Chapter 110 The Death of Matou Zouken
"Toki, Toki, Tokiomi Tokiomi, everything is your fault!"

Matou Kariya kept roaring in his mouth as he walked forward while holding on to the wall.

In order to save Sakura from the fate of being transformed by the Marking Bug, Matou Kariya decided to win the Holy Grail War in her place.

Only in this way can Matou Sakura be freed from the fate of the Matou family.

However, Matou Kariya's ability is not enough to become a qualified master to serve his servants. In order to reach this bottom line, Matou Kariya willingly handed himself over to Matou Zangyan to be transformed with a marking insect.

In this way, you can obtain the qualifications of being a master.

In the process of being transformed, many of Matou Kariya's emotions are rapidly fading away, leaving only his love for Zenjo Aoi and his hatred for Tokiomi Tohsaka.

I hate him for taking away Chancheng Kui.

Hate him for sending Sakura to Matou's house.

Hate everything about him.

It was precisely with this hatred that he persisted until now.

"What an amazing willpower! Kariya!"

Matou Zouken never believed that Matou Kariya could win the final victory.

Therefore, he never kept the agreement with Kariya.

In his opinion, Matou Kariya's behavior was just like the barking of a wild dog.

For Matou Kariya and Matou Zangyan at this time, they only had a bad taste.

In order to torture him better, Matou Zouken even prepared a high-quality holy relic and summoned a servant with serious magic consumption to torture Matou Kariya to his heart's content.

"I wonder how much you can endure! Kariya!"


Just when Matou Zangyan was laughing wildly in his heart, accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning, the door of the Matou family was knocked open, and the Matou family's defensive magic was also shattered.

"what's going on!"

Shocked by this sudden situation, Matou Zouken quickly rushed downstairs.

Then six figures caught his eyes.

Among them, there were two figures exuding a strong sense of presence, and Matou Zouken could tell the identity of the other's followers at a glance.

"Why are the servants here?"

Matou Zangyan's face was full of surprise.

As one of the builders of the Holy Grail System, there are few people who can surpass Matou Zouken in understanding the Holy Grail System.

Matou Zouken knew very well that as a clone of a heroic spirit, the summoning and actions of a servant consume extremely mana.

In fact, most of the consumption of the Servants in the Holy Grail War was actually supported by the Holy Grail, so normal summoning of heroic spirits will only be carried out after the Holy Grail War begins.

And now, there are still three days before the start of the Holy Grail War.

"Do you rely on your own magic power to support the actions of your servants? I wonder why you came to my Matou house for any important business?"

"What is it?"

Micah responded with a smile: "We are here to rob!"

After saying that, Micah jumped on the "Divine Wheel", the Noble Phantasm that the Conqueror King Iskandar drove in and smashed many defensive magics, and pointed at Iskandar and continued.

"Please listen to my grand introduction. This is the famous Conqueror King Iskandar."

"As the former overlord, Conqueror King Iskandar will gain the final victory in this Holy Grail War and restart his conquest of the world."

"And your Matong family will be the first stop for the great cause of conquering the king. Please donate your family's land deed, family property, spiritual veins, treasures, fine wine, magic books, and women!"

"After giving all of these, you can leave here safely!"

After listening to Micah's speech, the scene instantly became cold.

"Wow, how cruel! Micah!"

"Well, even I didn't rob like this back then!"

"This is your true face Micah, you are so domineering!"

Matou Zouken's response did not come, and Mika waited for the criticism from his companions.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't talk about me behind my back!"

After complaining with an unhappy expression, Mika turned around again and looked at the Matou Zouken in front of him.

"How about it, have you thought clearly?"

"It seems that you are determined to be the enemy of our Matong family!"

Matou Zangyan has already seen that the other party is determined to kill his Matong family.

If these things are given to the other party, what else will he use to obtain the Holy Grail in the future?
"It seems that you don't want to!"

After jumping off the Shenwei Wheel, Micah said to Merlin behind him: "Then I'll leave it to you, Merlin."

"Well, okay!"

Although I really want to say that I am not good at fighting, I use this to fish.

But after all, this is the first battle after being summoned, so you can't be looked down upon by your other self!
"Speaking of which, I'm not that good at fighting! But I have a way to absolutely win against the person in front of me."

Stepping forward lightly, Merlin passed over Micah and the others at the front, and slammed his staff on the ground.

"Remember it! Makiri Zolgen, recall your long-cherished wish!"

With the tapping of Merlin's staff, pink petals floated in the air, and finally filled the entire hall.

"what is this!"

Wrapped in pink petals, when Matou Zangyan was about to struggle, a section of his past suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

That was the journey he took to pursue his ideals and implement them.

"What on earth have I done!"

As past memories continue to emerge, the past, which represents good deeds, and the present, which represents evil deeds, are constantly conflicting with each other.

What follows is the disintegration of the soul.

Makiri Zolgen's soul has long been transformed into pieces over the course of 500 years.

Recalling her past memories and her long-cherished wish, Makiri Zolgen, who couldn't stand her current self, finally died among the petals flying in the sky.

Before he died, his soul, which had returned to its original appearance, said to Micah and others with apology: "Please make up for that child for me!"

After all, his soul completely dissipated.

"That's it, dead?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Amide said with some puzzlement.

"Ah, he's dead. In a sense, he should have committed suicide!"

Looking at the remains of Makiri Zolgen lying on the ground in front of him, Micah said lightly: "I told you, he was once an ambitious young man full of justice."

"But the wear and tear of time made him forget all together, leaving only the obsession to survive. For this obsession, he did many unreasonable things."

"After 500 long years, his soul was almost broken. The only thing that can hold it together is obsession."

"But under Merlin's illusion, he recalled his past memories and was no longer willing to live, so he chose to take his own life."

"You are worthy of being able to find his weaknesses and target them so easily, Merlin."

Looking at Merlin on one side, Micah smiled and praised.

"Hey, it's just a small trick! I'm not that strong!"

After hearing Micah's praise, Merlin, who was used to fishing, immediately became humble.


But at this moment, a scream reached everyone's ears.

"It's Matou Kariya!"

Micah immediately reacted.

"In order to qualify as a master, Matou Kariya gave his body to Matou Zangyan for transformation. Now his life is entirely supported by the marking worm."

"But now that Matou Zangyan is dead, his marking insect must also be dead. In this case, he may not live long!"

Looking at the screams upstairs, Mei Li suddenly asked: "Is the girl named Matou Sakura the same!"

(End of this chapter)

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