The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 259 The goal is to become an immortal with all-round development of morality, intelligence,

Chapter 259 Goal - to become an immortal with all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty!

Although Xixia has now lost the Hetao and its strength has been greatly reduced, it still occupies Xiliang Prefecture, Xuanhua Prefecture, Suzhou, and later Yanjunsi, Heishui Town, Heishui Town, Inner Mongolia!

The territory is thousands of miles away, but the family still has hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses!The strength cannot be underestimated.

The terrain of Bashu has been extremely complex since ancient times, and supplies have been very difficult. Planning two places in Guanzhong at the same time is undoubtedly a very difficult operation!

But when faced with the test questions assigned by Master, these four talented young people who had studied military science for a long time did not find it difficult!
Through following Tao Fuzi during this period of time, they also gained a lot of knowledge and understanding about this era.

Today's Xixia is no longer a nomadic nation whose national strength was only in the Liao Kingdom. It has long become a yesterday's flower. The country's military strength does not exceed 20, and it is seriously corrupted from top to bottom, and the army's combat power is seriously insufficient!
After being defeated by the Marquis of Yan a few years ago, defeating the last elite family of 10,000+, and then being deprived of the essence of Hetao, basically he has no strength!

Now he is just hanging on for dear life. If he hadn't been supported by the rats from the Kingdom of Jin, he would have been swept into the garbage heap of history by the Guanzhong army!
Not to mention the Bashu side under the Southern Song Dynasty, because it is located in the land of abundance and rich, but also because there is no interference from foreign enemies, it is comfortable all year round and lacks armaments!

In addition, with such a bullying Southern Song Dynasty court, I am afraid that apart from occupying a geographical location that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, there is nothing to see at all!
Seeing that all the classmates around him were assigned very important exams and tasks, Cao Zhi also felt a little admiration!
Youthful spirit!
Who doesn’t want to imitate Wei Qing and Huo Qubing and make great achievements at a young age?

So when he saw Master Tao looking over, the boy immediately puffed up his chest and waited expectantly for Master to give him a task!

But Tao Fuzi, who was wearing colorless glasses, looked at the backs of other classmates with relief and high spirits!

But without any thought of saying anything to himself, he got up and prepared to go back to his room to rest!

During these days, it took a lot of effort from Mrs. Tao to train these students. She was going to take a nap and take a rest!
But this made Cao Zhi very anxious. At that time, Tao Fuzi said that if he failed to pass the three-month quiz, he would be made an idiot or have his memory wiped!

After seeing such a vast world, Cao Zhi wouldn't want to do anything no matter what!
Shi Yi on one side said that it doesn't matter, anyway, the master asked him to come and just follow the uncle, it doesn't matter even if he is not assigned for the assessment!

Cao Zhi saw that Master Tao seemed to have really forgotten himself, so he immediately winked at Shi next to him!
Hey, we haven't been assigned to take the assessment yet, please give us some news!

Shi Yi ignored Cao Zhi's advice. Anyway, after arriving in Luoyang, Guanzhong, Tao Fuzi stopped using the spaceship to travel. Shi Yi, who was down-to-earth, felt that Cao Zhi was no longer useful, so he just wanted to go back to his hometown with Tao Fuzi to practice in Juye Valley. !I ignored Cao Zhi's wink at all!
Cao Zhi had no choice but to run quickly and take the initiative to come to Tao Fuzi.

"Husband, Master, what about me?"

"Zijian? Why are you still here!"

Cao Zhi was speechless. Listen, how much he looks down on himself!

When the tasks were assigned, I was at the front!
"Master, didn't you forget me!"

"How is it possible! Haha!"

Tao Fuzi turned his head away in embarrassment, ignoring Cao Zhi's resentful eyes. In fact, this can't be blamed on Cao Zhi, just like the class teachers in later generations. They will have a deep impression on students with good grades, but they will have a deep impression on some mediocre students. I didn’t pay so much attention to the name!

Cao Zhi was undoubtedly an outstanding son of aristocratic families in the Han Dynasty, but if he were placed among this group of monsters, he would seem a bit mediocre!
Moreover, Tao Fuzi’s examination plan for these students is also based on their strengths and characteristics. Liu Ba is a legalist and he is asked to practice law. Huang Yueying is a good engineer and she is asked to arrange the district to do infrastructure projects. The rest The four young men were very good at the art of war, so they were made military counselors!

But Cao Zhi is very good at reciting poems and writing poems, and he is also good at drinking. But you can't let him compete with others in drinking. What kind of test is that?
So Tao Fuzi was not prepared to set any test content for Cao Zhi at the beginning!

As for Shi Yi, this kid's cultivation and talent are higher than his own. He can learn everything he teaches very quickly!

In this way, the most mediocre student and the most versatile student were left behind by Gongsun Mo!

Seeing Cao Zhi's increasingly aggrieved expression, Tao Fuzi couldn't say anything. After all, it was indeed her fault.

"Just wait for me, I'll make arrangements for you tomorrow!"

After saying this, she ignored Cao Zhi's repeated calls of "Master, Master..." and ran directly back to her room!

The next day, Tao Fuzi, who had been thinking about it for a long time, took Cao Zhi and Shi Yi to Zhongnan Mountain. This mountain was not particularly famous in the Han Dynasty!

However, the beauty of this mountain still made Cao Zhi, who was romantic by nature, intoxicated. Cao Zhi was in a mood for a while, but it was a pity that his master urged him to go up the mountain before he could flourish in poetry.

Finally, a group of three people quickly arrived at Chongyang Palace. Looking at this familiar place, Taozi's eyes under the thick glasses couldn't help but reveal a little nostalgia and reminiscence!
Here, she has experienced countless good memories, how many days and nights, how many times she has stayed up late here and done her homework!
The lights in the hall late at night are her lost youth!
"What's wrong? Master"

"It's okay, let's go!" Gongsun Mo glared at Cao Zhi with disgust for interrupting his beautiful memories, and replied coldly!
This made Cao Zhi a little puzzled, but Shi Yi who followed behind still had that expressionless face!
It's just that there is a little sparkle in his big eyes. In fact, the reason why Gongsun Lu placed Shi Yi under Tao Fuzi was because he wanted him to experience more fireworks in the world and experience the emotions between people!
This boy is the incarnation of a spiritual stone formed by the condensation of innate soil. He is considered to be born divine. Both his wisdom and skill are extremely good. But precisely because of this, when he was just born, he was just like a plant.

Not only is his mind unstable, his temperament is also extremely dull, and his understanding of emotions and good and evil in the world is flawed!
Judging from the way he treats tool man Cao Zhi, you can imagine that in his eyes, except for his master and a few people around Gongsun Lu, he probably doesn't care about anyone!
This is also the main reason why Shi Yi is currently stuck in the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment. Of course, Gongsun Lu can also directly use his magical power to directly awaken Shi Yi, but this would be a bit frustrating!
Letting him experience and learn on his own will be more beneficial to his Taoist heart and future path!
Immortals and immortals, only when you first become a human can you be qualified to become an immortal!
That's why Gongsun Lu put this cheap apprentice into his sister's hands, hoping that this kid would have more contact with "peers of the same age"!

You can try to make more friends and experience people's emotions, family affection and friendship!Become the second generation of immortals who are fully developed morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically
After the young disciples at Zhongnan Mountain saw Gongsun Mo, they all came forward to greet him and called him "Uncle Master" or "Uncle Master" and so on!
Master Tao put away a little of his usual impudence, and returned gifts to his disciples in a very dignified manner. Cao Zhi also followed his master and learned how to do Taoism!
After a while, the three of them arrived in the hall of Chongyang Palace!

After seeing Gongsun Mo, a young Taoist about 20 years old quickly bowed to Gongsun Mo.

"Disciple Zhichang pays homage to Master Uncle!"

He is Li Zhichang, Ma Yu's disciple. When Lao Wang understood the Taoism, the second-generation Quanzhen disciples either practiced the Taoism passed down by Gongsun Lu in seclusion like Lao Wang, or they were like Qiu Chuji and Hao Datong. Become a general or official in Guanzhong and help handle the government affairs in Guanzhong!
Only Ma Yu was left alone in Chongyang Palace, responsible for handling the sect affairs within Quanzhen Sect, and Ma Yu also needed to retreat frequently.

So his eldest disciple Li Zhichang was appointed to handle the affairs of the Quanzhen Sect. This time, Gongsun Mo came here mainly to see him!

Tao Fuzi nodded.

"Martial nephew, how are the things I asked you to prepare?"

"Master uncle is ready. Master Xiaotong and Master Mochou are already waiting outside the hall!"

(End of this chapter)

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