there, How Many Suns!"

Xun Shaoyu walked calmly and step by step to the Qingshan Ferry. He put his hands behind his hands and looked at the green mountains and clear waters on both sides of the bank, while the sound of the turbulent river echoed in his ears.

His fingertips gently flicked the scabbard of the Wu sword on his waist, and the sound of a clank fluctuated: "Such a beautiful scenery is really good. It can be said that it is a rare beauty in the mountains and rivers of Lu State."

Xun Shaoyu watched the water turbulent on both sides of the bank, and the water splashed and scattered into the air, and the breath was cool.

On this trip to the Yingkou meeting, Xun Shaoyu went to the meeting alone. He did not bring any troops or horses, nor did he bring any of his generals. He only came wearing a blue shirt with integrity.

Although he knew the meaning of the white dragon fish suit, if there was any movement in the army, he would be surrounded by thousands of troops and horses, and the Dayi and Xiaoyi along the way would be occupied by Gao Yangjun, which might not allow him to pass smoothly.

Moreover, he owns martial arts supernatural powers, and he has no one to compete with.He can advance or retreat when he goes to the meeting alone, and he is equipped with the martial arts supernatural power of [King Kong is not bad].

With his "Indestructible" martial arts foundation, he is most suitable for charging into battle with large armies. At that time, swords, guns, swords and halberds are useless. He has an unparalleled advantage in running rampant among thousands of armies.

"The Qingshan Ferry is very close to Yingkou. After passing the Qingshan Ferry, you can definitely see a corner of Yingkou." Xun Shaoyu looked at the waves on the river, and his heart suddenly moved.

In the past few days, he has been walking alone, using the Hunyuan Yiqi supernatural power to travel tens of thousands of miles, all the way from Qiyi, Nanyang. In terms of leg strength alone, he has surpassed the top ten treasure horses in the world.

"But I don't know if my two unsatisfactory brothers have the courage to participate in the Yingkou meeting."

Xun Shaoyu looked at the bank of the river, and his figure suddenly turned into a shadow. Countless ripples passed by the cloud light under his feet, and he was galloping from the river. Although the river was boiling and turbulent, he felt as if he was walking on flat ground.In just a moment, the figure had turned into a blur and disappeared far away at the end of the Qingjiang River.


Yingkou Camp!

The murderous intention was solemn and cold, and Master Xun sat down on the throne. His trusted ministers stood respectfully on the left and right, and everyone wore weapons.

Rows of phalanx soldiers were waiting in full gear. The bright armors and cold weapons all carried a solemn and solemn look.

"Are you...all ready?"

He said quietly, holding the sword with his palm. Although his face was calm, his secret mood was fluctuating violently.

An indecisive young man like Xun Shao Ze was able to make such a decision because of the collective efforts of his ministers and Si Xuanyun's supervision.

The trusted ministers on the left and right said in unison: "Your Majesty, please be at ease. I have made good preparations, and I will definitely not miss this important event."

Mr. Xun had no expression on his face and said slowly: "Do you think this can be done?"

You must know that the original intention of Lao Taishi's Yingkou meeting was to quell the civil strife in Lu State, but Master Xun wanted to make a dangerous move. He would rather offend Lao Taishi, a veteran of the Four Dynasties, than to defeat the two powerful enemies in one fell swoop. Except, this is undoubtedly the opposite of the old master's original intention.Master Xun was still extremely wary of the old master who held great power.

As for besieging and killing the two brothers, Mr. Xun himself didn't care at all.The family ties between princes and nobles were already extremely weak, and the civil strife in Lu State had reduced this already small amount of affection to almost nothing.Therefore, once Mr. Xun became murderous, everything became a matter of course.

Advisor Li An whispered: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, we are fully prepared. As soon as Young Master Yu and Young Master Yang show up, [-] [Feiyu elite soldiers] will immediately surround and kill them. There are also three martial arts saints surnamed Si on the side, which is enough To suppress the overall situation, even if his body is indestructible and his martial arts is called a saint, he will die in Yingkou."

"At this time, you are the only one left among the three great princes. Even if the old master Wen and Xun's office are dissatisfied, what can they do to you? Among the princes, all those who can threaten you are dead. This prince The position of Lord Hou simply belongs to you, who else could it be than you?"

The mobilization of [-] [Flying Fish Elite Soldiers] is already the limit of Xun Shaoze's secret mobilization, no more will be able to escape the eyes and ears of [Black Water Sharp Warriors] and [Flying Phoenix Divine Soldiers].This matter was carried out without telling the grand master, once the incident is revealed, it is difficult to predict the misfortune and fortune.

Xun Shao took a deep breath, and murmured to himself: "Kill the two powerful enemies in one fell swoop, and I will be able to ascend to the throne, and the country of Lu will not be disturbed by the flames of war. Their hard work.”

"Your Majesty, you have already missed an opportunity, and you must seize this opportunity. And whether this matter succeeds or not, you will have great benefits."

Li An spoke high-spirited and said: "If Mr. Ze and Mr. Yu don't come to Yingkou, you can naturally suppress them in terms of public opinion. On the grounds that they are selfish and have no intention of making peace, we will naturally take advantage of morality and start another war. At this time, it will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.”

"Moreover, even if they come to Yingkou, with the number of soldiers and armor they can bring, how can they compare with our long-term operation? As long as we deploy heavy troops and have a few martial arts saints standing guard, this matter will be inevitable Foolproof.”

Facing the scorching gazes, Master Xun tightly grasped the hilt of his sword and said, "Everyone, I will entrust all my misfortunes and blessings to you."

(End of this chapter)

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