Johime Three Kingdoms

Chapter 576 Great Victory in Hanzhong

Chapter 576 Great Victory in Hanzhong
Accompanied by a loud noise, Yangpingguan finally "fell down" uncontrollably.

Both the Chu army at this end and the Xiliang army at the other end breathed a sigh of relief...

It has been four days since the two sides ceased fighting and withdrew from Yangping Pass. They just looked at it leaning and leaning like this. No one dared to step forward. After all, no one wanted to be the "unlucky" one!

"Finally" after a heavy rain last night, Yangpingguan did not continue to stand strong and collapsed directly.

At the same time, the pass was a signal, and the two sides fought another battle. The Chu army also used the three-three system, each looking for cover points, and small groups of infantry to repel the Xiliang army in the ruins. …

This time Ma Teng and Han Sui finally understood that these plate armors... were simply "liar"!

It is true that it can block bows and arrows and even has excellent defense in close combat. However, in front of the "bullets" of the Chu State's Zhenqi Bullet Crossbow, it can only be shot through!

Although it is not useless, but... a pair of expensive plate armor can only be exchanged for the effect of "having a certain probability of defense" against cheap Qi bullets and crossbows. Obviously, the loss cannot be more.

After the first battle, the Xiliang army withdrew thirty miles away, and Yangpingji was also picked up by Zhao Yun - the pass was not used, but later border cities could be built and Yangpingji was invited to settle in.

After that, Zhao Yun actively laid barbed wire covering the valley near the old site of Yangpingguan, dug layers of trenches, and built bunkers among them...

Even without Yangping Pass, this place can still become a "Jedi"!
Even a month later, Sun Ce led his troops directly south, looking towards Bazhong...

Seeing how arrogant the Chu army was, Ma Teng and Han Sui continued to attack for five or six days. However, even though they had superior troops and a large number of Qiang cavalry cannon fodder, they were still unable to defeat the trenches and fortresses in Yangping.

Even if Ma Chao enters divine power mode, Zhao Yun, who is also a divine general, will still be able to resist him...

Even though there are only two divisions in the Jingbei Theater now, they can easily block the Xiliang Army from seeing any hope of a breakthrough!
Sun Ce and Chen Dao then divided their forces and headed south. Sun Ce took the Micang Road, entered Bazhong and stationed in Hanchang, and was overwhelmed by troops. Chen Dao, together with Fazheng, went south directly from Yangpingguan and took the Jinniu Road. Jiange - not for real attack, but to put some "pressure" first.

There are mainly three roads between Hanzhong and Xichuan: "two righteousness and one treacherous".

One is that Sun Ce is now taking the "Micang Road". As the name suggests, it is a mountain road in Micang Mountain. After entering Bazhong, follow the Bashui River southward and you will reach Jiangzhou all the way. If Liu Zhang loses Jiangzhou, this Bazhong will be lost. The county also belongs to the state of Chu.

However, the Bashui River is not connected with the Han River. It is just a small river originating from Micang Mountain. Without the advantage of warships, it will not be easy to conquer Dangqu and Jiangzhou all the way!
The other "right road" is taken by Fazheng, from Yangpingguan to the south, taking the Jinniu Road to Jiange...

The Golden Bull Road was built in the pre-Qin period by King Hui of Qin who deceived the Kingdom of Shu. At that time, King Hui of Qin wanted to attack Shu but did not want to build the road himself, so he deceived the King of Shu and said that he had the stone ox that pulled out gold every day and wanted to give it away. He gave five heads to the King of Shu. The King of Shu really believed it and built the Golden Bull Road for transporting cattle. Naturally, as soon as the road was built, it was destroyed by the Qin State.

But it is not easy to walk the Golden Bull Road now. Not only is the Golden Bull Road built in Daba Mountain, it is not very easy to walk no matter how hard it is built, but it also has Yangping Pass at the north end and Jiange at the south end. It is not easy to attack by force...

Fazheng was not sure whether the Jiange Pavilion could be demolished. After all, both the architecture and the people's support were at a higher level than Yangping Pass, but it was good to press ahead and put some psychological pressure on Liu Zhang. The most important thing was that in order to avoid Liu Zhang was desperate and directly welcomed the Xiliang army into Shu at Jinniu Road!

In addition, there is actually another way, and that is the Yinping Road...

The road conditions are extremely dangerous. There is a large section with a cliff on one side. If you want to go south, you can only carry your luggage on your left shoulder, otherwise the road is not wide enough to walk, so it is also called "Zuo Dan Road".

In addition to the dangerous road conditions, there are generally no defenses on this road...

Historically, Deng Ai took a risk and entered Shu, directly confronting Liu Chan in the city!
But now, neither Fazheng nor Zhao Yun nor Sun Ce have the intention to take such a dangerous move.

After all, the Chu State has a great advantage, and the Shu region is dangerous. But for the Chu State, there is no need to contend with nature - the large-scale troop transportation on the Yinping Road not only cannot carry too much baggage, but also requires heavy traffic along the way. A discount of [-]% to [-]%!
At the same time, it is already September and the weather is getting cooler...

Chu State's goal this year is more to secure Hanzhong and not give the Shu princes a chance to "collude" with the Xiliang army.

And for more than half a year, it’s not just Chu State that has achieved great results in Hanzhong!
The battle in Hanzhong certainly concerned most of the world. Regardless of Han, Chu or Wei, everyone was looking forward to the outcome of the battle in Hanzhong...

From Ma Chao breaking through the Yangping Pass, to Sun Ce marching against the Han River, to Zhao Yun welcoming Zhang Lu to surrender to Chu, and finally defeating Hanzhong, and finally "blowing up" the Yangping Pass, every step made the world look at him.

After all, the situation in Hanzhong, a slight tremor may determine the future direction of the world.

However, for the Han Dynasty, which was full of confidence at the beginning, this "result" was a bit heartbreaking - only when Ma Chao broke Yang Ping, the Han Dynasty was a little happy.

Then came the blows one after another...

Now it seems that the only result is that Yangpingguan explodes on the spot, but the Xiliang army is still blocked to death.

In addition, now that Xichuan is under the control of the enemy everywhere, it seems that if there is no external help, it will only be a matter of time before he is eaten away.

Besides Hanzhong, another eye-catching place in the world is Liaodong...

Gongsun Kang experienced the worst year in his life!
Did we agree to share the Bohai Sea together?
Why was it that when I attacked Chu's port, the other party had already anticipated it and couldn't attack it at all, but Wei suddenly sent troops from land to attack me?
Not only was the west of Liaoze easily conquered by Wei, but what made Bai Tu complain the most was that he originally expected Gongsun Kang to take advantage of the cold winter in Liaodong and the natural barrier of Liaoze to carry Wei for at least two or three years. .

Who would have known that before the first winter, Guo Jiaqi had planned to cross Liaoze, and now Wei Guo had attacked Liaodong County itself...

Even their most elite plate-armored cavalry fell into the trap and were wiped out in one fell swoop because they listened to Tian Yu's words!
When he first learned the news, Bai Tu wanted to immediately transport another batch of ordnance to "repay evil with kindness."

Unfortunately, Liu Bei had already taken action at this time, and Bai Tu's shipping route north to Liaodong was not stable, so he had to give up...

According to this momentum, Cao Cao may even be able to control the fried seafood peninsula within a year!

At the same time, Zhuge Liang and Guan Yu finally received the imperial edict - ordering Qi Hou Liu Bei to lead troops to support the Hanzhong battlefield!
(End of this chapter)

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