Chapter 277 Girl Ah Shi!

As for the Song Dynasty further south!
I'm sorry, but now there is no territory that can connect me to the Mongolian grassland. It is naturally impossible for these Mongolians to go all the way south, so naturally they can't contact the Song Dynasty!
Temujin was a little disappointed when he didn't get help, but he was a genius after all. He quickly regained his confidence, confident that he could defeat the undead army with his own strength!
Of course, he was not without any support. When Temujin led his loyal men to explore the north, they encountered a scattered undead cavalry. Later, his general Zhebie shot the undead through the head with a bow and arrow. , and suddenly the skeleton fell into a pile of bones.

Temujin, who thought he had found the weakness of the undead, was extremely excited to show off his trophies at the Hoof Forest Conference!

And persuade other tribes to join them and fight against the army of the dead together!

And he still has a big ambition hidden in his heart, as long as he can find the secret of the undead army, then can he also form a team that is not afraid of life and death, and will never get tired?

In this case, wouldn't it be easy to realize the heroic ambitions in my heart!
After seeing the skeletons captured by Temujin, the tribal leaders, who were not very united at first, thought to themselves that these skeletons were afraid of beheading!

That’s no problem!Can you chop off people's heads with a knife? A seven or eight-year-old boy on the grassland can do it while riding a yellow sheep and waving a machete!

Immediately, they all expressed their willingness to follow Temujin to attack the undead army and take back their pasture!
Temujin looked proudly at the leaders of almost half of the Mongolian tribes in front of him, prostrating themselves in front of him, secretly thinking that his first step in conquering the world was finally completed.

He imagined that when he defeated the Army of the Dead, his reputation in Mongolia would rise to the highest level. At that time, as the leader, he would take his brothers to the south for two or three trips.

From now on, my position as the number one brother in the grassland will be completely imprisoned!

However, there was still an obstacle that needed to be cleared. Temujin couldn't help but turn his attention to his sworn brother Zhamuka!

This Anda's reputation is not inferior to his own on the Mongolian grassland. If so, let him die in this war with honor!
It is normal for a stray arrow to fly from any direction in the chaos!
When the time comes, I will accept the knights under him in the name of avenging my brother, and then there will be another wave of reputation!

Just as Temujin mentally imagined how he would cry when he knelt next to Jamuka's body in the future.

Sanuman's army is coming towards his tribe!
In a corner of Temujin's tribe, in a large yurt, a Han woman in her 40s or [-]s was entertaining a girl wearing a bloody tattered robe and looking very embarrassed!

The woman's name is Li Ping, Guo Jing's mother. More than ten years ago, she fled all the way to the grassland. With the help of the simple Mongolians, she settled in Temujin's tribe.

Later, she gradually established a firm foothold in the tribe with her excellent embroidery skills.

Slowly, she also began to have her own yurt, sheep and horses, and she grew up the poor boy Guo Jing little by little!

And this girl was met by Li Ping when she was letting the horses out today. Although she looked very embarrassed, her clothes were torn a lot, and her face was covered with dust, her skin was as delicate as snow, and her body was full of dust. Shui Lingjin's big eyes don't look like a girl from the grassland at all.

Instead, she looks like a girl who came from her hometown, the land of plenty in the south of the Yangtze River!

Although he couldn't understand what the child said, Jiangnan has a lot of slang since ancient times, and there are many local dialects. People from all over the country often have the same place and accent!
Li Ping heard that this girl's accent sounded a bit like the dialect of the Taizhou generation in Zhejiang Province.

When she was young, she went to Taizhou with her father, who was a businessman!
Mistaking the girl for being one of her Han compatriots, she enthusiastically entertained the girl to eat cakes and drink broth!

The girl did not refuse. Seeing how delicious she was eating, Li Ping couldn't help but smile on her dusty face!
Ah Shi ate hungrily. Li Ping was right, she had indeed not eaten for several days.

In the past few days, Ah Shi has met a lot of Mongolians, but because of the language barrier, even if Ah Shi wanted to tell them the news about the undead, they couldn't understand them. Some Mongolians even wanted to capture Ah Shi. !

With no other choice, Ah Shi had no choice but to continue running south until he met Li Ping.

The Chinese she spoke was understandable to Aichi. As the daughter of the former Owari Daimyo and the current Owari Big Idiot, bah, she is the sister of the current Owari Demon King. She was born into a famous family!

Therefore, I have been learning music, chess, calligraphy and painting since I was a child. As the source of their language, Chinese has naturally learned a lot. I can write and read, but I can’t speak very well!So after hearing what Li Ping said in Chinese, Ah Shi's face looked as if he had met a relative, and he quickly ran to Li Ping's side and chirped something!
But how could Li Ping understand neon language?

So I had to take her back to the tent first!
After arranging some food for her, looking at Ah Shi's pitiful appearance, Li Ping stroked the girl's head motherly, feeling pity secretly in her heart.

"The little girl with such a sign was held in the palm of her hand at that house, so why did she come here!
She doesn’t know what hardships she has endured, how many crimes she has suffered, wandering alone on the prairie, where are her family members? "

It's a pity that Li Ping couldn't ask clearly because of the language barrier!
Perhaps it was Li Ping's touch that made the girl feel a lot of security. Her body, which was already exhausted, suddenly relaxed, and she slowly fell softly on the table.

The wings of her nose were still twinkling, and she lay down on the table and fell asleep in a very charming manner.

Li Ping looked at the girl's sleeping state distressedly, but didn't dare to wake her up, so she turned around and took out a woolen blanket from the tent to cover the girl's body.

Then he walked out of the tent and started doing farm work!

After a while, six people came from a distance. They slowly approached the tent with a child, scolding the child as they walked.

"You are such an idiot. You can't teach me anything. I don't know how you survived to adulthood!"

In this world, Ma Yu has never been to the grassland because he has been worrying about the government affairs of Guanzhong and Quanzhen Sect. So now Guo Jing is 15 years old, but he is still a little fool who knows nothing about martial arts!
This little unfortunate guy also lowered his head with a look of inferiority, feeling very disappointed!
The Six Jiangnan Monsters scolded each other for a long time and then fell silent. After all, I had seen him grow up since he was a child. It was impossible not to feel sorry for him. Moreover, he was almost at Guo Jing's house. It was not good to say that his son was stupid in front of his mother. !

After Li Ping saw a few people, she welcomed them into the courtyard very politely.

"Thank you for your hard work, the masters. Come in and drink some milk tea to warm yourself up! Jing'er, come in and get some meat jerky for the masters!"

Several people also paid tribute to Li Ping.
“I’ve met Mrs. Guo!.” X7
They still respect the mother who single-handedly raised Guo Jing.

Zhu Cong, a masterful scholar, held a cup of steaming milk tea with both hands and took two big gulps.

"Alas! Somehow this year, it's already May, but there's no spring at all, and it's still so cold!"

Ke Zhen'e, the flying bat next to him, laughed and scolded, "It's you who misses Jiangnan, right?"

Among the seven monsters, Han Xiaoying, the only woman, said with a smile, "Who doesn't miss Jiangnan! It's just that I have lived on the grassland for several years, and the previous years are not as wet and cold as this year!"

Everyone was a little silent. This unusual weather has indeed never happened before!
At the same time, Guo Jing came to the courtyard with dried meat, handed it to the masters, and then walked to Li Ping and asked.

"Mom, why is there someone in our tent?"

"That's my guest. She's a girl. She's a little tired. Don't disturb her rest!"


Although he is 15 years old, Li Ping is very strict with her. Guo Jing is still relatively straightforward and knows little about men and women. But since his mother will not let him disturb him, Guo Jing is also very obedient.

As the parent of underachiever Guo Jing, Li Ping was accepting complaints from five teachers.

A large carriage drove slowly outside the door.At the same time, there was a sound at the door!
"Excuse me, is this Guo Jing's home?"

Several people looked up and saw a young man wearing scholar's clothes and two children looking at them and waiting for others in front of the door!

(End of this chapter)

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