The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 580: The first earth crisis has been resolved, and there will be countless more to come!

Chapter 580: The first earth crisis is resolved, and there will be countless more to come!
After all, he is one of the greatest gods in the universe. Although he looks like a salty fish, he is still full of the style of the big boss!

Gongsun Lu looked at it for a while, then winked at Ganata beside him. The latter nodded his little head full of energy, then stretched out his green little hand to Uncle Tun, and said A transparent ripple emitted in the vacuum.

This is a message.

The content is probably, "Dalang, come and take medicine..."

Ahem, it seems that I have mixed words together, it should be:
"Stupid father, come over for dinner!"

This girl doesn't feel guilty about cheating her own father at all.

And his father was even better. After hearing the call for dinner, he didn't care who was calling, and just followed him from his original "daze" state. He opened his mouth and moved toward Gongsun Lu and Ganata. Just fly over.

Seeing such a big lump flying over, looking so careless and only caring about eating, Gongsun Lu thought to himself, no wonder Uncle Tun, although he is one of the five great gods, has always had such a low profile, look at his eternity. , Infinite, those tall and tall beings who are like the background of the world, have never paid attention to the battles in the human world, and they look extremely cold.

Looking at this down-to-earth foodie in front of me, there is really no sense of distance. Idols are just ordinary people!

Gongsun Lu didn't hesitate and took out the big treasure that he had already prepared from his sleeve.
He threw it with his big hand, and the object that was thrown like a light point swelled up in the wind and turned into the appearance of Unit Zero.

After a series of cool transformations and incomparable speeches from the second class.

Well, Uncle Tun, he still rushed over with a big mouth and a heartless look!
"I'm just a food machine with no feelings!"

Uncle Tun explained the true meaning of this sentence with his own actions!

Unit Zero Zero originally wanted to put up a few more coquettish POSS, but under Gongsun Lu's urging, he didn't waste any more nonsense and simply rushed over!
Just when he was approaching Uncle Tun, the brilliant mechanical armor on his body turned into a stream of light and shot towards Uncle Tun.

This old foodie didn't care, the food would fly into his mouth by itself. Is there anything happier than this for an old foodie?

There was no obstruction on his side. Fifty's stream of light did not fly directly into his mouth as Uncle Tun imagined. Instead, as soon as it touched his body, it turned into a layer of fluid material and covered his body. wrapped in that layer of armor.

Galactus was still wondering why, when there was nothing in his mouth, he suddenly felt a strong sense of fullness coming from deep within his body, and felt that powerful energy was continuously coming from his body.

And the never-ending hunger feeling that had been tormenting me disappeared, replaced by a sense of satisfaction after eating and drinking enough!
He even burped hard without even realizing it!
Are you full?
But haven’t I arrived on Earth yet?
Am I there yet?

Haven't I arrived?

Am I losing my memory?

However, Uncle Tun, who was confused every day, did not pay attention to such minutiae, and he did not even care about the few horsemen he sent out. They were like those dead people who were tired after eating and drinking in the market. He held his belly with both hands and tried to This extremely peaceful sleeping posture lies in the universe very quietly.

It seems to have been taken care of.

Gongsun Lu glanced at Sero, who nodded clearly, and then stretched out his hand to gently push Uncle Tun, who was already lying flat. The latter did not resist, and just relied on this inertia to relax. Flying towards the depths of the universe!

Seeing Uncle Tun's figure slowly leaving the starry sky in the distance, Gongsun Lu finally couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Finally, this master was sent away, and the earth was saved from the tiger's mouth!
Not only him, but everyone in the laboratory of the game dimension also cheered!
After months of hard work, they finally managed to resolve the crisis. Not knowing that this kind of thing was about to become commonplace, these future superheroes cheered excitedly as they saved the world for the first time!

Whether it is the West or the East, after success and victory, a grand celebration banquet is naturally held.

However, the East prefers drinking, punching, and drinking, while the West prefers partying and socializing.

Under the auspices of local snake Malik, a grand celebration party was held in the laboratory.

Everyone present was very happy, after all, this was a huge victory.

After going through a battle, the people present got to know each other a lot.Find friends to eat, drink and play there!
Hela grabbed Sun Shangxiang and fought him on the wine table.

The two of them were drinking together over there.

One is the Valkyrie of Asgard, and the other is the heroic Princess Jiangdong. Coupled with the relationship with Gongsun Lu, the two of them can be said to meet good talents and teammates at the wine table.

The Amora sisters, Su Mei and Wanda are relatively normal.

Several women were currently discussing the cosmetics and beautiful clothes in Sokovia. Perhaps this was a common language for women. Later, the female scientist Susan, and the mutants Ororo and Jean Gray also joined. Got in.

However, the snack foodie Ganata, who betrayed her father without any shame, got on well with Hela's pet dog Fenrir. The main reason was that Ganata liked to feed dogs, and she always liked to lick herself so that it reflected light. Feed the bones to the dogs.

Fenrir: ( ̄(エ) ̄)
Looking at the other party's shining eyes and feeling the sense of oppression coming from the food chain, Fenrir opened his mouth with great sincerity and took the bone handed over by Ganata's little hand!

But Gouzi glanced at the hostess Hela who was drinking to her heart's content with great sadness, and sighed in his heart: "Master, I'm not clean anymore!"

Pietro, the little fat guy, was not idle either. This time he was fighting against the tyrant, but he was just a little bit disappointed. He could only watch the two sisters do it, which made the little fat guy's self-esteem a little uncomfortable.

He was chatting with Skorchi, the executioner.

To be more precise, it was this little fat man who was consulting with the fleshy executioner about weight loss and fitness.

Since being adopted by Gongsun Lu, Pietro has been eating well and drinking well, but he is heartless and his life is not very comfortable.

Naturally, his body began to gain weight, and he couldn't stop. Now he is 1.7 meters tall, but weighs more than 200 kilograms, although it does not affect his speed.

But every time he started running, the fat on his face would be pushed onto his face due to the inertia brought by the strong wind.

Sometimes I can't even open my eyes, let alone fight.

So he decided to lose weight and asked the muscular and sinewy Skorch for relevant advice!

Professor X and the other men around him were comforting Iceman Bobby.

Although this young man's ability is strong, his mental quality and combat ability are still too weak. This time he basically didn't help much, and he also caused a lot of trouble. He is still secretly ashamed to this day!
And a group of guys with high IQs are talking loudly about various scientific research knowledge over there. They are all the world's top brains, and the sparks of wisdom that come out of each other's collision are naturally amazing, and the Zero Zero machine is also there. Talking loudly with them, and even very proudly opening up the dense circuits in his body from time to time, proudly showing off his progress to everyone!
With the addition of Malik as the host of the celebration party as lubricant, the atmosphere was not bad either.

Of course, it would be better if there wasn't Stark, a disgusting bastard. Wang was so disturbed by his sarcastic remarks that he couldn't help it, so he drew a circle and ran back to Karma Taj to hide in peace!
The celebration went smoothly. In order to express his gratitude, Gongsun Lu left a trace of divine power in the body of every scientist who came to help this time.

The purpose of this is also very simple, it can help them resist a danger, but he also asked everyone present to keep the invasion of the Earth a secret for the time being.

Except for Stark, everyone at the scene basically knew the general situation and expressed their willingness to keep it secret directly!

After the celebration party, these smart people and the X-Men went back to their homes to find their mothers.In addition to Hank Pym, Gongsun Lu promised the old man to tell him information about his wife. Gongsun Lu even temporarily lent him Zero Zero. This robot can now be both huge and small. It’s a robot version of Ant-Man!
(End of this chapter)

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