Chiba Salted Fish Legend

Chapter 1225 Encounter Difficulty Sleeping

Chapter 1225 Encounter Difficulty Sleeping

It was another ordinary and happy day. Xia Zhi was sitting on the sofa flipping through his phone, trying to have some fun from the random messages sent by his phone, but this was obviously unrealistic.

Xia Zhi was the only one at home. Shiraishi Rika, Tachibana Aya and Xia Meng went out to play, saying they wanted to buy Meng Meng some summer clothes.

Xia Meng herself refused. She used the reason that she still had a lot of clothes to wear and didn't want to go out. She just wanted to stay at home. However, she also had to face something that cannot be ignored, that is, growing up.

Xia Meng is now a developing girl in puberty, and her body grows very quickly. Although Xia Zhi usually doesn't notice much, the two girls who are already sensitive to clothes quickly discovered Xia Meng's clothes. It's already a little small.

Although Xia Meng is very thin, so she can still wear it, but it will probably not be as comfortable as when she first bought this dress.If Shiraishi Lihua hadn't noticed that Xia Meng's dress had gone from knee-high to half-knee, I'm afraid even Xia Meng himself wouldn't have noticed.

She herself doesn't care much about this aspect. She wears clothes more casually, which is the most comfortable. Of course, it would be better if she looks good, but the priority will be slightly lower.

Shiraishi Rika and Tachibana Aya stood up immediately and exchanged glances with each other. Tachibana Aya went out to drive, Shiraishi Rika grabbed Xia Meng's shoulder, pushed her and followed her towards the entrance.Xia Meng was taken out without even a chance to resist.

Xia Zhi originally wanted to go and have a look, as she was her sister after all, but Baishi Lihua said she wanted to buy a complete set for Xia Meng. Xia Zhi thought about it and decided to stay and look at the house.

It’s okay to buy one piece, but it’s good to buy a complete set, go out at noon, and be back before dinner.And there are always some clothes to buy. It is not convenient for Xia Zhi to go with him. It is the best choice to stay and look at the house.

Hence the present scene.

Xia Zhi was so bored that he didn't know what to do. He lay on the sofa and picked up Xia Meng's book and started reading.Although she had been telling Xia Meng not to lie down and read, when she was really alone, this salty fish position really made people want to stop reading.

It's just that Xia Zhi lost interest after looking at it for a moment. Although the book "Introduction to the Principles of Hypnosis" has the word "introduction", the content in it contains a lot of vocabulary that makes people feel high-level but difficult to understand. , it’s a nightmare to pass the time.

Lying on the sofa, Xia Zhi fell into complete salty mode.

Perhaps because the smell of salted fish became stronger, Xiao Xi, who feeds on fish, ran over from nowhere, jumped onto the sofa with a slight jump, looked down at Xia Zhi, and then towards Xia Zhi's Jumping in the face.

Xia Zhi was startled and quickly caught Xiao Xi before it really jumped on his face.

Although Xiao Xi didn't weigh much and was only a little tall, it still made people feel scared when there was a rapidly enlarging shadow in front of her eyes.

After being caught, Xiao Xi meowed at Xia Zhi, and then swept Xia Zhi's face with her tail.

"Xiao Xi, you're a bad person again... When will you become a cat lady?"

"Meow meow meow!"

Xia Zhi always felt that he understood Xiao Xi's words. She was saying to him, "Knock on the inside?"

Xia Zhi put Xiao Xi on his stomach and sighed.

so boring……

If I had known earlier, I might as well have gone out with Mengmeng and the others.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Xia Zhi quickly shook his head and threw this terrible thought out of his mind.

Xia Zhi took out his cell phone again and was about to search online for a way to turn a cat into a cat girl. As soon as he typed two words, the doorbell at home suddenly rang.

Did you forget something before departure?Xia Zhi was a little confused, but then he realized that these girls all had keys to their homes and had no need to use the doorbell at all.

who is it?
Xia Zhi got up, but Xiao Xi was still hanging on Xia Zhi's clothes and refused to get off. Xia Zhi had to put it on her shoulder, and then put it on her shoulder.

Xia Zhi came to Xuanhuan, opened the door, but saw no one, and did not doubt whether it was haunted. Xia Zhi walked out of the door and saw something in the inbox next to the door.This is the first time Xia Zhi has used this object.

He walked over and picked up something like an envelope. Two identical envelopes arrived on Xia Zhi's mobile phone. The only difference was that one letter had Xia Zhi's name on it, and the other letter had Shiraishi Reika's name on it. The letters are all stamped with the name Chiba University.

Xia Zhi suddenly realized what this was.

I looked around and didn't find out who had dropped the envelope. Maybe the postman turned into a butterfly and flew away after dropping the envelope.

Xia Zhi held the two seals and was a little at a loss. He walked slowly back into the room, put the two letters on the table, folded his hands and started thinking.

Xiao Xi seemed a little interested in the two letters. She jumped on Xia Zhi's lap and stretched out her paws towards the envelope. Xia Zhi held her in his arms: "This is a very important thing, don't touch it."

"Meow meow?"

Xia Zhi didn't dare to touch those two letters.

It is currently known that Shiraishi Rika must have passed the exam. The two letters look the same and were both sent from Chiba University. It can be concluded that Xia Zhi himself passed the exam.

However, this is not necessarily the case. I heard that if I haven’t, the postcard sent is not a letter, but isn’t it possible that the postcard is put in an envelope and sent?So this may be a trap of great joy and great sorrow.

Although this is an official envelope sent by Chiba University, there shouldn't be that many tricks, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just afraid of the worst. If it's really a postcard, wouldn't it be the end?
Xia Zhi thought for a while, swallowed, and tried to reach out to Shiraishi Lihua's envelope, touched it, and felt the contents. It was a very wide piece of paper. He picked up the envelope and bent it to get a feel for its flexibility. To a certain extent, he looked at his own letter again.

He stretched out his hand for a long time, but didn't put it on the envelope.However, Xiao Xi clearly expressed her attitude of "I will bear your anxiety" and wanted to open the envelope.

Angels and demons were whispering in Xia Zhi's mind, and the battle situation was inseparable.

Finally, Xia Zhi took a deep breath...

He went upstairs with Xiaoxi in his arms.

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind, wait until you are ready to disassemble.

Xia Zhi scratched Xiaoxi's chin, and it lay obediently in Xia Zhi's arms, writhing comfortably.Sure enough, cats all like this.

I just don’t know if the cat lady will like it...

"Sleep when you encounter difficulties. Anyway, let's wait until Lihua and the others come back."

Xia Zhi carried Xiao Xi into the bedroom and closed the door and window to prevent the little cutie from tearing up the envelope while she was asleep. Xia Zhi thoroughly enjoyed this beautiful but boring afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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