Johime Three Kingdoms

Chapter 289 Gongsun Family

Chapter 289 Gongsun Family

When Gongsun Du heard Gan Ning talk about business, he immediately became interested. The smell of alcohol in his eyes also dissipated for a moment...

It seems that Bai Tu didn’t just give him a free hand!
"This... Now Yuan Shao is expanding aggressively, greatly squeezing the pastures of Liaodong, and fighting in the north, this war horse is a must. In fact, my war horse is also very tight..." Gongsun Du knew that Bai Tu would not I gave him the supplies for free, but I still wanted to lower the price.

"Oh, aren't the Xianbei and Goguryeo people herding horses outside the pass? They can rob them at any time... well, trade with them at any time. How can they still be short of war horses?" Gan Ning said disdainfully.

Gongsun Du was speechless for a moment - he was always willing to "trade" foreign horses. Is this man really from the General's Palace?Isn't it said that the General's Mansion has always convinced people with virtue?Could it be that the rumors said by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are true?

"Captain Gan is joking... Goguryeo and Xianbei are not easy people to trade with. How can they be so easy to trade with?" Gongsun Du said with a smile.

"The Huns have just defeated their generals. If the general is in trouble, just make way out and we will make a deal with them." Gan Ning's face became more serious again.

Seeing Gan Ning being so arrogant, Gongsun Du's two sons, Yang Yi, Liu Yi and other confidants all glared at him, but Gan Ning seemed unaware and continued to eat and drink with a look of disdain.

There was no sense of being in the "enemy camp" at all. Those who didn't know it thought they were having a banquet in his handsome tent!
"Gan Dudu has lived in the south for a long time, and he doesn't know anything. Since the defeat of the Northern Huns and their withdrawal from Mobei, and the migration of the Southern Huns to Hetao, the northern tribes have taken the current Xianbei as their crown, especially their Khan King Tan Shihuai was still there more than 20 years ago. At that time, he successively defeated Fuyu, Wuhuan, and Goguryeo, expanded westward and defeated Wusun, and defeated Dingling in the north...

He even went south to plunder Han Dynasty counties. When the Han army went out to fight against him, they were defeated and returned. If he hadn't died early and Xianbei would never have a Khan king who could convince the people, he would have been even more arrogant than he is now. . "Gongsun Du said with a look of reminiscence.

Gongsun Du’s words are also half true and half false...

Xianbei and Wuhuan are both descendants of the Donghu people who were defeated by the Xiongnu hundreds of years ago. The descendants of the part that retreated to the Xianbei Mountains are the current Xianbei people, and the descendants of the part that retreated to the Wuhuan Mountains are the current Wuhuan people.

The former is in the northern part of the Daxinganling Mountains, and the latter is in the southern part of the Daxinganling Mountains.

However, after the Xiongnu were defeated by the Han army, Xianbei expanded vigorously in the past few hundred years.

Especially when Tan Shihuai was still alive, the first unification of Xianbei was indeed very fierce. At that time, Gongsundu was already a minor official in Liaodong, so he was naturally deeply impressed by this. Gongsundu when he was young still remembers the Xianbei uprising almost every year The days when everyone went south to plunder Youzhou.

Tan Shihuai was also born into an extraordinary family - at that time, Tan Shihuai's father went to Luhou to "work" for the Huns. After serving as a soldier for three years, he returned home and found that the child was over one year old...

His mother claimed that after a hailstorm fell from the sky, a piece fell into her mouth and she became pregnant. However... Tou Luhou laughed and said, "Go away, uncle..." He still abandoned Tanshihuai, so Tanshihuai was his maternal grandfather. Raised.

During the reign of the Second Emperor Huan Ling, although the court was full of chaos, the Han Dynasty still had a great deterrent effect on foreigners. The Southern Xiongnu and the Qiang people were all brought into compliance.

However, after Tanshihuai unified Xianbei, they expanded greatly, and their territory was comparable to that of the Xiongnu before. Tanshihuai divided Xianbei into the west, the middle, and the east, and each had an "elder" directly under him. Emperor Ling wanted to make him the king. He tried to appease him, but was rejected by Tan Shihuai. The soldiers were trying hard to act like a "second generation Huns".

Indeed, he defeated the Han Dynasty's conquering army outside the Great Wall.

Moreover, in history without the White Rabbit Effect, in the nearly 300 years after the Western Jin Dynasty was destroyed by the Eight Kings Rebellion, the Xianbei people were also the foreign ethnic group with the strongest presence in the north.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, several regimes in the north were established by Xianbei, which was also the fastest to be Sinicized. The Northern Zhou regime usurped by Yang Jian when he founded the country was the Xianbei regime. The maternal line of the royal families in the Sui and Tang dynasties also had Xianbei ancestry.

To what extent was it Chineseized at that time?
Both the Yang and Li families insisted that they were of Han descent. After Yang Jian usurped the throne in the Northern Zhou Dynasty, there was no major backlash from the Xianbei nobles in the DPRK due to ethnic issues. After the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the Yuwen clan, Dugu clan, etc. of Xianbei were still prominent. , which also established the openness to the outside world during the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Gongsun Du didn't know the future, but when he was young in the past, Tan Shihuai did cast a considerable shadow on him.

But Gongsun Du didn't tell the truth either...

After Tan Shihuai defeated the Han army, less than two years and three years before the Yellow Turban Rebellion began, Tan Shihuai, who was in his forties, died of illness. The Xianbei tribes, who were not accustomed to unification, immediately dispersed.

The western Xianbei, where the royal court's control was already weak, directly broke away from Tan Shihuai's scheme and played its own way. The southern part of the central Xianbei had Bu Dugen as its "adult", and the northern part of Xianbei had Ke. Bi Neng was the "adult", and the two attacked each other. Although Ke Bi Neng was stronger, there was nothing he could do to Bu Dugen for the time being.

As for the part of Xianbei that Liaodong directly faced, it was the eastern Xianbei. Now there is no "adult" who can convince the crowd, and the various tribes are scattered.

The Xianbei that once frightened the young Gongsun Du can now only appear in his dreams. As long as the Xianbei tribe in reality pays attention to the scale and does not cause them to panic and unite, Gongsun Du can fight however he wants. .

Gan Ning had also done his homework. Hearing this, he said directly: "If that old guy Tan Shihuai is still alive, it is worth looking forward to. As for the current Xianbei in the east... ha."

Taishi Ci also "fleeed" in Liaodong for a period of time. Guan Ning and Bing Yuan were also invited back from Liaodong by Taishi Ci. Therefore, Gan Ning also asked Taishi Ci for advice before setting off.

However, Gongsun Du was slightly disdainful of Gan Ning's arrogance. After all, in his opinion, the southern army was not good at fighting in the north, and it came across the sea. The length of the logistics supply line was enough to drag people to death.

It's just that Gongsun Du didn't want to have a stalemate with Gan Ning. After all, if he really challenged Gan Ning, tens of thousands of people would come to him. Would he give way or not?He had heard of the fake Dao Fa Guo.

What's more, Gongsun Du still hopes to get the support of the General's Mansion...

After all, Gongsun Du had already seen the goods Gan Ning brought.

Not to mention the hard currency "food", there are also those "excellent" Han army soldiers and armors... These days, food and soldiers and armor can be directly regarded as "the number of troops", and over-recruitment of manpower is just a common thing!

"Don't worry, Governor Gan. I wonder how much food, cloth, and armor you brought... how much is it in total? How long does it take to come back?" Gongsun Du asked tentatively.

Gan Ning didn't know that he was drinking happily at this time, but he was pretending to be arrogant. He had changed from kneeling to lying on his side with his legs crossed and said: "It is enough to arm 5000 people for Brother Gongsun...and if we have to deal with him, it won't be just once or twice." Do you know about this matter in Zhouhu, which is only half a month away from the sea? The people of Zhouhu are now under the command of the General's Mansion. We have a large area of ​​land and port in Zhouhu, and transportation is very convenient. We may even...maybe able to help in the future. Brother Gongsun, you don’t have to think too much.”

The title was a little more enthusiastic, but he did not forget to "brag" - those who didn't know it thought that Zhou Hu had already taken refuge in the General's Mansion and built a large number of ports...

He said "Don't think too much", but what he said was all that made Gongsun Du think too much!
 Dongdong: It’s my birthday tomorrow, I’ll go out and have fun, and I’ll update the day by chance~
(End of this chapter)

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