Chapter 192 Interrogation and Rhetorical Questioning



"ready, go!"



"ready, go!"



"ready, go!"

In an abandoned building, there was a constant sound of collisions.

Inside this building, Xiaojie and Nobunaga were seen wrestling each other's wrists.

But facing Nobunaga's strength, Xiaojie had no ability to resist at all.

His wrist was repeatedly hit on the stone table, and the constant collisions made the back of his hand bloody.

But even so, Nobunaga still forced Gon to do it again.

And beside the two of them, except for the dead Wo Jin and Chrollo who left here to hunt for Nyon's Nian ability, the rest of the Phantom Troupe are all here.

Including Nobunaga, there are 11 people in total.

After being brought back to their base by the members of the Phantom Troupe, Killua suddenly felt a sense of joy when he looked at Hisoka who appeared among them.

In his opinion, Hisoka was very fond of Xiaojie and would not let him die here.

In this regard, Hisoka also hinted to Killua through his eyes, asking him not to reveal their mutual acquaintance.

But the next moment, Gonjie said in surprise when he saw Hisoka.

This scene made both Killua and Hisoka break into cold sweats at the same time.

But thankfully Killua reacted quickly.

He instantly caught Xiao Di beside him. She once had an arm-wrestling relationship with Xiaojie at a roadside stall organized by Leorio.

"Ah, it's the big sister who was fighting at that time!"

Pointing at Xiaodi, Killua pretended to be cute and shouted.

But Xiaodi's reaction made him instantly confused.

Xiaodi didn't even recognize him.

Fortunately, Franklin and Feitan beside Xiaodi had also met Gon and Killua and confirmed their words without exposing the relationship between them and Hisoka.

"Oh, you actually beat Xiaodi in arm wrestling?"

After listening to the exchanges between several people, Nobunaga asked Xiaojie seriously.


Xiaojie nodded.

"Then come and break up with me!"

Nobunaga asked seriously.

As a result, the scene changed to what it was before.



"ready, go!"

Following Nobunaga's instructions, Xiaojie tried his best to move his wrist again.

But unlike his all-out efforts, Nobunaga on the opposite side seemed to feel no strength at all, showing an unconcerned look on his face.

"How strong is my wrist strength among spiders?"

Nobunaga asked casually.

"It should be ranked seventh or eighth, right?"

After Franklin on the side finished speaking calmly, Madge continued: "Although it's not very weak, it's not very strong either."


Staring at Gon across from him, Nobunaga continued: "The strongest among us is a man named Wo Jin, but he seems to have been killed by the chain hand."

"So aren't we saying that we don't know him?"

Looking at Xiaojie's situation, Qi Ya said urgently.

"Little devil!"


Pressing Gon's arm against the stone again, Nobunaga looked at Killua and warned seriously: "Next time you speak without consent, I will kill you!"

Feeling the killing intent coming from Nobunaga's body, Killua's expression turned serious.

That killing intent was definitely no joke.


Turning his attention to Gon again, Nobunaga continued.

"ready, go!"

As their palms clenched, blood began to drip down the back of Xiaojie's hand.

"That guy Wo Jin is an enhancement type, and he is also a very straight-tempered guy. He is a single-celled creature that likes head-on confrontation."

"On the other hand, he was very punctual, and Franklin and I would fight with him because he was always late."

"If it is a fight with bare hands, I can only be beaten unilaterally."

Staring at Xiaojie, Nobunaga kept talking about Wojin.

"We have known each other since before the brigade was established. I know him better than anyone else."

"That guy will never lose if he has a lot of money. He must have encountered a despicable plot by the other party."

As he spoke, tears continued to flow from Nobunaga's eyes.

As companions who fight side by side, the relationship between Nobunaga and Wojin is far beyond that of others.

"I will never spare him! No matter how many people I kill, I will find him."

"The Chainman has a strong hatred for us. He is a person hired by the gangster Nosla family. Even if you don't know him, you must have heard some rumors."

"Think carefully and tell me any clues you have."

Filled with hatred for the Chain Hand, Nobunaga growled.

When he heard the information Nobunaga said, Killua on the side was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, he had already guessed the identity of the Chain Hand.

That's Kurapika.

"I never heard!"

When Nobunaga was holding Gonjie's hand tightly, Gonjie was also struggling to hold Nobunaga's hand tightly.

After listening to Nobunaga's words, Xiaojie was very angry at this time.

"Even if I had heard of it, I would never tell you people."

"Originally, I thought you guys were a bunch of bloodless guys, but it turns out you will cry for your comrades too!"

Staring at Nobunaga in front of him, Xiaojie's eyes were very sharp.

At the same time, his body began to be enveloped in Qi.

"If that's the case, just a little bit is fine. Why can't you share this heart with those who were killed by you?"

The angry Xiaojie used the increase in Qi to slam Wo Jin's palm on the stone.

And at this moment, Feitan's figure suddenly appeared behind Xiaojie.

"Kid, you're going too far!"

Holding Xiaojie's arm, Feitan pressed Xiaojie onto the stone.

"Little Jay!"

Seeing this, Killua immediately ran forward.

But the next moment, Hisoka's poker scratched Killua's neck, and traces of blood began to drip down his neck.

"If you move again, I will row further."

"Answer our questions!"

Feitan said calmly: "Do you recognize the Chain Hand?"

"I've already said that I won't tell you anything."


Feitan chuckled, as if he was about to do something.

"Feitan, forget it."

Nobunaga stopped Feitan's actions.

"Forget it."

"Just what you want to do."

"You know what I want to do?"

"You want to break his hand."

"Start with your fingers and gently lift the nails."

"I don't care where it comes from, just stop it."

"Why do you order me? I don't have to obey you."

After a verbal exchange, Feitan and Nobunaga stared at each other.

Sensing the atmosphere between the two, just when everyone around them was about to break up the fight, a circle suddenly enveloped them.

"There are enemies!"

The faces of everyone in the Phantom Troupe became serious.

(End of this chapter)

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