The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 506: You’re already begging for food and you still want to conquer the world?

Chapter 506: You’re already begging for food and you still want to conquer the world?

Since believers like these are so loyal and want to welcome back their gods, why don't you help them?
One day later, Eagle astronaut Will Daniel looked in awe at the god in front of him who was exuding a layer of golden light.

Now he is standing inside the spaceship, urging the already exhausted spaceship to leave this exiled planet with his terrifying divine power!

Then, with Will's God-like expression on his face, Gongsun Lu returned to Earth in just a few hours after a journey of nearly several months.

As soon as the spaceship here returned, Gideon Malick's people sensed the signal from the spacecraft.

They were stunned immediately. They had to know that they only wanted to launch the spacecraft for detection and explore the way.

When they told Malik the news with a look of ghost on their faces, the little old man, who was already in his 40s, rushed to the rocket launch center that had been built secretly.

When Gongsun Lu's whole body was filled with golden special effects, he slowly floated out of the spaceship with a posture and eyes that almost said "I am a god!" on his face.

The presidential advisor, the top family leader of Yingjiang, was just as pious as everyone else in this center, and even more pious. He prostrated himself before Gongsun Lu like a pure child.

There is no way, Gongsun Lu is looking really good at the moment!
The whole body is wrapped in a layer of exquisite and gorgeous golden armor, with simple and mysterious runes painted on it, and a rainbow-colored cloak behind him moves automatically in the wind.

The tall body is a full two meters high, and the long golden hair exuding glory is tied behind the head into an ancient bun.

And those golden eyes that are so sharp that they seem to be able to see into people's hearts!
He has a handsome and majestic face with sharp edges and corners, thick and thick golden eyebrows, a little golden beard on the chin, and the high bulging muscles seen in the gaps in the armor, and his tough body. The corner of his mouth shows that he is a battle-experienced warrior and has unparalleled masculine charm!
The female secretary beside Malik blushed and felt weak in the legs!

In addition, he was emitting golden light with billions of charming spells all over his body.

The substantial coercion and aura emanating from the whole body enveloped the entire launch center!

This momentum and appearance can definitely match any mortal's fantasy of a god!
This look was created by Gongsun Lu by referring to the images of the three male gods Zeus, Poseidon, and Apollo in his memory of his saucy artifact, the trident!

Although this one is not a good product, there is no doubt that their appearance is still very good!
Therefore, in the eyes of Malik, the leader of Hydra, the crown prince who flew out of the spaceship is undoubtedly the god believed in by the Malik family and the oldest descendant of Hydra!
He was seen kneeling on the ground like a lamb, gently kissing Gongsun Lu's shoe.

The strong power of faith comes directly towards you!

Gongsun Lu raised his eyebrows slightly!

To be honest,
Malik's current pious attitude made him a little strange.

Faith is faith.

But after all, as a superior and villain, the only one they believe in should be themselves.

Even if there really is a god in front of you, you shouldn't just believe in it wholeheartedly!

But what makes Gongsun Lu feel very strange is that Malik has directly become his devout believer, and he is only a few steps away from being a fanatical believer!

Gongsun Lu thought about it carefully, and it seemed that it was because Su Mei's charm skills were so good.

In fact, this is only part of the reason. As mentioned before, even the various organizations of Hydra are not monolithic.

Even as villains, they will be more extreme and ruthless in the face of competition with each other, and some friction is even more commonplace!
After the Red Skull failed, Hydra also fell into silence.

Each mountaintop also operates its own forces, and the only Hydra organization that is still active is the Alexander Pierce branch that infiltrated SHIELD through the Paperclip Project.

Similarly, as the hope of the whole village, the Snake Shield Bureau under Pierce is basically regarded as the boss of Hydra!

It is also natural that almost half of Hydra's manpower, funds and resources are supported by Pierce's lineage.

And the other branches can only keep their heads down and be small, eat a little leftovers, and maintain the stability and development of their own organizations!

Especially the Malik family, as the oldest branch of Hydra.

To be honest, they are not taken too seriously by other Hydra branches.

After all, people play high-end games to conquer the world all day long, but you guys just stay at home, have no ambitions, and chase an illusory god all day long!Moreover, he is a god who has been exiled, and he probably doesn’t have much ability!
So what if you find it?It's not like being a dog!
Could it be that I have worked hard to prey on the people, engaged in corruption, promoted terrorism, and finally conquered the world but still have to be treated like a dog by others?
Then I will no longer be a beggar!
In later generations, in prisons, prisoners would each compare their crimes and rank them according to their seniority, creating a chain of contempt.

What's more, it's a terrorist organization with great ambitions and is determined to cause big events!

Since your family likes to stay at home so much, and it is still considered a villain organization, why not share your resources with me, and my brother will help you when the time comes.After conquering the world, I’ll take your share!

The competition for interests in Hydra may not be so exaggerated, but it is more realistic.

Why everyone was willing to worship the Red Skull as their boss in the first place was because he had great ambitions, caused many big events, and gained a reputation for evil!

Can a villain who doesn't want to conquer the world be called a villain?

Unlike Baron Strucker who is far away in the Europa enclosure, the main sphere of influence of the Malik family is basically here in Eagle Sauce, but Pierce is still alive now!
As the boss of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra still has the right to speak in Eagle Sauce's sphere of influence.

Therefore, the Malik family is now looked down upon in the entire organization and has little say!
Not only did the resources that should be distributed shrink by more than half, even the resources accumulated by the family for many years were "voluntarily" enshrined by other high-level officials of Hydra.

As the saying goes, if you are not in charge, you don't know the price of daily necessities. Although Malik is also the boss, he is much more worried than Pierce!
Obviously, he has just reached his forties, which is the time to start a career, but he is pulling out his hair all day long, watching his hair style change from a bushy hairstyle to a Mediterranean one.

Now the family fortune is almost no longer safe, but he can only watch helplessly.

Now I'm fine, my thighs are finally back. From now on, in the organization, I wonder who else dares to speak loudly in front of me!
"Malik, Malik"

When Gongsun Lu's roar almost shook the room, the uncle who was still in YY woke up!
Malik finally came back to his senses and looked at Gongsun Lu with fear.

"Please forgive me, my dear gods, I"

Gongsun Lu looked at the uncle with admiration, who had not said a lot of flattery in just one minute. Apart from anything else, just with his ability to flatter others, he was not even the boss of Hydra!

Markley had no idea that his eloquence in showing off, flattering, and begging for resources at the annual Hydra gathering had earned him the admiration and attention of the gods among the thousands of followers on Gongsun Road.

They are now in an exquisite villa, which is also a stronghold of Malik, but now it is naturally the palace of the god Gongsun Lu!
"Okay, Malik, that's nice. Let's talk about it later. Let's talk about the main topic first!"

Seeing Gongsun Lu sitting on the sofa in a bold move, the leader of the Hydra was standing next to him grovelingly like a eunuch, and he almost shouted "Cha"!

"Do you still remember the records and legends about me?"

Malik was stunned. To be honest, for this god that his family has inherited and believed in for generations.

He knew that it wasn't really too much. After all, this time interval was too long. A span of nearly ten thousand years was enough to bury most of the historical truth!

Even Malik now only knows that this god is related to a few teleportation black stone tablets passed down from generation to generation by Hydra and a few pieces of information about the Inhumans!

(End of this chapter)

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