Chapter 172 Alliance
"Environment? What environment should we pay attention to? What's wrong with me?"

Hearing Alishe's reply, Lyu Leon was immediately defeated.

At this time, she was simply unable to deal with an existence like Alishe.

"Okay, you two, don't forget there are others around you."

Pointing at Mika, Gojono Kaguya said angrily.

So, the next moment, Micah felt the looks of four people looking at him at the same time.

"you are?"

The leader Alishe asked.

"Good morning to everyone from the Astraea Familia. My name is Micah. I am from the Yawei Familia. I am currently patrolling the area as assigned by the guild."

"After I saw someone being robbed just now, I actually wanted to stop him, but this elf lady beat me to it."

Micah responded with a smile.

Because of hiding his strength, Micah's previous speed was at the faster level among LV.2.

That's why he was so easily surpassed by Lyu Leon of LV.3.

"Patrol? Yes, it seems that now is the time when Orario is under full martial law."

Alishe said in sudden realization.

"Because I have been tracking the traces of the dark faction recently, I have forgotten about this matter."

Because the Astraea Familia's main purpose is to safeguard justice, they often get involved in various battles with dark factions.

This is true even now.

As one of our own important combat forces, the Astraea Familia is rarely assigned to patrol tasks.

But in fact, in their free time, members of the Astraea Familia will patrol on their own initiative.

They are always full of strength to maintain the order of Orario.

Hearing Alishe's words, Micah asked curiously: "I heard that various shops in Orario have been attacked recently, resulting in huge losses. I wonder what the current situation has reached? "

"The situation is terrible now."

Recalling his recent work, Gojo Ye Kaguya complained and said: "Actually, the interior of Orari is relatively safe, and now it is dangerous outside of Orari."

"It is said that there are traces of dark factions everywhere in the world. They are constantly wreaking havoc, and the focus is on the elven villages."

"It is said that many elven villages have been attacked."

Looking at Kaguya Gojo who shook his head, Mika couldn't help but froze.

He never imagined that the world outside Orario would be in such chaos.

You know, that is an elf village!
The elves, for example, have their own training place, the 'school district'.

Among the elves, many elves have been trained by the school district.

For example, Lefiya, the future "Thousand Magic Fairy", was already a LV.3 level adventurer when she came to Orario.

There must be many adventurers like this in the elven villages.

But even such a powerful elf village was plundered on a large scale by the dark faction.

"It seems that there are many strong people among the dark faction."

Micah couldn't help but sigh.

But then a sense of urgency arose.

They must improve their strength as soon as possible.

In the future, there will be an extremely cruel battle.

Shaking his head and suppressing this thought deep in his heart, Micah stepped on the criminal's foot with a little force, and then asked amidst the other's wails: "How should I deal with this guy?"

"Wait a moment, the Ganesha Familia should arrive soon."

Alishe said with a smile.

"It seems like we haven't introduced ourselves yet, right?"

"That's not necessary. The reputation of the four of you is known throughout Orario."

Micah responded with a chuckle.

"Hmph, as expected of me!"

Looking at Alishe with her hands on her hips, her companions Lyu and Leon sighed helplessly with their foreheads on their hands.

"Speaking of which, I think I heard the goddess Astraea talk about the Yawei Familia."

Ignoring the lamentations of her companions, Alishe said suddenly.

"It seems that Goddess Astralia and Goddess Yawei were also close friends when they were in heaven."

"Hey, is there such a thing?"

The other three members of the Astralia family asked curiously.

They don't know anything about this kind of thing.

"Well, there is indeed such a thing. I also heard Master Yawei say it."

Micah is quite clear about Yawei's social circle.

But it didn't affect him.

Just like Loki and Freya, the two of them are actually close friends.

But the two families can be said to be mortal enemies.

Therefore, Micah will not look at Yawei and Astralia in a different light just because they are good friends.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Of course, you don't know now."

After saying that, Alishe walked up to Micah with a smile, patted Micah on the shoulder and said, "Brother Micah, if anything happens to you, you can come to us."

"Thank you so much."

Micah said with a forced smile.

Although according to the time he spent in Dicuo, he is indeed not as big as the other party.

But if you include the time in another world, then he must be older than the other party.

Why do you call him Mika?

"By the way, I wonder who the leader of the Yawei Familia is?"

Alishe asked suddenly.

"As for the leader of the Yawei Familia, that would be me."

"Well, then let's form an alliance!"


It wasn't just Micah who exclaimed, but also the companions standing beside Alyse.

"Wait, Alishe, what are you doing!"

Putting his hands on Alishe's shoulders, Gojono Kaguya kept shaking her body.

"What to do? Form an alliance!"

"But we have just met, and we still don't understand anything."

Gojono Kaguya said in a broken voice.

“But isn’t Goddess Yawei a good friend of Goddess Astralia?”

"In this case, I believe that Goddess Yawei must also be a goddess of high moral character. And for such a noble goddess, how can her members be so different?"

"Although we have just met him, judging from his previous behavior and conversation, I think Micah is definitely a reliable person."

"So if I can form an alliance with such a dependent clan, there is nothing wrong with me."

Hearing Alishe's reasons, Gojono Kaguya couldn't help but be speechless.

"But isn't that too casual?"

"Is it casual? I think this is fate between us."

At this point, Gojono Kaguya can no longer say anything.

Lyu and Laila on the side saw this and did not continue to persuade them. After all, the deputy captain was defeated.

Then they are even less useful.

"How about it, little brother Micah, are you willing to accept our covenant?"

Turning around, Alishe stretched out her palm and stared at Micah and said seriously.

"You said so, how can I refuse!"

With a smile on his face, Micah also extended his palm.

The next moment, their hands were held together.

(End of this chapter)

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