Chapter 253 Five?Not four? ! \(◎o◎)/!
"But having said that, it's really good to be a teacher!

What I said is quite useful to these guys!
emmmm, when I return to Yecheng later, I will say the same thing when I see the students there!hey-hey! "

The little peach, Gongsun Mo, is the only younger sister of Gongsun Lu, and for her, Gongsun Lu can be said to have taught her everything.

Ever since Xiao Taozi took the initiative to take responsibility in front of the Guanzhong victims two years ago, Gongsun Lu has not let this girl idle around.

As the parent of Little Taozi, Gongsun Lu has never been soft on her studies, and even personally compiled a set of "five-year college entrance examination, three-year simulation" study papers for this girl!

Since then, Xiao Taozi has lived a miserable life. The time spent on homework has left her with no time to even play with Ha Diao!

Among them, Xiao Taozi cried and said she wanted to give up more than once. However, as a parent trained in exam-oriented education, Gongsun Lu believed that there are no failed students, only failed teachers!

It's not good for a child to cry all the time. It's probably due to an itchy skin. Just give it a spanking and it'll be fine!

Originally, she was protected by Lao Wang and Lin Chaoying, but after seeing Xiao Taozi's remarkable progress, Lao Wang no longer protected her.

Since ancient times, flower grower parents have been willing to pay no matter what the price for their children's education.

Not only that, Lao Wang also secretly copied a copy of the textbook written by Gongsun Lu and gave it to the Quanzhen Seventh Son!

Let them train Quanzhen Sect disciples according to the contents!

So under the whipping of her brother's tearful love, Xiao Taozi immediately embarked on a journey to become a top student!

It’s no big deal if she doesn’t want to become a master. Gongsun Lu also asked her to force her to become a master, to “wake up” for 5 minutes every day and practice for eight hours, under such a long standby!
When Xiao Taozi was ten years old, she had made rapid progress in both her art of war and martial arts!

Although he is only 13 years old now, he is already an innate master!
Before the big exam, Gongsun Lu also arranged a series of high school entrance exams for the little girl. The results of the exam were quite satisfactory to Gongsun Lu, so he planned to give the little girl a long vacation.

But the little girl who was used to her brother giving her homework suddenly became free and didn't know what to do. Just like that, another example of cramming education appeared.

Just when the little girl became increasingly confused, she met Lian Jing. After Gongsun Lu's last tribulation, Lian Jing's existence was also known to many people around Gongsun Lu.

Xiao Taozi also likes this new sister-in-law very much. Lian Jing is gentle and virtuous, but the main thing is that in front of Lian Jing who lacks common sense in daily life, Xiao Taozi, who has never been very clever, can always feel a sense of superiority.

When the sisters-in-law were chatting, Xiao Taozi told her situation. Lian Jing, who was a powerful person in his previous life, knew that his sister-in-law had encountered obstacles in her cultivation.

Xiao Taozi spent the first half of her life living and studying under the protection of Gongsun Lu. She suddenly lost her brother's guidance, so she became a little confused.

However, I still knew that my eldest sister Lian Jing was very experienced, so she immediately gave her lovely sister-in-law an opinion.

As a teacher, as the saying goes, by reviewing the past and learning the new, by teaching others to review the knowledge you have learned, you may be able to re-summarize what you have learned, and understand your own wants and future goals from your students, and also This is what is called determination!

Tao Fuzi took out a silk cloth from his pocket and gently wiped his eyes. His bright big eyes squinted slightly. He raised his head expectantly and looked ahead, as if thinking about what he should say in front of his students that night. More classy.

It's a pity that under the light, Tao Fuzi's beautiful eyes seem to be a little out of focus, and there is a bit of astigmatism!
That's right, under the training of Brother Lang Gongsun Lu, our little Taozi can't help but improve her knowledge rapidly, and she also has the standard sign of an educated person. She is short-sighted!
Due to working on the questions for a long time, the degree of her eyes at the moment is at least over 800 degrees!
At night, Pang Tong slowly walked out of his room and walked slowly towards Lu Su's residence!

Linzi City, as the political center of Qingzhou, canceled the night curfew after it was brought under Gongsun Lu's command and the New Deal was officially implemented!

However, the Han Dynasty people's living habit of working at sunrise and resting at sunset made most Linzi people go out at night, except for the most lively city of Xifang!
Although the streets and alleys are empty, there are still many city patrol guards patrolling the streets and alleys.

From Pang Tong's residence to Biejia Mansion, one has to pass through a street in the west of the city.

At this moment, Cao Zhi was drinking in a restaurant in the west of the city. He was romantic by nature and was used to being dissolute. He loved the excitement the most. When he knew that there was a brightly lit market in Linzi, he and Yang Xiu often came here to play!
But today Yang Xiu was invited to a banquet by Kong Rong. He didn't particularly like banquets with complicated etiquette, so he went to Xifang to drink alone!

At this moment, he was thinking about the debate between crouching dragons and phoenixes on the contending stage during the day, and he couldn't help but lament that he used to sit on the well and watch the sky, Yelang was arrogant!

While he was feeling sorry for himself, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the very conspicuous Pang Tong passing through Fangshi, which caught his attention!
The two of them had known each other before, and they had attended a banquet at Kong Rong's house before. However, Pang Degong's tutor had always been very strict and never allowed Pang Tong to come to Xifang City at night. Now, he actually saw Pang Tong here at night. Cao Zhi suddenly became curious.

Perhaps because of his admiration for Pang Tong's talent, or because he inherited his father's risk-taking gene, he tiptoed out of Fangshi and followed Pang Tong quietly.

Pang Tong didn't pay attention to what was behind him. After all, Linzi City was still very peaceful. After Tai Shici captured it, he launched a massive anti-crime and evil campaign. Basically all the evil forces in the city and the black gloves of the family Clean up, now those ruffians are still building ditches outside the city wall.

Therefore, although Linzi City is not closed at night, the public security at night is still very good!

Soon Pang Tong slowly arrived at Biejia Mansion. In order to avoid being noticed, Lu Su had already cleared the guards in the front yard in advance. Pang Tong did not hesitate, walked directly into the gate and entered the wide yard in front of the front hall!

After coming in, he saw that Xu Shu, Liu Ba and Huang Yueying were already here. It seemed that he was the last one!

Cao Zhi, who was following behind, hid quietly behind the gate, looking in surprise at these young heroes who were stunning and decisive in Jixia Academy during the day!

In the middle of the night, three men and one woman gathered in Biejiafu. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality!
Of course, Cao Zhi's mind would not be so crooked, but this young man, who looked like a lady to everyone, still looked at these people with great curiosity!

Just when a few people were wondering why Master hadn't come here, they heard Gongsun Mo's voice coming from above their heads!

"To be honest, I'm quite angry!" Everyone immediately raised their heads and saw a sailboat about 20 meters long floating out of the black night sky ten meters high!
That's right, it just floated out of nothing in the black void!
Just when a few people raised their heads with their eyes wide open and stared at the spaceship above, Gongsun Mo jumped directly from the ship, and then landed in a very shocking superhero style!

The effect was very good. The four of them pointed at Gongsun Mo tremblingly, and Huang Yueying's teeth couldn't help but tie in knots!
"you you"

Pang Tong's originally ugly face showed an inexplicable expression of fear. Although it was completely different from before, unexpectedly, it was still somewhat good-looking!Of course, it would be better if he didn't stutter now!
Xu Shu, on the other hand, swallowed hard and began to mumble, "The Master said: There is no strange power to mess up the mind!"

The only one among the four who was relatively calm was Liu Ba, who was also questioning intermittently at this moment.

"Master, are you a human or a ghost?"

The effect was very good. Seeing everyone's expressions as if they had seen a ghost, Gongsun Mo's big eyes behind his reflective lenses narrowed into two beautiful crescents!

I was secretly proud of myself. This way of appearing is really effective. No wonder the bad guys always like to do this. Well, now these five guys should not dare to stab me again in the future!

and many more?

Five, hey!Something doesn’t seem right!

There were obviously only four people in the morning, so why were there five auras here?
\ (◎ o ◎) /!
Facing the extra person, Tao Fuzi couldn't help but tilted his head in confusion!To be honest, this action kind of ruined the superior posture she had just created!

(End of this chapter)

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