Johime Three Kingdoms

Chapter 382 Zhang Song was deeply moved

Chapter 382 Zhang Song is very touched...

"Ziqiao is indeed a wizard of Xichuan... There is no one else, let's just stay in the house and have dinner together in the evening!" Bai Tu's rainbow source gushed in front of Zhang Song.

At this time, there were still three days before the wedding, that is, the "welcome". Lu Lingqi had taken leave last night, and Zhou Taishou was at Bai Tu's side instead. Three days later, Bai Tu would go to the wedding to pick her up again.

After Zhang Song came to pay homage to Bai Tu as the envoy of the Lord of Shu, the two of them... saw each other very happily, which is hard to describe.

Finally, under Bai Tu's warm invitation, they had dinner together.

It was not a banquet, but a home-cooked banquet, which made Zhang Song even more flattered...

However, what makes Bai Tu helpless is that no matter how the source of his rainbow surges, Zhang Song's favorability is already overflowing from his eyes, but he does not offer a picture or even gives Bai Tu some other hints. mean.

It feels like...

In Legend of Heroes, the loyalty of the enemy's counselors has reached single digits. Our company sent more than a dozen counselors with 95 intelligence to instigate rebellion, and they were successful every time, but they just had no intention of surrendering!
Fortunately, Bai Tu was also patient and knew that this matter could not be rushed.

On the other hand, the young man following Zhang Song looked like he could hardly bear it anymore. As Bai Tu saw, he secretly poked Zhang Song several times!

Bai Tu also knew the identity of this young man.

It was a member of the Fa family of the Sili gentry, an important counselor of Liu Bei after he entered Shu, and the planner of the battle of Dingjunshan. Zhuge Liang said that he gave Liu Bei the wings to go to the sky, which made Cao Cao sigh, "I have collected all the traitors." , the law is upright, the law is filial and straight!

"It's a pity that the Marquis of Shu is blind. He doesn't know that the King of Chu is noble. He still thinks that the King of Chu is just trying to gain fame. There are many people like the Marquis of Shu in the world, but there are only a few like the King of Chu." Zhang Song said regretfully.

Hearing the words, Bai Tu was agitated, thinking that Zhang Song was going to confess, so... he laughed lightly and said in a calm tone, "I see how charming Qingshan is, I think Qingshan should be like this when he sees me."

At this time, when Bai Tu said this sentence, it seemed a little less helpless than Xin Qiji's, but a little more proud.

If Xin Qiji looked helplessly at the green mountains and compared himself with them, lamenting that his years had passed and his dream of the Northern Expedition had come to nothing, leaving only the "charming" loneliness, then the white picture is now - whether you like it or not, I'm right here, like a mountain. If you don't obey, you can hit me to death!
When Fazheng heard what Bai Tu said, he couldn't wait to push Zhang Song from behind, but... Zhang Song muttered a few words with blurred eyes at this time, and then the beady eyes that looked a bit like Pang Tong bloomed. There was some clear brilliance, and then... he continued to drink and talk with Bai Tu, ignoring Fa Zheng's little actions.

The current Fa Zheng is just a nobody...

Fazheng was born in Fufeng Legalism. In the year when Emperor Han returned to Xudu, which was also the year when Bai Tu crossed over, he entered Shu together with Meng Da.

It took more than a year on the road, and Fazheng is different from Zhang Song. From the appearance point of view, Fazheng is much stronger than Zhang Song, and his talent is not inferior, but... maybe it is because he is still young and is a migrant. , Liu Zhang was never trusted.

Historically, after entering Shu, "he became the new capital magistrate for a long time" - that is, it took a long time to become the new capital county magistrate.

However, in history without the White Rabbit Effect, Fazheng's more important identity was that like Zhang Song, he was a pioneer in Shuzhong welcoming Liu Bei!
It was Fa Zheng who finally persuaded Liu Zhang to surrender.

Unlike Zhang Song, firstly, it was because Fa Zheng was not allowed to be reused under Liu Zhang, and he only agreed with Liu Bei and was not bad enough to actively "seduce" Liu Bei. Secondly... and more importantly, because Fa Zheng was able to display his talents after Liu Bei entered Shu. , laying the foundation for Shu, so Fazheng does not have the bad reputation of Zhang Song.

Just like if Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty died two or three years after the Xuanwumen Incident, he would not have time to run the Zhenguan rule. Regardless of whether the Tang Dynasty would be prosperous or not, Li Shimin's personal reputation in later generations would definitely be bad.

And now Fa Zheng is not even the new capital order, but because of his close personal relationship with Zhang Song, he took advantage of Zhang Song being sent out to join him in Chu.

Zhang Song is more than ten years older than Fazheng, but Fazheng understands his thoughts best. He must have committed suicide... Judging from Zhang Song's reaction along the way, this is also confirmed!
However, what Fazheng didn't understand was why Zhang Song had no intention of defecting even though he was impressed by Bai Tu.
Is it because of moral integrity?
Fazheng: Pfft~
It wasn't until after dinner that Zhang Song and Bai Tu left the palace of Prince Chu with a farewell.

After returning to the inn where he had settled, Fazheng finally couldn't help but ask: "Zhang Ziqiao! What on earth are you doing? The topic and atmosphere were already high before, but where is your "Xichuan Topographic Map"? Are you going to cover the baby?" "

At this time, Zhang Song looked at Fazheng with an arrogant look. His head was beating like a tic-tac-toe. He was like a brother who watched an educational film together. Because it was fast and ended one step ahead of schedule, he looked at him with critical eyes afterwards. a feeling of.

"The King of Chu regards me as a national scholar, even as Yanzi." Zhang Song said before Fazheng got angry.

"So why don't you hurry up!" Fazheng urged.

"I saw how charming Qingshan was, and I expected Qingshan to see me this way." Zhang Song said with emotion, while taking out the map scroll he drew and burning it directly on the candlelight.

"What did you say? You... wait! What does this have to do with anything?" Fazheng didn't think about it for a moment.

"The King of Chu regards me as Yan Zi... When Yan Zi served in three dynasties, Duke Lin of Qi was corrupt and dishonest, Duke Zhuang of Qi was immoral and neglected, Duke Jin of Qi was both loyal and traitor... Yan Zi's talent was buried in the hands of these people. But even so, Yanzi did not abandon Qi, so how can I abandon Shu?" Zhang Song's face was filled with a noble and arrogant light.

Indeed, Yanzi served in three dynasties and was cheated by three...

Qi Linggong was the founder of "hanging a sheep's head and selling dog meat", but Yanzi's original words were "It's like hanging a cow's head at the door, but selling horse meat inside" - criticizing Qi Linggong for prohibiting folk women from dressing up as men, while he himself But because of his preference, he let the palace people dress up like this, so the ban was ineffective.

Personal preferences aside, Qi Linggong has been defeated repeatedly in battles. He always loses no matter how hard he fights...

But in terms of "traps", it was Duke Zhuang of the Qi Dynasty who was the first to associate the unclean relationship between men and women with the "hat". During his reign, he committed adultery with the wife of the doctor Cui Zhu, and often visited his house to commit adultery. Not only did he secretly give Cui Zhu's hat to others, but he was eventually killed by Cui Zhu.

Duke Jing of Qi was a bit better. He valued Yan Zi very much in the early days. After all, because of Duke Zhuang, the Empress of Qi, the political situation in Qi State was unstable at that time. Several sycophants mingle...

Yanzi was indeed unlucky in this regard.

However, Bai Tu never imagined that Zhang Song would be very moved by what he had learned about the source of the rainbow, but... the direction of this emotion really made Bai Tu unhappy!
(End of this chapter)

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