Johime Three Kingdoms

Chapter 326 Yuan Cao

Chapter 326 Yuan Cao

When Xiahou Dun was fighting Yan Liang on the white horse, he was injured by a hidden arrow. Although he did not lose his life, he had a deep wound on his forehead that was visible to the bone... No, it was a huge wound that had already damaged his skull!

After being processed, he still looked very ferocious, and he was called "General Tianmu" in the future...

Xun You, who has been assisting Xiahou Dun in the Baima garrison, suggested that Xiahou Dun "fake death" - not a sick sentence, but a fake death!

Of course, it was not to let Xiahoudun die for real, but to let the other party see that he was "faking death".

That is to say, while notifying everyone down to the commander and corps commander levels, they all knew that the coach Xiahou Dun was fine, and at the same time, they pretended that the entire army was prepared and ready...

If you really want to cheat to death, it is impossible for even the lower-level generals to know about it. In this case... the mental outlook of the entire army can be seen as a fraud at a glance, not to mention that there may be two or five boys who report to the enemy!
Even Yan Liang and Chun Yuqiong could easily "see through" this fake death, so they were cautious about Cao Jun's several attempts to lure the enemy.

It wasn't until the Chinese army under Yuan Shao's personal command crossed Baimajin that large-scale fighting began...

Xiahou Dun's "pretend to die in battle" did not last long. After Yuan Shao's Chinese army arrived, they quickly launched a general offensive.

In fact, this kind of suspicious strategy is not afraid of smart people in the enemy army. The reason why Yuan Shao "sees through" so quickly is not because Yuan Shao is so decisive, but because Yuan Shao's adviser group has extremely serious internal conflicts!

On the one hand, it was because of Yuan Shao's suspicion that his subordinates did not dare to unite as one, and he was unwilling to unite with his subordinates. On the other hand, it was also because of Yuan Shao's intention to abolish the establishment, which made his subordinates have the intention of "taking sides".

So when Yuan Shao learned about Baima's situation...

"This may be Cao Jun's trick to deceive his troops, but... it may also be that he calculated a few steps and used an easy-to-see-through trick to lure us into attacking." Shen Pei said a few nonsense words cautiously.

After Guo Tu noticed Yuan Shao's dissatisfaction, he immediately retorted: "I've been talking for a long time, but it's all useless! I think we should cut through the mess quickly and strike first!"

Guo Tu didn't dare to vouch for whether it was a suspicious plan, but since the judge said to be careful, he would say to attack immediately.

There is no other reason. The trial match supported Yuan Shao's youngest son, Yuan Shang, while Guo Tu supported the eldest son, Yuan Tan.

Probably because of the great advantage, Yuan Shao's counselors have probably forgotten that this is a stage for hegemony in troubled times, and have begun to indulge in the drama of palace fighting and party fighting!

"Soldiers, it is important for the country to be careless..." Xin Ping wanted to make peace.

"My lord is rich in the four states, and Ah Man is just a mantis now, so what if he has some tricks? My lord might as well use the Chinese army to force him, and at the same time divide a group of surprise troops to attack Xuchang!" Xu You rolled his eyes and offered advice to Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao was given a headache by the quarrel, and finally felt that what Xu You said made sense, so he decided to attack Baima in an all-out way - sometimes it is easy to crack the plan of the suspected soldier!
However, Yuan Shao rejected the suggestion to attack Xuchang secretly, which made Xu You sigh secretly.

Xu You and Yuan Shao brothers, as well as Cao Cao, all knew each other in their early years. After Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao rebelled respectively, Xu You fell in love with Yuan Shao at a glance. The same experience also included Chun Yuqiong. One of the eight captains.

The facts so far have proved that Xu You and Chun Yuqiong have good vision!
In fact, this is not because the two of them have much courage. After all, when they were in Luoyang, among the officials and princes they hung out in, Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had always been more prominent.

In contrast, Yuan Shu was a knight-errant in his early years, and after becoming an official, he became more and more ostentatious. His character design was very inconsistent, giving people the impression that he always looked at people through his nostrils. For "acquaintances" like them, it was not easy to avoid Yuan Shu's pitfalls. Disaster.

It is true that Yuan Shu, the legitimate son of the fourth and third prince, who was the most powerful prince six or seven years ago, has now been discovered by Bai Tu, which makes Xu You very happy and has verified his vision.

As for Yuan Shao and Cao Cao, relatively speaking, they are relatively easy to get along with. Although Yuan Shao is also from the Yuan family, Yuan Shao is a concubine.

Yuan Shao is nominally Yuan Feng's concubine, but he was adopted by Yuan Cheng. Yuan Cheng died early and had no other heirs. So he should be Yuan Cheng's legitimate son?

But in fact, it can't be counted like this, there is a hidden story here - Yuan Shao is not an ordinary son, but an illegitimate son.

The reason why he was initially adopted to Yuan Cheng was not because Yuan Feng had foreseen that Yuan Cheng would die young and have no other heirs, but because he wanted to cover up his ugliness.

Yuan Cheng accepted this adoption just to help his brother cover up his ugliness. It wasn’t because he couldn’t give birth to a child himself...

It was only because Yuan Cheng died early and had no heirs that Yuan Fengcai continued to be regarded as Yuan Shao's uncle and nephew, and Yuan Shao also had the status of "legitimate son" which was not serious.

Therefore, this adoption also seemed a bit unfair and inconsistent, and Yuan Shu looked down on his brother, who was a commoner. This also made Yuan Shao more "modest" than Yuan Shu, and everyone was more willing to play with Yuan Shao.

When he was in Luoyang, Yuan Shao's image was that of a big brother. He would protect others at all times. Even if he befriended people with little ability, he would pretend to be generous and give money and hold banquets...

It's just that Yuan Shao's ability to recognize people is limited, and because of his background, he pays more attention to "fame". Sometimes when a capable and unknown person joins him, he will respond with the attitude of "I'm good enough to raise an idle person."

Compared with the contributions these talented people made to him, Yuan Shao was more intoxicated with the satisfaction he felt when he accepted the talented people.

This made Yuan Shao really have a lot of idle people, and some talented people would be unhappy with his behavior and leave.

As for Cao Cao...

When he was in Luoyang, he was just a stupid young man. His "sense of presence" was not of the same nature as Yuan Shao!

This can be seen from the performance of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao after Dong Zhuo entered the court - Yuan Shao went back to his hometown to recruit troops, Cao Cao... took a sword and wanted to go to the extreme to exchange for one!

For example, although Xu You and Chun Yuqiong played well with Cao Cao at the beginning, they looked down on him from the bottom of their hearts. Even now, Xu You habitually calls him by his nickname "Ah Mao".

However, unlike Chun Yuqiong, who was a complete fair-weather friend, Xu You despised Cao Cao in his heart, but he was more emotional and cared about his childhood friendship.

At first, Xu You urged Yuan Shao to have a good relationship with Cao Cao, but... After Cao Cao welcomed the emperor, his ambitions became more and more ambitious, and the conflict with Yuan Shao naturally became more and more acute. Xu You now also understood that the two sides could no longer coexist. .

Xu You suggested stealing the house directly, hoping that it would make Cao Cao realize the reality. Once Xu Du was captured, Cao Cao would have no choice but to capture him in front of the battle...

Of course, considering Cao Cao's status, it is estimated that the best result after surrender would be to be granted a false title and sent to Yecheng for confinement.

When Xu Youlian visited Cao Cao in the future, he had already planned out what kind of food and drinks he would bring, and how he would moisturize things and pretend to be "beep" silently in his words. Unfortunately... Yuan Shao did not agree.

Obviously this is indeed a more beneficial choice for Yuan Shao!

Xu You didn't know why, in his eyes, the "Ah Man", who was just a small role, seemed to hold a lot of weight in Yuan Shao's heart, making Yuan Shao obsessed with defeating Cao Cao head-on...

At this time, while Cao Cao was beating the gongs and drums loudly, as if to support Baima, he led [-] elite troops, including [-] of the most elite tiger and leopard cavalry, and quietly crossed from Yanjin, southwest of Baimajin, which is further upstream of the Yellow River. After crossing the Yellow River, we came to the north bank!

 Dongdong: I went home today and resume updating.

(End of this chapter)

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