Chapter 46 The First Encounter at Sea


At this time, the sea was shrouded in darkness, with strong winds, heavy rain, lightning, and thunder.

The power of nature is showing its majesty unbridledly.

On the sea where the waves are constantly surging, the boat the three Micahs are riding on is resisting the turbulent sea and moving forward on the sea.


But sometimes the gap between people is so big.

While the staff on the ship were fighting the storm at their posts, the candidates in the cabin who were preparing to take the hunter exam were wailing in pain.

But this is after all a ship carrying candidates who are preparing to take the hunter exam.

Amidst the painful wails, there were still people who seemed not to be affected in any way, maintaining the same appearance as before the storm.

The boy lying in the hammock, the young man leaning against the wall reading a book, and the young man Xiaojie who is helping everywhere.

Of course, the three of Micah are indispensable among them.

At this time, Micah was lying leisurely on the ground, resting on Armed's thigh to recharge his batteries.

As for Ahmed and Mellie, they are playing stand-alone games on their mobile phones.

Although the two of them don't know much about the characters in this world, in some games even if they don't know the characters, it doesn't affect the experience.

"It seems that there are many people worthy of note in this hunter exam!"

After the weather returned to normal, the captain of the ship came to the cabin carrying the hunter candidates and took a look at everything here.

In his opinion, candidates who cannot even withstand such storms have been eliminated at this time.

"You guys, come with me!"

Hearing the captain's voice, Micah, who was closing his eyes to rest, immediately opened his eyes, then got up and walked to the captain's cabin with Armed and Mellie.

Although the three people on the other side were a little confused, they all followed in the end.

In the captain's room, the six Micahs introduced themselves one after another.

Except for the three Micahs, the other three were Jay Fulis, who was wearing green clothes and carrying a fishing rod on his back.

Kurapika, a blond androgynous boy, and Leorio, who looks like an adult.

Later, the captain asked Micah why the six took the hunter exam.

To this, Kurapika and Leorio refused to answer.

But soon, the two were defeated.

The captain directly stated that he is now in the hunter exam, and answering his questions is also part of the exam.

If they are unwilling to answer, they can give up taking the exam.

There was no other way, so the two of them could only tell the reasons for taking the hunter exam one after another.

Kurapika wanted revenge and killed the Phantom Troupe who had massacred their clan.

Leorio, on the other hand, is in it for the money.

As for Xiaojie, he had already told his reason before the captain revealed his identity, that is, he wanted to see what kind of job his father would pursue even if he abandoned his family and his son.

"Money is good! As the saying goes, money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible! Although people always say that talking about money is vulgar, sometimes it is such vulgar things that can save you!"

Hearing Leorio's words, Micah couldn't help but sigh. Micah never underestimated things like money.

After hearing Micah's emotion, Leorio felt fond of Micah on the spot.

Micah's words spoke directly to his heart.

"Then why did the three of you take the hunter exam? Micah, Armed and Mellie?"

After learning the reasons for Xiaojie and the others, the captain turned his attention to the Micahs.

"The three of us are on the same page, and the reason why we want to become hunters is also the same, that is to obtain the abilities exclusive to hunters, and then take a good look at this colorful world."

Standing in front of Armed and Mellie, Micah said seriously.

"Is it an ability exclusive to hunters?"

Hearing Micah's explanation, Kurapika's face changed slightly.

Obviously, in his eyes, Micah must know more about the hunter, and it is something very important.

"That's it!"

The captain standing aside nodded slightly after hearing Micah's words.

As a partner of the Hunter Association, he still knows something about the abilities of hunters.

That ability called 'reading'.

After answering the captain's question, Micah stepped back, ready to watch the show between Kurapika and Leorio.

Sure enough, the two people with different personalities finally clashed, and then they met for a showdown on the deck.

Micah and Xiaojie also followed enthusiastically, wanting to watch the battle from the sidelines.

“If you want to understand a person, you have to understand what he hates.”

"I like what Aunt Mitt said very much. I think they must have reasons to be angry with each other. It's better that we don't stop them."

Xiaojie said seriously.

"That's right, it's better to let them have a fight at this time!"

Micah agrees with Xiaojie's idea.

After all, friendships between men are always born out of quarrels, right?

When Micah brought Armed and Mellie to the deck, the sky that had returned to calm became dark again.

Strong winds and heavy rain also swept through this sea area again.

But in such an environment, neither Kurapika nor Leorio was moved at all. The two looked straight at each other and drew their weapons one after another.

But at this moment, a section of the ship's mast was blown off by the wind, and the storm hit a crew member.


Mika, who was watching Kurapika and Leori, yelled hastily when he heard the sound of the wood breaking.

But that didn't affect what happened.

Under the impact of the wood, the crew member flew out of the ship on the spot.

"Merry! Rope!"


After hearing Micah's reminder, Mei Li immediately threw the rope on the ground to Micah.

Looking at the scene of the crew flying off the deck, several people present ran towards him at the same time.

Looking at Xiaojie running towards the crew at high speed, Micah waved the rope in his hand and put it on Xiaojie's body.

As Gon grabbed the feet of the crew member who was about to fall into the water, his feet that also flew out of the deck were also caught by Kurapika and Leorio.

Coupled with Micah's rope, Xiaojie was extremely safe at this time.

"Too reckless!"

"If we hadn't caught your feet, you would have been buried in the sea!"

"But, didn't you catch it?"

Looking at the three people who were 'communicating' in the corner, Micah smiled and shouted: "Hey, even if you want to reprimand him, you have to wait until you get back to the cabin. It's very dangerous outside now!"

Hearing Micah's call, Xiaojie and the other three looked at each other and then returned to the cabin.

With this time of working together, the relationship between Kurapika and Leorio has also been eased.

After realizing each other's mistakes, the two apologized to each other.

Therefore, Micah and Xiaojie became familiar with each other.

Of course, the most important thing is that the six Micahs got the approval of the captain and decided to personally send them to the nearest port.

"In this way, the first level of the hunter exam will be passed."

Lying on Armed's lap, Micah thought silently.

If you want to learn telekinesis, the hunter exam is not the only way, but currently, the hunter exam is the easiest way.

Micah, who is familiar with the plot, knows very well that due to the participation of President Nitro, this hunter exam will become the exam with the largest number of applicants.

And with their strength, as long as they participate in this exam step by step, they will definitely pass.

Micah has this confidence.

Of course, this does not mean that participating in the hunter exam will be without any dangers.

In this exam, there are two extremely dangerous people.

That is Hisoka from the Phantom Troupe and Ilmi Dadike from the assassin family.

Both of them are very powerful telepathic users.

(End of this chapter)

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