The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 269 The Wonderful Adventure of Maia Saruman

Chapter 269 The Wonderful Adventure of Maia Saruman
I saw this man in white robe stretching out his withered wristband like a ghost's claw.

A colorful ray of light appeared out of thin air in the palm of his hand, and then transformed into a fragment.

The white-robed man's will-o'-the-wisp eyes moved slightly, and he looked in the south direction, "The aura of the fragment is over there!"

His name is Saruman. He used to be a demigod named Maia under the main god Manwë. After voluntarily requesting orders to come to Middle-earth to fight against Morgoth, he transformed into the white-robed wizard Saruman and lived in Ai. In Master Singh's Tower.

However, after spending a long time in Middle-earth, he became increasingly dissatisfied with the Lord God's preference for the gray robe wizard Gandalf, and began to conspire to collude with the Demon King Sauron.

Just as he was about to begin plotting to seize all of Middle-earth, he was given a shard.

He had never seen a magical fragment containing power that he had never seen before, and in essence, this power actually surpassed Maia and even surpassed the Lord God Manwe.

Saruman, who already had a different heart, became even more ambitious. After a long period of research and experimentation, he traveled to another world through the power of fragments!
It was a world where magical civilization was very prosperous. There were green-skinned orcs, ordinary humans, and natural disasters of the undead!
Among humans, there are mages who are good at arcane magic, and knights who are good at holy light.

In a world where elemental power permeates the entire world, many powerful individuals with powerful individual abilities have been born in this world!
Just after he came to this world, he met Kel'Thuzad, the first undead lich of the Scourge, who claimed to be the Lich King's subordinate.

After being defeated simply by the opponent, Saruman successfully begged for mercy by using the tongue-bright lotus he had trained on kneeling in heaven and licking the Lord God.

Kel'Thuzad is a lich and a mage, so his curiosity is naturally extremely strong!

Therefore, he is also very interested in the mages from this other world. After all, the outsiders in this world are the group of green-skinned savage orcs, but they know Waaaah all day long!There is no way to communicate rationally!
When I first saw a weirdo like Saruman, who had a very powerful soul but an average body, I immediately wanted to study this so-called Maia demigod personally.

So Saruman was included in the Scourge!

Under the hands of this knowledgeable archlich, Saruman learned a lot of necromancy and arcane knowledge, and quickly found another magical fragment in Kel'Thuzad's treasure house. This piece was different from his own. The fragment seems to have exhausted the energy inside, and now it just looks like an ordinary glass fragment!
Otherwise, if it hadn't been for this, it would have attracted Kel'Thuzad's attention long ago. Saruman only succeeded in finding it by relying on the inductive connection between the fragments!

Just when Saruman was absorbing the magical knowledge of this world like a sponge, the Archlich finally showed his ferocious minions.

After several months of secret research, Kel'Thuzad discovered that the soul essence of this so-called Maia is in some ways a bit like the protoss Titan in this world, only much weaker!
However, the Archlich said that he is not picky about food. As long as he absorbs Saruman's soul, his own power will increase a lot, and he can even surpass the first generation Lich King Ner'zhul!
Ambition prompted him to overturn the table!Attack Saruman!
Saruman is not a good person either. Having lived for tens of thousands of years, he may not have the powerful magic of Kel'Thuzad, but his background and potential are even better!

After absorbing the profound magical knowledge of World of Warcraft, his strength has doubled several times in a short period of time!
What's more, as a character who dared to betray the Lord God and secretly colluded with the Demon King Sauron, how could he not be on guard against Kel'Thuzad, who was also in the LYB style!
Moreover, before the opponent took action, Saruman first looted the opponent's treasure house and stole the fragments and a large number of precious treasures!

But just when he was about to activate the power of the fragment and run back to Middle-earth, relying on his knowledge from the other world to punch Gandalf, kick Morgoth, and become king, Kel'Thuzad came to him. , gave him a blast of death and withering.

In World of Warcraft, this move is not a simple R skill, but a full blow from an undead wizard who actually has the power to kill gods.

Saruman, who was injured by Kel'Thuzad, was also forced to interrupt the teleportation process. When he woke up again, he found that he had come to a strange world again, but at this time his physical condition was not particularly good, nearly three points. One of his bodies was scraped off by the turbulence of time and space as he traveled through the world. At the same time, the death power of Kel'Thuzad's hateful blow entrenched himself in his body, eating away at the remaining vitality.

If it weren't for the fact that Saruman's essence is Maya, with strong vitality, he would have died a long time ago!
However, his current condition is not particularly good, and he basically has only one breath left!
Fortunately, at the critical moment, he met several mortal soldiers and relied on undead magic to forcibly suck the life force of the soldiers to temporarily regain his breath!

After devouring each other's souls and memories, Saruman knew from their memories that this world was called the Warring States Period, and in terms of power distribution, it was somewhat like his hometown Middle Earth.

There are many princes who fight against each other endlessly, and among the armies of these princes there is a kind of warrior called an unparalleled general.

Every warrior has a powerful individual strength, and the army is just a number in front of them.Each one of them is unstoppable, killing people like mowing grass and tearing down cities like tearing paper!

After checking the soldier, no, it should be called Ashigaru!
In the memory of this low-level ashigaru, I feel the fierce and explosive power of the unparalleled warrior.

Saruman checked the death force inside his body which was still like gangrene attached to the bones.

Weak, he decided to take the initiative, so when the great names of the Warring States Period were fighting against each other, a wizard in white robes would always appear wandering around the outside of the battlefield, quietly harvesting the lives and souls of ashigaru!

But just relying on these low-level souls whose lives are thinner than paper cannot solve their own weakness!
So in order to deal with Kel'Thuzad's death force, Saruman made a decision!
As Maia, when he comes to the world, he will become a mortal wizard of flesh and blood. However, there are always limits to the power of a mortal, which is not enough to display his power and ambition as Maia, so Saruman said that he is no longer a human being!
"Maiya.jiojio.Saruman" expressed his ambition.

He then used the knowledge he gained from World of Warcraft to successfully transform himself into a lich using a transformation ritual!
After becoming a lich, Saruman is naturally no longer afraid of the power of death in his body. On the contrary, the death and decay of Kel'Thuzad is still a great tonic for him!

In this way, Saruman became ugly, but he also became stronger. He didn't feel much about becoming an undead creature. Maia was not a human being anyway!
And this fragment is so magical, maybe one day I can take it with me to find new power that I can transform back into!

Time doesn't mean much to an immortal like him!
Saruman, who had returned to his prime and no longer had any shortcomings, became much more courageous and directly used undead magic to control the most powerful daimyo Imagawa Yoshimoto in the Warring States Period.

And secretly transformed all the unparalleled generals and soldiers under his hands into an army of undead.

After having an army, Saruman was no longer hiding. Since the fragments brought him to this world, it meant that there were other fragments in this world. In order to find new power and fragments, he began to This world has set off a natural disaster of the undead.

Relying on the fearlessness of this unit under his command and its willingness to fight to survive, the army of the undead is getting stronger and stronger!

One force after another was defeated by his legions, and the threat of the undead forced other Warring States daimyo to unite.

Finally, they gathered under the command of a man named Oda Nobunaga and began to fight against the undead.

With the long-term battle, the weaknesses of the undead are gradually understood. As long as the heads of the undead are cut off and the bodies of the soldiers who died in the battle are burned, they will not be resurrected!The undead army can no longer support war with war!
The world of the Warring States Period was also temporarily divided into two parts. The wise men on the living side discovered that Saruman's direction of advancement had a certain purpose in some aspects.

When they sent the best ninja generals to investigate Saruman's army, they finally succeeded in learning that the opponent's goal was a piece of debris.

So on the one hand, the alliance of the living began to send people to search for the whereabouts of the fragments, and on the other hand, they continued to resist the attack of Saruman's undead army!

(End of this chapter)

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