Chapter 138: Fuyuki City with Nuclear Leveling


As the weapons of both Micah and Gilgamesh were pressed down, the decisive battle between the two began.

The two forces that originally collided in mid-air spread out in mid-air. Although the remaining waves continued to stir up storms, they had no impact on Micah and Gilgamesh.

But now, as the two people's weapons were pressed down, the aftermath that originally dissipated in mid-air continued to impact their bodies.

Pushed by the aftermath of the energy, the bodies of Micah and Gilgamesh were pushed straight back, leaving only two dragging traces in place.

At the same time, the energy emitted by the Heavenly Fire, Tribulation and Destruction and the Heaven and Earth Deviation, Opening Star gathered between the two of them.

At the center of the collision between the two, a vast force gradually gained balance, maintained its own existence, and then began to rapidly expand outward.



As Micah and Gilgamesh shouted, the rapidly expanding energy enveloped the two of them, and then continued to expand outward, destroying everything along the way.

Until its expansion reached its limit, and finally exploded completely.

At this moment, a mushroom cloud rose slowly in Fuyuki City.

This strike was not a nuclear explosion.

But its power far exceeds the ancient nuclear warhead Gilgamesh projected from Vimana.

This is the real 'trial'!

Looking at Micah being swallowed up, Ahmed and Mellie immediately shouted loudly.

"Wait, don't be impulsive!"

Merlin on the side immediately stopped the two from going there.

"Don't underestimate Micah. Since he has decided to do this, he must have expected it."

"And there is Gabriel by his side, so there is no chance that anything will happen to him."

"On the contrary, you two, retreat quickly, that thing is about to explode."

Hearing Merlin's words, Ahmed and Meili immediately woke up.

Seeing that the two men no longer resisted, Merlin immediately led them to a space transfer and disappeared into the ruins.

And as the mushroom cloud rose, the place where they had been was completely destroyed.

"What a close call!"

Looking at the buildings completely destroyed by the explosion, Kotomine Rimasa standing on the edge of the ruins couldn't help but sigh.

As Kotomine Kirei's father and the referee of this Holy Grail War, he is responsible for hiding the signs of the Holy Grail War and dealing with the impact of the Holy Grail War.

Even if he has secretly cooperated with Tokiomi Tosaka.

Just now, he, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, noticed that the battle situation between Micah and Gilgamesh continued to expand, so he quickly began to evacuate nearby residents.

It is precisely because of this that no human life was involved in the explosion.

"But how should we deal with the aftermath of such a thing! Natural gas explosion?"

Looking at the mushroom cloud in the sky that has not dissipated, Yan Fengli smiled wryly and shook his head.

"I wonder what Tokiomi Tohsaka is doing now. He must be responsible for this kind of thing?"

"Is that so?"

Seeing the battle situation in the distance through his familiar, Tokiomi Tosaka, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help but mutter to himself.

After a fight with Matou Kariya, Tohsaka Tokiomi won by a narrow margin.

After all, unlike Matou Kariya, a magician who became a monk on the way, Tosaka Tokiomi, who has been educated as a magician since he was a child, is undoubtedly an elite among magicians.

For modern magicians, self-defense is a basic requirement.

Even though Tokiomi Tosaka upheld the elegance of the Tosaka family, he didn't study too much in self-defense.

But after practicing, he still found an opportunity to successfully 'counterattack'.

If he hadn't underestimated the enemy before and was hit hard from the beginning, Matou Kariya would never have had the advantage.

As for how weak his weak advantage at this time is?
Matou Kariya was knocked unconscious.

Tokiomi Tosaka was awake, but unable to move.

"No, I can't fail like this, I want to win!"

"For the long-cherished wish of the Tohsaka family."

"For the roots!"

Glancing at his arm, Tokiomi Tosaka had a determined look in his eyes.

"In the name of the Command Seal, please restore your glory, Archer!"

Following Tosaka Tokiomi's order, the Command Seal in his hand suddenly disappeared.

Then, the satisfied Tosaka Tokiomi completely passed out.

"I finally did something that satisfies me, Shi Chen!"

Feeling the power from the Command Seal, Gilgamesh's injuries quickly recovered.

What he also recovered at the same time was the magic power in his body.

"It seems that the winner is my king!"

"But this victory is based on the fact that I am a heroic spirit. For a human to achieve this, I recognize your bravery."

"Feel honored, Micah! This is the recognition of the King of Heroes!"

"Who wants your approval?"

The sound of scattered gravel resounded in this silent space. A hundred meters away from Gilgamesh, Micah, wearing armor, stood up from the pile of stones.

Feeling his weak body, Micah's body couldn't help but sway.

After facing this earth-shattering explosion head-on, the reason why Micah was able to stand up was because of the armor and angelic weapons on his body.

This armor is a weapon made by Micah using his telekinesis ability.

Under the restrictions and oaths, this armor cannot defend against any physical attacks, but it is 90.00% immune to pure energy attacks.

It was thanks to it that Micah was able to survive the explosion.

As for Micah's ability to get rid of the near-death state he fell into after using Skyfire and Calamity, because "sharing joys and sorrows" saved his life, it was still Armed's magic.

Armed's magic is lasting.

While he was stuck deep in the rubble, the healing magic Armed gave him before the war continued to heal him, bringing him back from the brink of death.

However, Micah's current state has been unprecedentedly depressed.

But even so, in the face of Gilgamesh's 'praise', Micah still retorted.

After all, these words are always said by the winner to the loser.

And Micah has not failed yet.

"Really? Do you still want to keep fighting?"

From Micah's eyes, Gilgamesh saw the unyielding spirit.

This look was very familiar to Gilgamesh.

This is the look in his eyes when he faced the manipulation of the gods.

He will never admit defeat.

"I take it back, Micah, you really don't need my approval."

"You are the enemy I must face."

"Facing you, I will bury you with the grandest ceremony."

Raising the sword Ea in his hand again, Gilgamesh said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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