Chapter 155 The steel giant stands on the earth

"Here it is again!"

Looking around, it is all yellow sand.

Looking at the looming soldiers in the distance, the corners of Micah's mouth raised slightly.

"Is there really no problem? Micah!"

Gabriel asked worriedly as he floated back and forth next to Micah.

Although he knew that Micah also had a so-called 'trick'.

But Gabriel knew nothing about the details of this move.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to understand Micah's confidence.

"If that doesn't work, Micah, just use Gilgamesh's Sword of Deviation!"

"With that sword, the inherent enchantment of the King of Conquerors will be terminated in an instant."

Looking at the confident Micah, Gabriel suggested.

"No, I have no intention of using the King of Heroes' deviant sword until the most dangerous moment comes."

Micah, who fastened his face to the mask strap inside the helmet and was wrapped in armor, with only a pair of eyes exposed, said plainly.

"If the Sword of Deviation is used, then it will not be me who defeats the Conquering King Iskandar, but the dead Hero King Gilgamesh."

"Facing this great king, I want to defeat him with my own strength."

Hearing the firmness in Micah's words, Gabriel stopped trying to persuade Micah.

"I understand. If that's the case, then I will do my best to provide you with magic power."

"Ah, I leave it to you."

Looking at the fully assembled army in the distance, Micah said seriously: "Today, I will use a lot of magic power!"

Following Micah's words, two gauntlets holding the Noble Phantasm floated next to Micah, waiting for the battle to begin.

"Not using 'that'?"

Looking at Micah who was ready, Iskandar, who was silent for a moment, couldn't help but laugh.

"What is 'that'?"

Weber asked curiously.

"That? It's that strange golden sword!"

"Huh? That's the one!"

Weber couldn't help shouting.

At this moment, he had already recalled that Micah had snatched the sword in front of all of them.

"But didn't you say that the sword might have been taken back?"

When the explosion exploded in the center of Fuyuki, Iskandar said that Gilgamesh might have taken his sword back, otherwise the two would not have been able to create such an explosion.

Iskandar never believed that Jin Shining could have two of such a noble phantom as the Sword of Oblivion.

"But there's a good chance he got it back."

Iskandar looked particularly serious.

"Micah once said that their goal is not the Holy Grail, but something else."

"From the fact that he can take the Servants' Noble Phantasms as his own, it can be seen that his purpose should be to collect the Servants' weapons, just like he just asked me for the 'Divine Power Wheel'."

"From this point of view, he who defeated Jin Shining is likely to possess Jin Shining's strange sword."

After listening to Iskandar's reasoning, Weber's eyes showed horror.

They were all aware of how powerful the deviant sword of the Hero King Gilgamesh was.

That is the anti-realm Noble Phantasm that can instantly destroy Iskandar's inherent barrier.

But soon, Weber recovered from his shock.

"Although Micah doesn't use that sword now, it doesn't mean he doesn't have that sword, maybe he doesn't plan to use it?"

"So be careful."

"Don't worry, I know!"

Laughing and patting Weber on the back, Iskandar shouted loudly to the soldiers around him: "Everyone!"

"What we are facing now is a brave man who is comparable to myths and legends. The opponent defeated the despairingly powerful King of Heroes in a human body."

"Facing such a brave man, you must be excited by this time, right?"

"Of course!"

"Of course!"

"Of course!"

Tens of thousands of soldiers roared in unison, responding to the cry of the conquering king.

For a time, the entire desert was filled with their roars.

"Then charge!"

"Destroy the enemy in front of us!"

"Come on!!!"

Amidst the shouts of the conquering king Iskandar, tens of thousands of soldiers quickly rushed towards Micah.

At the front of the team were Iskandar and Weber riding in the chariot.

"Have you started yet?"

"Then I'm going to start too!"

Micah smiled slightly, and the gauntlet beside him moved.

This time, they didn't get bigger directly.

I saw these two gauntlets flying towards Micah and covering Micah's outstretched hands.

The next moment, fierce energy continued to wrap around Micah's armor.

"let's start!"


As Micah hummed, the armor Micah wore began to grow in size rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, this piece of armor, which was originally less than two meters high, grew to more than 50 meters, an increase of nearly thirty times.

At the same time, maintaining this huge magnification is the spear and shield in Micah's hand.

Inside the armor, Micah's body was sitting cross-legged on the platform where the other two armors intersected, using all his concentration to control the steel giant.

And this is the telekinesis ability developed by Micah, the ultimate secret of the Wings of Disaster.

The iron giant stands tall on the earth.

This is the mystery designed by Micah for his future self. After all, the energy it requires is extremely terrifying.

And as long as the energy is sufficient, the giant of the steel giant is also unlimited.

Although it is generated by armor, when filled with Qi, it is extremely solid inside.

Standing on the ground at this moment, it is definitely not empty shelf.

"What is that!"

Looking at the steel giant more than 50 meters high in the distance, whether it is Iskandar or Webber, or the warriors charging on the ground.

At this moment, their hearts were extremely desperate.

They understand.

The steel giant in front of him is definitely beyond the reach of human beings.

In their horrified eyes, the steel giant moved.

I saw him waving the shield vigorously.

The next moment, a storm swept through, blowing countless soldiers away.

For a time, people were everywhere in the sky and on the earth.

"do not panic!"

Iskandar's voice suddenly came.

"Didn't I say that before the battle? The opponent is a brave man who can be compared to myths and legends. It is normal for such an opponent to use whatever methods he uses."

"Don't forget the last time, the sword of the golden king is still far from that moment!"

Hearing the roar of the conquering king, the gloom that originally filled the army was instantly swept away.

This is the army that the conquering king Iskandar is proud of.

As long as Iskandar is not desperate, they will not be desperate either.

"Are you so strong?"

Micah, who saw everything through Madoka, raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

The next moment, he controlled the Iron Giant to jump up.

Leap into the air.

And under his feet was the army of the conquering king Iskandar.

(End of this chapter)

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