Chapter 216

After Chen Gong left, Lu Lingqi asked curiously: "Do you want the barbarians to rebel against their own chief? You yourself can't even touch the local powerful, but you still make it so difficult for Uncle Gongtai!"

"You...understand what I mean?" Bai Tu looked surprised.

Indeed, from a certain perspective, the relationship between the barbarian chiefs and their tribesmen is an enhanced version of the bottomless violence between local wealthy families and civilians.

Lu Lingqi can give such examples, which shows that she really understands!
Seeing Lu Lingqi looking at him unkindly, Bai Tu quickly changed his words and said, "Ahem, as expected of you, I have indeed understood!"

In fact, this is also because Lu Lingqi grew up in Bingzhou. She never saw Shanyue, but always saw Qiang Hu, and there was no difference between Zong Shuai and Qiang King.

Lu Lingqi continued to stare at him, and Bai Tu was silent for a moment and then said: "Only under the banner of resisting the tyranny of the monarchy for Shanyue, can I feel at ease in the face of subsequent casualties... Isn't it very hypocritical?"

Bai Tu could already foresee the casualties, and Bai Tu could restrain the army of the General Mansion and not disturb the people, but it was impossible to control the killings among the barbarians. Even if Chen Gong and Zhang Liao suppressed the army and watched from behind, at most It is only to ensure that the barbarian rebellion will not enter the Han settlement north of Wuxi.

Although it is common for barbarians to kill each other's young men and plunder women, but... without a reason to convince himself, Bai Tu was still unwilling to take this provocation.

Perhaps what persuaded Bai Tu was "to resist the tyranny of the monarchy for the barbarian civilians", or perhaps... "this can reduce the casualties of our soldiers."

"Pfft..." Seeing Bai Tu's silence, Lu Lingqi couldn't help laughing, and then said seriously: "It's really super hypocritical."

Baitu: ...

Seeing Bai Tu really looking a little lonely, Lu Lingqi suddenly laughed, and then said: "But isn't that your style? Little saint."

As she said that, Lu Lingqi hugged Bai Tu and put her hand on the back of his head - the two of them were sitting and standing, and Bai Tu's face was pressed directly against his belly armor... it was a bit painful.

Bai Tu is not someone who can be bullied casually, so naturally he wants to be bullied back...

When was the first time you felt so uncomfortable?Maybe it was because Lu Lingqi was supervising Bai Tu's morning exercises when her adoptive father didn't come that time?

There was obviously no sparring item, but Lu Lingqi wanted to add it, the end...inexplicably, it turned into fighting each other with armor.


Originally, Taishi Ci, as the Su Guard Chief, should always be by Bai Tu's side, but because of Lu Lingqi, when he was in the General's Mansion on weekdays, Tai Shi Ci would deal with the affairs of the Feng Guards, and the "Su Guards" who stayed with Bai Tu, Only Lu Lingqi.

However, at this moment, Taishi Ci had something to do with the Wind Guards and wanted to report it to Bai Tu. At this time, Bai Tu was in the middle hall. The door was already wide open, and he saw Tai Shici walking in... and then quietly retreating out.

Tai Shici, who had his back at the door, couldn't help but think deeply - should we add "subordinates are not allowed to bite their bosses" in the regulations of the dormitory guards in the future?
After thinking for a while, Tai Shici turned around again and turned towards the central hall. He found Bai Tu sitting upright in the main seat handling government affairs, and Lu Lingqi stood aside with a standard posture like a Sanhao guard.

Taishi Ci also suffered from selective amnesia and came in normally to report to Bai Tu the "abnormalities" he had discovered before. In fact, they were some of the recent "chaos" in the Ministry of Punishment.

Wang Lang's reform of the Ministry of Justice has been ongoing, moving towards the ideal functions of the Ministry of Justice. However... many accidents inevitably occurred during this period, and recently it has even affected the normal work of several other departments.

Mainly in terms of "torture". When Wang Lang was the local prefect, he was praised for his criminal proceedings. Telltale.

However, not all the officials of the Ministry of Punishment can reach Wang Lang's rap level...

The county magistrate of the Eastern Han Dynasty solved the case in two steps. The first step was to find out who had the motive for committing the crime. The second step was to get the other party to confess. If not, he would be beaten - even Yang Biao was severely beaten by Man Chong the year before last. , let alone ordinary people.

Even this kind of case determination process has been the mainstream of the feudal dynasty for thousands of years, with exceptions only in a small number of cases and officials.

Generally, the time for making a judgment will be used. If you look at the alibi, you are already considered competent.

After all, according to mainstream values, if ordinary people are not honest and do things that will be suspected, it already shows that they are unruly people, and the officials cannot be blamed for unjustly accusing them.

Nowadays, most counties have established execution halls and dispatched execution officers to the Ministry of Punishment. After local trial powers were gradually returned to the Ministry of Punishment, Wang Lang also began to control the use of punishment.

However, as a result, the crime detection rate has been greatly reduced, and the confession retraction rate has been greatly increased. Because of the abuse of punishment, more jailers are being supervised and punished than there are prisoners caught...

Both the local government and the people are complaining about this.

After hearing Taishi Ci's report, Bai Tu sent someone to invite Wang Lang.

There were indeed big problems with the way local cases were tried in the past. As long as the murderer had the techniques used in the original version of the Conan animation, he could basically get away with it without any harm.

However... if Wang Lang's idea is to be put into practice directly, it must also be considered that the criminal investigation methods of the Eastern Han Dynasty are still very primitive, and it is difficult to find too much on-site evidence.

To a certain extent, Wang Lang's chatty interrogation cannot be used as direct evidence in modern criminal investigations, but it is much stronger than simply extracting a confession.

As soon as Wang Lang arrived, he directly apologized to Bai Tu. He also knew the recent feedback from the local government.

After Bai Tu made positive efforts at first, he pointed out a clear way for Wang Lang - it is still necessary to train qualified execution officers first.

"It's a pity that not many eloquent talents stand out in the talent selection test. It would be good if a county's execution hall can be equipped with a qualified execution officer." Wang Lang said regretfully.

While Bai Tu was speechless, he also reminded: "No, no, no, I don't think the executioner needs any eloquence."

"Huh? My lord doesn't know something. When dealing with those cunning criminals, you must surpass them in defense..."

Wang Lang also completely went astray and asked him to train a criminal officer. As a result... he mainly added points in the direction of Biancai.

"I think the Ministry of Criminal Justice still needs to sum up the criminal investigation methods and procedures, use irrefutable physical evidence to make people confess, and enhance the status and role of the police officers. Let's do this... you select a group of experienced police officers from various criminal courts. Come out and let's work out a charter together." Bai Tu thought to himself: It seems that it's time for the "Resolution of Wrongs" to be released, but it needs to be slightly adapted, otherwise Bai Tu will not be able to justify himself.

Although Wang Lang went astray and trusted his mouth too much, he was still very capable. At least now most counties had set up punishment halls, thanks to Wang Lang's soft or hard dredging of the joints.

Wang Lang's son, Wang Su, was even a little genius. Bai Tu thought that if he practiced with Kong Rong for a few more years, he could try academic fraud... No, he would start to correct Confucianism.

Baitu should also be blamed for the Ministry of Criminal Affairs' failure to provide technical support in time...

But it’s not too late to start summarizing now. It’s just that Pang Tong’s “Ministry of Industry” has a full “research queue”.

For forensic medicine and evidence collection related technologies, Bai Tu is not going to bother Pang Tong anymore, at most, the medical school can help.

Now even "ship design" has been assigned to the Ministry of Industry. After the samples are designed and the drawings are finalized, they will be sent to the shipyard in Kuaiji.

After all, Gan Ning has gone to sea now, and his main energy is not on the shipyard side...

Pang Tong's burden was already heavy enough. The last time Bai Tu saw him, he always felt that he was a cheap student and his flowing long hair was slightly sparse.

Of course, Shi Yuan is not in vain. The first batch of warships completed by Kuaiji Shipyard is already being delivered.


"Gong Jin, can the warship from Xingba really arrive tomorrow?" Sun Ce asked impatiently.

"Looking at the itinerary, we can get there, and this kind of important military information must have been carefully calculated. Bo Fu, I can understand your mood, but now you have to calm down." Zhou Yu said patiently.

Although Sun Ce has asked him many times in the past few days, Zhou Yu understands Sun Ce's current mood.

When he was under Yuan Shu, Huang Zu of Jiangxia was Sun Ce's heart. When he first returned to Jiangdong, Bai Tu also promised that he would definitely give him the opportunity to personally attack Huang Zu.

It’s just that due to natural and man-made disasters, the Chaisang Navy has been training. Now... finally the General’s Palace has declared war on Jingzhou Palace!

However, because the new warships had not yet arrived, the previous attack on Echeng had remained in the trial stage - Echeng at this time was the location of Wuchang in later generations.

Located at the intersection of the Yangtze River and the Han River, Huang Zu deployed heavy troops at the nearby port "Miankou".

"Brother is still too careful. What kind of new warship... Look at this speed. I'm afraid it's not as fast as our current warships. It's just Huang Zu..." Sun Ce couldn't go on.

After all, demoting Huang Zu too much was equivalent to indirectly insulting his father who died at the hands of Huang Zu.

And objectively speaking, Huang Zu is also considered to have some skills in Jiangxia. In history, Sun Ce also had his teeth collapsed in Jiangxia before his death. It was not until the eve of the Battle of Chibi, after Liu Biao died, that Sun Quan avenged his father and won the uncertain Jiangxia. .

Finally, the promise was not broken yet. Sun Ce waited eagerly at Chaisang Port in the early morning, and saw a warship sailing upstream from the east at dawn!

Sun Ce was so anxious that he took to the air with his armor and looked at the river...

Sun Ce was already very smart, and his armor was equipped with a "telescope" specially made by the Ministry of Industry. However, he saw three behemoths approaching from the river among the masts.

In the middle and late period of Soochow, there were also large ships capable of carrying thousands of people, but at this time, there were no such weapons of water warfare.

I saw this huge ship approaching, with five floors on it, more than fifty feet high, and probably two hundred feet long...

Although the ship was traveling slowly, Sun Ce could already imagine how desperate the enemy would be when the five-story ship building was filled with sailors armed with bows and guns.

Moreover, there are three erected "masts" on both sides of the ship... It is said that this is obviously a man-made ship. Why there are masts, Sun Ce did not know for a while.

Not only are there three giants, there are countless flat boats and fast paddle boats around. The former can apparently carry hundreds of naval troops, and the latter can move like flying on the river...

It seems that this new battleship... the wait was not in vain!
(End of this chapter)

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