The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 491 The search for believers begins with opening an orphanage

Chapter 491 The search for believers begins with opening an orphanage

So where should we go next? Should we go directly to the center of all the stories, Yingjiang, or go back to our hometown, or simply stay in this damaged country.

He excluded Yingjiang first. He was not the protagonist of some time-travel novel, so why did he join in the fun? Why did he dig in there even though he knew it was a big hole?
As for returning to his hometown, Gongsun Lu was somewhat interested, but the characteristics of a flower grower probably would not allow a living god to appear.

What's more, there are two big bosses from many distant universes staring at you fiercely behind you now. It's better not to cause trouble to your country!
As for Sokovia, to be honest, he didn't particularly want to stay in this country.

After all, this is just a small landlocked country in Eastern Europe. Like most small European countries, it is small in area and not densely populated.

What's more, this is still the territory of Baron Strucker of Hydra.

Gongsun Lu didn't believe that this well-known villain would be so arrogant as in the movie, and just end up with a box lunch just like he did in the movie!

You have to know how a person who can critically ill a giant in Hydra is so easy to deal with?
Several countries in Sokovia, including Eastern Europe, are currently in fragments, and the civil wars everywhere are probably also the work of this Hydra boss!

Compared with the hiding and silence of other Hydra branches, he is undoubtedly much more high-profile, and he controls a corner of Europa in an old-fashioned warlord style.

In troubled times, what kind of business can be the most profitable?
There is no doubt that it is seeking the country!

The fragmentation of a country means that everything in the country is undefended. Money, resources, and population, as long as you have the ability, you can take whatever you want!
As the boss of Hydra, Strucker is undoubtedly a capable player!

To be honest, as a god who currently lacks divine power, he really doesn't want to provoke this lunatic organization that is like a shit stirrer.

If I'm not careful, if my car overturns and I'm caught by them and sliced ​​into pieces, then I will lose face as a god. How can I have the face to see the subject again at that time? Will I still be alive?
However, Gongsun Lu thought for a while and decided to stay in Sokovia.

You must know that this is the time when he needs incense the most.

What country can be more in need of a god who can save them than the people of Sokovia who are in troubled times?

What better place to build and spread faith in yourself than a country in chaos?
War and chaos often best reveal human nature, and are also the moments when a person is most likely to accept a belief.

Cowardice, courage, sacrifice, selfishness, these most typical human qualities can only be displayed in war!

As for Hydra and Strucker, Gongsun Lu was confident that as long as he was careful, he would not be overturned.

Just do it. After Gongsun Lu figured it out, he picked up Sun Shangxiang who had finished chewing the chicken drumsticks next to him. With her eyes wide open and her face flushed, she went back to sleep!

Don’t get me wrong, God Gongsun Lu’s current thoughts are relatively simple. He just thinks that Sun Shangxiang feels good in his arms and it must be very comfortable to sleep on as a pillow!

Since Gongsun Road was determined to pay attention, he did not hesitate. On the next morning, he woke up Wanda and Pietro, and the four of them and one pet headed towards the northwest, the most chaotic place in Sokovia!
This country is not as big as a city like in the movies. In terms of area, it is about the size of more than half of the treasure island, but about one-third of it is mountainous and one-third is mountainous. It is a plain area, and the other third is close to the northern pole where the temperature is quite low.

In the north and mountainous forest areas, the environment is slightly harsh and not suitable for human habitation.

Therefore, most of the population of Sokovia is concentrated in the plains in the east and the hilly areas in the middle.

As the essence of the entire country.

This is also an area where wars gather, and there are at least seven or eight warlords standing across this place.

They held weapons obtained from Yingjiang and Da Mao on their mobile phones, and they oppressed and killed their compatriots wantonly.

Wanda's family lived there before the accident.

After their parents died in the missiles produced by the Stark Group, these refugees were concentrated and moved to the hills in the southwest.

Although the living environment and living facilities are slightly poorer, they are at least relatively peaceful and calm. After all, there is no oil and water, and these warlords do not like this corner.

A few months later, a church sprang up in an unnamed city on the plains of Sokovia.

The name is the Equality Cult, and the god it worships is naturally the god who guides the way to the future, prosperity and strength - the way!

Their current stronghold is a residential building in the city.

It was Wanda and Pietro's original home in the past.

After they came back, they came back here immediately. After all, one of Wanda's wishes when he summoned Gongsun Lu was to revive their parents, Maxim and his wife.

They are lucky. If it were another world, if a person dies within a few days, the soul will immediately enter the underworld and reincarnate again. Even in a world without demons, the soul will turn into pure energy and wander around the world until it cycles again. !
But in the Marvel world, the reincarnation mechanism here is a mess, because the various gods and dimensional demons, as well as the existence of hell, and even the background goddess who represents the embodiment of the death rules of the universe are a little bit weird. normal!

It can be said that there are ghosts and snakes everywhere. People in this world will be classified into different categories after death.

For example, humans who believe in gods will enter the kingdom of gods they belong to, such as Odin's Hall of Valor and the God's Paradise.

If you have too many bad karma during your lifetime, you will fall directly into hell after death and become the plaything of the devil.

If they are just ordinary people, they are slowly returning to the embrace of the background master, Ms. Death!
However, the interval between the deceased at this stage is a little longer than before, and the Maxims could only be regarded as light believers in Christianity during their lifetime.

This situation was not enough for them to enter heaven, so when Gongsun Lu found them again, they were wandering among the ruins where they died.

The existence of spirits possessed by the earth will wait until their obsession is dissipated before heading to the kingdom of the dead!

Now the souls of the couple are relatively intact, and it would not be difficult to resurrect them.

Just put away the soul and reshape a body for them at that time.

Gongsun Lu would only dare to say this in this Marvel world, if it were another place with strict rules of reincarnation.

A person with no roots or background just wants to resurrect people from the dead. Ask millions of Yin soldiers and the Ten Palaces of Yamas if they agree!
Now it is estimated that it will take a lot of effort. According to the magical power Gongsun Lu is currently involved in, it is still impossible to do.

So in order to help Gongsun Lu resurrect their parents as soon as possible, Wanda and Pietro worked hard to help Gongsun Lu preach every day, and when they met passers-by on the street, they begged to come and write a letter.

Gongsun Lu couldn't help laughing when he saw their innocent appearance. In this troubled world, people are not busy with survival and saving their lives. If there is no benefit, there will be no time to pray to God and worship Buddha.

That righteous man of God was also given bread, red wine and so on when he first started preaching!
Therefore, Gongsun Lu was not in a hurry to recruit believers, but temporarily established a stronghold in Lingkong, the city, right at Wanda's original home.

A large house was rebuilt in this ruined campus, and it continues to absorb children and young people who lost their parents and homes during the war.

Generally speaking, children's minds are purer and more receptive to new things.

Of course, in addition to some children who lost their parents, he also accepted some adults who lost their family members.

In this way, a shelter similar to a church orphanage was established among the ruins of the battlefield.

Apart from the initial difficult period in terms of food, we have gradually become self-sufficient.

With the help of Gongsun Lu, they opened up a new large farm, which can produce thousands of kilograms of wheat, corn, potatoes, vegetables, etc. in a day.

(End of this chapter)

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