Yuan Shi Tian

Chapter 64 Fengtai Ambition

Chapter 64 Fengtai Ambition
With a waist of [-], he rode down to Yangzhou on a crane.

Yangzhou is the land of imperial education in the south of the Yangtze River.

Among the 13 states in the Wei Dynasty, Yangzhou was the most prosperous.

However, no matter how prosperous and prosperous it is, in the midst of war and war, it is like a false bubble that bursts as soon as it is popped.

Yangzhou, Danyang Prefecture, Jiangning County!

The lights in the rebel camp were brightly lit.

There are three soldiers on one post, five on one sentry post, and ten on one policeman.

Each military tent is as neatly cut as tofu cubes.

Groups of soldiers, wearing red scarves on their heads and simple swords on their waists, shuttled through many military tents.

In a side tent, the lights were dimly lit, and a young man in black was sitting casually on a straw mat on the ground, holding a scroll.

Just looking at the little candlelight on the table next to him, he seemed to be in a trance.

This young man in black shirt has an ordinary appearance and is dressed in coarse linen.His temperament seems to be the same as that of ordinary Guizhou people.

The young man in black muttered quietly: "Five years!!"

There is a huge difference in the speed of time between this world of Wei and the main world.

One day in heaven, one year on earth!
Xun Shaoyu spent five days in the main world, stepping into [Easing Muscles and Forging Bones], which was extraordinary.

In this world of the Wei Dynasty, things and people seemed to have changed. Five full years had passed.

In the past five years, not only Xun Shaoyu's situation has changed greatly, but also the layout of the 13 states in the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

During the past five years, the Wei court was committed to quelling the unrest in all directions.

The army was at full strength, killing heads and blood everywhere they went.The soldiers were invincible, and each of them was as strong as ten, and they were extremely brave.

Against the various rebel armies formed by the common people in the head of Guizhou, they suppressed hundreds of large and small rebel armies with a force that could be called crushing.

However, the harsh government and the mighty martial arts of the Wei Dynasty could not suppress the extravagant desires of Emperor Zhuang Tuobashe, nor could they suppress the boiling resentment and resentment of the people.

Even though they knew it was an egg against a stone, rebel armies from all walks of life still emerged one after another, and many heroes rose up one after another.

The prelude to troubled times is beginning little by little!

There are no songs for thousands of miles, and no one is inhabited for hundreds of miles. Yangzhou is so prosperous that it is no longer prosperous!
He put down the scroll in his hand and faced the long moonlight, feeling slightly absent-minded for a moment.

"In the past five years, thanks to the second consciousness that can control the physical body, this physical body has not been ruined."

Now five years have passed, Xun Shaoyu's appearance has changed greatly. He has a thick body, broad joints, and a hint of awe in his eyebrows.

Xun Shaoyu's slightly mediocre appearance has the appearance of a tiger perched on a dragon's plate.

"Unfortunately, the second consciousness is not a mysterious spell like the second soul or the second incarnation after all. It was a coincidence that created a incomplete consciousness."

It was the existence of this consciousness that allowed Xun Shaoyu's true spirit to return to the main world.You can also talk as usual and talk as usual.

"However, the advantages are obvious, and the disadvantages are equally obvious. After all, it is not a complete consciousness, and it is too rigid in dealing with the world."

Xun Shaoyu's eyes opened and closed, weighing the fortunes of the past few years.

Thinking back to the time when he took Mingyuan and a few of his confidants and fled in embarrassment.

Even Yizhou didn't dare to stay longer.After running all the way from Xiyi to Yangzhou, I found some peace and quiet.

At that time, there was a great chaos in Danyang, and the fighting situation between the rebels and Turle was uncertain.

Xun Shaoyu and the others were bound together by fate, and by chance, they all joined one of the rebels.

Among the rebels, with his courage to fight and kill, and his masterful killing skills, Xun Shaoyu ran rampant, struggling all the way.

Like a fish in water, in just a few years, he gained the trust of Qu Shuai, a rebel army.Become an important figure in this rebel army, and even lead an army alone to guard a territory.

Xun Shaoyu thought to himself: "In the past few years, the Tule people's decline has been revealed, and their military strength has gradually become blunted. They are getting worse day by day. The rebels from all walks of life are gradually taking the initiative."

The various rebel armies that had been circling in the ravines gradually annexed surrounding towns.

The entire Jiangning County is now under rebel control.

Taxes, money, and grain were all controlled by the rebels.This was unimaginable a few years ago.

"The Second Consciousness has dared to fight and fight hard in the past few years. It coincides with the great opportunity for the Tule forces to shrink sharply. The power in the rebel army is quite optimistic."

The second consciousness in dealing with people is of course rigid and has weak autonomy.But this kind of rigidity also has its advantages.

All codes of conduct follow the rules and regulations set by Xun Shaoyu himself.

Be loyal to your superiors, benevolent to your subordinates, and be righteous to your colleagues!

Xun Shaoyu won the trust of his commander because of his honesty and sincerity.

In the past five years, except for a limited number of confidants, they knew that Xun Shaoyu had hidden his fangs.What he has always shown externally is such a character that attaches great importance to love and justice.

Thinking about something on his mind, Xun Shaoyu kept tapping his fingertips on the table, his thoughts drifting away.


Fengtai Mountain,
Close to Jiangning County, the terrain is high and mountains cross it.

Niushan, Biandanshan, Zhangshan, Xiaozhangshan, etc. are surrounded by mountains.

There are many savages in the mountains. They hide in the ancient trees of the mountain streams and make a living by hunting and foresting. They gather in many groups and gather in the mountains.

The village is named after it, and the entire village is inhabited by people from the Wu clan.

This lineage of the Wu family has been passed down for hundreds of years. Since the war in the vanguard, they have fled into the mountains to escape the world.

He stayed away for five or six hundred years, and even before the Song Dynasty was established, he never came out of the mountain to join the world.

The Wu clan prospered and grew stronger day by day, surviving several catastrophes that destroyed the country and more than a dozen dynasty turmoils.

Nowadays, there are thousands of people in the clan, nearly a thousand young and strong, and they are one of the most domineering families on Fengtai Mountain.

The night is dark, the bamboos and trees are entangled, the old people are spreading out, and the smoke is curling up from the cottages.

"Drink!!" A big man with a beard, wearing a gray gown, half rolled up his sleeves, his arms covered with black hair.

His big hands, like cattail leaf fans, held a sea bowl.

On the table, delicacies and game are stewed in a pot, giving off the fragrance of the mountains.

Several big bowls collided, and the wine spilled and splashed on the table.

"Drink!!" Several people touched the bowl without hesitation.

The people in the mountains have a straightforward temperament. After going back and forth several times, drinking and drinking, several people got drunk.

"Third brother... burp..." He started to drink, and a big man stood up unsteadily.

"Ah..." The big man with beard patted his shoulder with his hand like a cattail leaf fan.

The man shook his body and said, "Third brother...brother..."

"I...I heard...high...high..."

The man had a big tongue. When he spoke, he couldn't move his tongue and curled it up unconsciously.

Seeing the man's effort in speaking, several men laughed.

"Okay, Old Five, you have such a drinking capacity. After a few mouthfuls of yellow soup, your tongue is curled up." The skinny man patted his chest, which was so thin that it was skin and bones.

Wu San was tipsy and said, "Lao Wu...he's good everywhere. It's just that he drinks like this. He's not like us mountain people."

"Hahaha..." Several men laughed heartily.

The skinny man said: "Have the Gao family been very outstanding in the past few years?"

"I heard that they are doing banditry at the same time, dividing the gold and silver. In the past few years, their power has grown very fast!"

Hearing this, Wu San's eyes flashed, thoughtfully: "Really, the Gao family?"

The Gao family is another large village on Fengtai Mountain. It has strong power.
Together with Wujiazhai, they dominate Fengtai Mountain in eighty miles.

Wherever there are people, there are fights, and even the seemingly poor mountain people are not immune to this.

The Wu and Gao families, as the local tyrants and Hunjiang tigers of Fengtai in Eighty Miles, usually dislike each other and do not obey anyone.

Wu San, as the leader of this generation of Wujiazhai, would certainly not have a good impression of Gaojiazhai, his old enemy and sworn enemy.

"Don't talk nonsense about the Gao family's affairs." He said in a nonchalant manner.

"Whatever the Gao family does does not mean that my Wu family will do the same. Even though gold and silver are good, they can also bring disaster."

Wu San saw that several brothers from the same clan were obviously a little moved, and his voice could not help but feel cold.

Wu Qi shook his head and shouted: "Third brother, you are so arrogant,"

"The old Gao family took advantage of their large number of people to go down the mountain and scrape the land. If they can earn this passing money, why can't we, the old Wu family, earn it?"

Someone said worriedly: "In the past two or three years, the Lao Gao family has destroyed many well-off families. They are very wealthy and powerful. They are not easy to mess with... they are not easy to mess with..."

If these two families start a business without capital, sooner or later they will have to fight each other and decide whether they are superior or inferior.

"In the counties surrounding Danyang Prefecture, the Gao family appears frequently and has considerable influence."

Wu San frowned and said, "It seems that the Gao family has great ambitions!"

By the time he was talking, Wu Wu had sobered up for the most part, and his tongue was slightly straighter.

"I heard...I heard that Lao Gao's family is going to do something big recently."

Wu Laowu was a little confused. He stretched out five fingers and turned them back and forth: "At least this number!"

Several men suddenly became interested: "So big?"

This amount of wealth immediately cleared the drunkenness of several men.

Wu San's voice suddenly deepened: "Which county are you in?"

Wu San and the other brothers focused on completely different directions.

The development momentum of Lao Gao's family in recent years has been somewhat fierce, but it is just like this and cannot change the world.

He, Wu Laosan, looked down upon this way of making a fortune.

This man once had blood on his hands.If you want to wash it off, even if you spend ten or thirty times your efforts, it may not be effective.

He, Wu Laosan, was lucky enough to catch up with the tide of troubled times.

There are all kinds of rebels and big heroes vying to come to power.

In such a good time, instead of trying to bring glory to his ancestors, he would become a third-rate robber.

He doesn't want to!
"Hiccup... Jiangning County..."

Wu Wu burped, smelling of alcohol.

Wu San was thoughtful and muttered: "Jiangning County? I remember, isn't that county under the control of the rebels?"

"He is a rebel named Fang Guoduan, stationed in Jiangning County... I heard that this Fang Guoduan is a troublesome person. I wonder if he can make the Gao family suffer a big fall."

"I heard that Fang Guoduan, who is only eighteen years old, is able to dominate an army by himself. It's really enviable."

Wu Wu's desire to make great achievements became increasingly intense and almost uncontrollable.

In troubled times, it is time for people to fight through thorns and fight all the way to seek a prince for generations and a prince for a hundred years.

Conflicts in the world are disasters and disasters for some people.But, for some people, they enjoy it.

(End of this chapter)

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