Johime Three Kingdoms

Chapter 172 The "mouth" is here

Chapter 172 The "mouth" is here

Within a month of returning to Feicheng, most of Huainan, heading north to the vicinity of Shouchun, southwest to the vicinity of Shucheng, and east to the vicinity of Zhongli, had returned to the control of the Chariot and Cavalry General's Mansion.

But at this moment, Bai Tu received a piece of news that was difficult to define as "good news" or "bad news"...

The news came from the area stationed in Luling County, which is the southern part of the original Yuzhang County, and is now the area in charge of Huaiyue Zhonglang General Gao Shun.

After Gao Shun took office, he devoted himself to the "Huaiyue" matter and achieved fruitful results.

After his armor was promoted to Jinyu, Gao Shun, who had been stuck at the "[-]" camp command limit, began to steadily improve again.

Without the "White Rabbit Effect", Gao Shun might have been executed by Cao Cao after Lu Bu defeated Xuzhou before being promoted to Jinyu.

But now Gao Shun has made the camp reach an unprecedented new height.

Originally, the southern part of Yuzhang was a "territory on the map" for the Han Dynasty. Its actual control was very weak, with sparse Han residents and scattered county towns...

Zhou Shang's Luling prefect was just a white picture to express his attitude and did not actually take office. Gao Shun, the "Huaiyue Zhonglang General", was basically responsible for all Luling affairs. Although the area was not small, because The population is sparse, so there isn't much going on.

The main responsibility is to "prepare the Yue", or to put it more bluntly, to guard against chaos in the mountains!
Most of the Shanyue people in other areas of Jiangdong are Han people who are evading taxes. Even if they have ancient Yue ancestry, they have been Hanized for a long time. It is just because some of them lived in the mountains several generations ago and are more wild-tempered than ordinary people.

In addition, copper and iron ore are easy to obtain in the mountains of Soochow, so Shanyue usually made his own armor to fight against the court, rule for the people, and lead to bandits in chaos.

The Shanyue of Luling, on the other hand, is of true ancient Yue people's blood, and is also the most isolated from the Han people, the most rebellious and unruly.

Historically, during the Three Kingdoms period, when Shanyue in other areas of Soochow were almost completely conquered, Luling still set up a separate "Luling Southern Captain" to be in charge of Pingyue affairs, which can be said to be the most stubborn part.

After Gao Shun came to Luling County, he first concentrated on training his troops and increased the number of trapped camps to [-] - it seemed like a small number, but you know... these [-] trapped camps, but not A second live person is needed to direct!
Moreover, Gao Shun also specially communicated with the local mountain people to train their ability to fight in the mountains and forests. Even if all the people in Shanyue were soldiers, except for a few villages that built "Guyue City" in the mountains, no village could Defeat Gao Shun alone.

After all, the "all citizens of Shanyue are soldiers" in ordinary Shanyue is just that "the elderly and children dare to go into battle with swords if they annoy the elderly." Although compared with the farming civilization, there are more fishing and hunting, so they are richer in force, but it is not the same as those in history. There is an essential difference between the "all the people are soldiers" of the nomadic people who were once powerful.

Only the ancient Yue cities in the southernmost part, which are the so-called "holy cities" of Shanyue, can be regarded as true "all the people are soldiers."

From the perspective of Bai Tu, Lu Su and others, the so-called Ancient Yue City is just a super large cottage with "Yue Ji".

It's just that Yue Ji, like the nomads in the north, has the ability to "transform into barbarians" - corresponding to Cheng Ji's "training".

Cheng Ji extracts manpower and combines it with Ji to create soldiers, while Yue Ji and several different kinds of Ji from the north can directly "turn barbarians" into barbarian soldiers, making all the people truly soldiers.

From the perspective of war, these barbarian beauties are better at it than the city beauties who extract part of their manpower, but... the tribesmen who transform into barbarian soldiers will also increase their food intake, even to the point where they can no longer feed themselves through independent farming, and then fall into the " In a vicious cycle of "the stronger you are, the more you can rob resources", "the stronger you are, the more you consume", and "the more you consume, the more you want to rob resources".

Without the stability of Cheng Ji Civilization, Cheng Ji Civilization is always passed on as the damage before the collapse...

Of course, Shanyue is much weaker than several tribes in the north, and it is not unified internally. Most Shanyue have a high degree of Chineseization. They combine fishing, hunting and farming, and they are not all barbarians.

Ordinary Shanyue leaders are generally called "Shuai" or "Dashuai", and usually the cottage of "Dashuai" is larger.

Only the leaders of those cottages with Yue Ji are called "Zongshuai". These cottages are the strongest and the farthest from the Han people's settlements. Before making up his mind and making preparations to destroy them, Gao Shun did not Will be easily provoked.

After getting familiar with and adapting to the mountain forest tactics, Gao Shun started using some of his favorite copycats.

The trapped camp, whose morale is absolutely stable, who obeys orders absolutely, and who is better at small-scale mountain conflicts than Shanyue, taught Shanyue's commanders a lesson.

The Shanyue people realized that the new general Huaiyue Zhonglang was not easy to mess with, and Luling County became more stable for a while - at least there was no Shanyue who dared to attack the county town openly.

However, in the spring and summer of this year, whether it was because the harvest in Shangyue was small or because they simply wanted to take advantage of the conflict between Jiangdong and Huainan to beat the autumn wind, the activities gradually became more active.

There have even been instances of copycats forming alliances and attacking county towns!

Of course...that's not bad news.

According to the battle report, Gao Shun has already achieved a "small wave of winning streak" - ten games and ten victories.

After every battle, Gao Shun could obtain "captives" ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. After all, the young man who defeated a village would also give away the women and children of the village...

When dealing with the prisoners of Shanyue, Bai Tu also gave instructions to follow the "old rules" and draw manpower on the spot. A draw of ten times the overdraft can basically break the "barbarian" effect, and then drive them to farm in Luling. That’s fine, except that after overdraft, your strength will be relatively low, but your appetite will also drop to normal levels.

Moreover, most of the Shanyue soldiers that Gao Shun faced were purely manpower-based, and there were not many Shanyue soldiers who had "turned into barbarians"...

When dealing with these captives who have not "turned into barbarians", Bai Tu also told Gao Shun that an overdraft of five times would be sufficient.

Anyway, Luling is a vast area with few people, so there is no need to worry about the lack of wasteland. It is just relatively scattered, difficult to cultivate, and the harvest is poor.

However, before there is a harvest in the fields, we can only consume grain and grass to raise them...

Yes, this is bad news - now Bai Tu even wonders if these people came to eat his food on purpose!
After a small wave of winning streak, Gao Shun has gained 10 people one after another.

This is actually Sun Quan's secret to always getting 10 men - if there are no troops or men, he goes to attack Shanyue, and then he collects all the young men he gets...

Especially right after the Battle of Chibi, and by the middle of the Three Kingdoms period, Shanyue brought not only trouble to Soochow, but also a rich source of troops that was like a wild monster refresh point.

It's only in the middle and late stages that there are only hard bones left to chew, which is the real discomfort.

However, for Bai Tu now, I just want to ask those sect commanders and commanders in Shanyue - you are sending people to eat my food, right?

10 people are still within the range of Bai Tu. Although Luling has very little food, Yuzhang does have food. Because of the distance, Yuzhang has not been allowed to transfer food to the north before.

But...if these 10 people are just the beginning, then the relief grain reserves in Poyang County may have to be transferred south first!

In addition, Baitu's already tight food supply has become even worse, and there is even a risk of the "food and grass chain" breaking and directly "bankruptcy".

"Shan Yue... really posed a problem for me! If I had known better, I shouldn't have been in such a hurry to get back the fat." Bai Tu rubbed his temples with a headache.

Hefei Ji on the side turned to look at him expressionlessly.

By not being in a hurry to get back the fertilizer, Bai Tu can let Yuan Shu continue to raise Hefei instead of taking away all the food and grass. After all, Yuan Shu is also waiting for a few rains to fall, and Hefei will turn back into the military center.

In addition, Bai Tu could even take advantage of the transactions between the wealthy folk and continue to exchange rock sugar for grain from Yuan Shu!

Now even the front line of Hefei has changed hands, and Yuan Shu has tightened the defense line. There is basically no chance to buy grain from Yuan Shu again.

After Bai Tu struggled for a long time, he "wrote" an email from Chengji to Gan Ning, who was building ships in Kuaiji.

The above is the strategy of "knocking bang" fishing method. It has a detailed description of the time of knocking bang and the technique of pulling the net. As long as Gan Ning can go to sea, I believe... he can gain a lot.

"Bang-knocking" is a nasty method of fishing for yellow croaker. It first appeared after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Taking advantage of the weakness of yellow croaker otoliths to be extremely sensitive to sounds of a certain frequency, fishing boats will beat a special wooden drum underwater. Large numbers of yellow croaker can be easily caught with a net.

After knocking bang became popular, in just a few years, the price of yellow croaker dropped below the price of rice - poor people who could not afford to eat had to eat fish to survive.

However, the consequences are also serious. Even if a large mesh is used, the small yellow croakers will die soon due to damaged otoliths. It can be said that this is a truly desperate fishing for yellow croakers.

Therefore, "knocking bang" was officially banned soon after it appeared. It was only because of some natural and man-made disasters that it was banned repeatedly. It was not until it was re-opened that it was completely banned. However, even after 30 to [-] years, the growth of the yellow croaker population has not fully recovered.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Bai Tu did not want to give out a "knock-on" strategy at first. He would rather delay a few more years to slowly develop and hoard food.

But now that everyone is starving, Bai Tu has no choice but to aggrieve some yellow croakers first.

Yellow croaker, which is cheaper than rice, also lasted for more than ten to twenty years before it was caught and almost extinct. It is said that the current marine ecology should be more stable. It is better to overcome the current difficulties and find ways to make up for it in the future...

"Pangtong's salt fields can also continue to be cultivated. The fish from Ganning can be exchanged with the local people for food if they can. If they can't be exchanged... salted fish can be salted on the spot and transported to the inland. It can also be used as relief. Adding ingredients to the grain." Bai Tu thought and contacted Pang Tong again.

At this time, Pang Tong has saved nearly 200 million stones of sea salt, and the "magic" is about to begin. By then, he can also get some food from the hands of wealthy families who want to act as agents of official salt...

After cutting off a lot of his hair, Bai Tu felt that the amount of relief food should be able to "dynamically balance supply and demand", but his heart became heavier - now Bai Tu is just "squeezing out" food with his hair cut off, and it is difficult to Imagine... how many people would have starved to death in history without the White Rabbit Effect!
(End of this chapter)

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