Chapter 491 The Power of the Small Universe

Based on Micah’s understanding of the small universe.

This makes his training arrangements not only for physical training, but also for mental and spiritual training.

Dig deep into your own inner strength.

This is what Micah feels he should do.

Just like this, on the lawn in his yard, Micah kept waving his fists and feet.

Every punch and every kick of his was fused with his own energy, which was his peak blow.

If it weren't for the fact that Micah's control of power at this time had reached a very low level, causing all his power to be contained within himself.

Then the buildings around him would probably be blown into the sky by his fist wind.

Waving his fists and kicks, feeling every change in his body, the seeds of the small universe in Micah gradually began to sprout.

He kept pumping his fists and kicks during the day.

Evenings are spent in deep meditation.

In this sleepless state, the power in Micah's body became stronger and stronger.

Finally, one morning a week later.

After waking up from meditation and looking at the rising sun in the distance, the small universe in Micah's body completely awakened.

Power slowly flowed out of Micah's body.

Feeling this force full of vitality and destruction, a satisfied smile appeared on Micah's face.

"Is this the power of the small universe?"

Feeling the power flowing through his body, Micah couldn't help but feel a sense of invincibility.

He clearly felt that as long as he waved his fist slightly in front of him, everything in front of him would be completely destroyed.

This is not a false feeling.

But real power.

Just like Seiya and the other Saints, under the amplification of the small universe, they can exert dozens of times their own power with power that is close to the limit of the human body.

Micah's power, which far exceeds the limits of a normal human body, has become even more powerful to an incalculable degree with the increase in the size of the small universe.

Although Micah has not yet reached the 'seventh sense' realm of the small universe at this time.

But Micah is confident. With the growth of this newly awakened small universe, Micah is confident to fight against the gods and demons in the world of demon high school.

Although Micah's small universe has just awakened at this time, Micah's endurance is not strong enough.

But during the period of growth of the small universe, Micah definitely had demon king-level combat power.

"I didn't expect that the Demon King-level combat power that I longed for could be obtained so easily."

"It is indeed a universal power in a world more dangerous than the world of 'Devil High School'!"

"This destructive power is simply frightening."

Feeling the power of the small universe in his body, Micah couldn't help but sigh.

Just as Micah once imagined, the power of the small universe of the Saint Seiya world is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes in Micah.

"But my little universe at this time is still very immature and very weak."

"It also needs more training and training."

“And ultimately reach a higher state.”

Thinking of this, Mika immediately immersed his mind in the small universe, wanting to understand the power of the small universe more deeply.

Then Micah's understanding of the small universe became clearer.

It is the source of human life.

It is the sum total of all manifestations of human life.

Whether it is the human spirit, body, or soul, everything extends from the microcosm.

Therefore, the small universe has the nature of being inclusive of everything.

Because everything in human beings develops from it.

When turning it into strength for fighting, Saints usually develop it in two directions.

One is used to amplify the body for fighting.

This is why the Saint's fist can cut through the sky and the Saint's feet can crush the earth.

This is not an exaggerated metaphor.

But a real description.

In addition, Saint Seiya will also use it to substantive spirit, that is, telepathy.

With the power of telekinesis, the Saints can fly to the sky, escape from the earth, teleport, and other abilities beyond ordinary people's imagination.

In essence, all superpowers are different manifestations of the small universe.

Relying on the development of telekinesis, the Saints can achieve any kind of superpower.

Like the soul manipulation of Cancer, the six reincarnations of Virgo, and the absolute zero of Aquarius.

These are all manifestations of the small universe.

Generally speaking, the strength of mind power is determined by the strength of the small universe.

Therefore, the golden saints of all generations were masters of telekinesis.

Therefore, compared to the Bronze Saint and Silver Saint who are generally in the Sixth Sense level microcosm, the Gold Saint's moves are more weird and terrifying.

These are the results of the continuous creation and improvement of the Golden Saints of past generations.

Therefore, the golden combat skills of these golden saints attracted Mika's interest so much.

You must know that the fighting ability of the Golden Saint is far stronger than that of the Demon King-level existence in the Demon High School world.

And such an existence will experience a catastrophic war every 200 years.

And as moves that have been innovated and perfected through generations of such existence, the golden combat skills of the golden saints are all the existence of gods and demons' nirvana.

If this were placed in a fantasy world, there is no doubt that it is a unique skill that can create a legacy.

This is also the reason why Micah covets these golden combat skills.

"Once I learn golden combat skills, my strength will grow rapidly!"

Micah thought with some excitement.

"But before that, you still need to strengthen your own small universe."

Micah knew very well that no matter how powerful those golden combat skills were, the one who wanted to drive them still relied on the small universe.

So strengthening the small universe is the most important thing.

So how to strengthen the small universe?

Micah has some ideas.

That's the other power inside him.

As a traveler traveling through various worlds, Micah possesses many different energy systems.

And relying on Gabriel's invention and creation, Micah unified these powers together.

Make it freely convertible.

These forces are, after all, different forces.

Like the spiritual power of the wrong world.

The life energy of the Hunter World is transformed into Qi.

The moon-shaped world transforms the magic power from life force and external sources.

Haki mixed with the spirit of the One Piece world and the power of life.

As well as the more advanced magic and light power of the devil high school world.

These forces are all forces that extend from the various forms of the human body and are all part of the possibilities of human beings.

This is one of the reasons why these powers can be converted into each other.

And now, Micah has obtained the small universe that is the source of human life.

This power is the essential power of human life.

So can Micah use the power of the small universe to swallow up other powers in his body to completely integrate all the energy systems in Micah's body?
Micah felt it could be done.

In this way, the small universe in Micah's body can grow rapidly.

And when Micah uses the small universe to drive other systems in his body, maybe its power will change.

After all, compared with other energies, the quality of the small universe is higher.

 It turned cloudy and I finally recovered.

  After more than ten days of painful torture, I finally recovered.

  Compared to other people, my symptoms are more severe.

  The fever alone lasted for five days.

  The positivity also lasted a little longer than others.

  But all in all, I got through it.

  However, the physical discomfort has not been completely eliminated.

  I need to find my status these two days. It will take two days before I can resume the third update. Thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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