Chapter 605 Sky Malik?Ouch, not bad!

I saw Skye slightly propping up her petite body and slowly getting up from her warm big bed.

Perhaps even this little girl doesn't know that after staying in the academy for nearly half a year, she has developed a strict biological clock.

After washing up briefly, she sat at the dining table with the breakfast she made by herself.

Looking at the cafeteria, which was much emptier than usual, the little girl sighed inwardly.

It's summer vacation, and most of the students have gone home to reunite with their families and rest.

Even Stephen Strange, the oldest repeater, temporarily returned to New York to date his doctor girlfriend.

And most of the other teachers in Kamateki ran out to do the task.

She was the only one in the school because she had nowhere to go, so she had to stay in the school!
Skye felt a little lonely without her companions. She stripped off all the meat in the bowl in three strokes, then returned to the dormitory alone, sat on the bed, with snacks beside her, and continued with familiar words. After getting the Internet cable, I started surfing the Internet.

Use your own actions to demonstrate what it means to be a wasted generation.

Of course, Skye is not playing games, but is using his excellent hacking skills to hack into major secret agencies to find all the information he wants.

At this moment, she is still eager to find her parents, so among the various divination spells in Kamateki, she is the most diligent in learning and uses them very well.

If this girl is kicked out of the school now and can't even afford to eat, she can always set up a small stall on the roadside and put up a "Buyi Shenxiang" sign to earn a living for the rest of her life!

It's a pity that doctors have not been able to heal themselves since ancient times. Warlocks may be able to calculate the heavens and the earth, but when it comes to their own past and future, they are often not so simple to calculate.

In addition, after all, Skye is still a mage apprentice and has only learned magic for half a year. The most he can do now is calculate whether he will have bad luck in the near future!
And this method may be a little cold. Every time I help my friends to divine the results, the results are completely opposite. After struggling several times, my friends naturally no longer believe in her as a poisonous person. Some even regard her as someone who has found out the truth. A beacon of wrong answers!
Since magic doesn't work, Skye usually likes to look for some clues on the Internet.

The little girl lives her peaceful life in Kama Taj with peace of mind.

In the past six months, many big things have happened in the real world.

First, a large number of superheroes began to appear, such as Iron Man, Thor, the Hulk, and the Fantastic Four. Along with them, there were also the emergence of super villains such as Deathwhip, Abomination, and so on.

It can be said that all kinds of monsters and monsters are popping up!It's as if a veil has been lifted from the world.

By the way, Magneto, the most famous racist leader among mutants, has recently caused a wave of big incidents.

Although some X-Men still came out to help clean the floor.

But these superpower battles happened around them, and ordinary people living on the earth suddenly discovered how dangerous this world is!

However, the appeal of these contents to Skye, who is now also a superpower, is only average.

Because she has been wandering since she was a child, her mind and thinking have grown to be very mature. Compared with her classmates, such as Peter Parker and Harry Osborn, they have a look on their faces when they see superheroes. What an excited fool, she's not particularly interested in any of this!

After briefly reading the information, she completed her daily divination.

Today she divined the fortune of Harry Osborn. Looking at the copper coin in her hand, she saw that the fortune of the guy above turned out to be auspicious. Last time, the fortune teller was Parker, and that boy lost a front tooth that day.

Suddenly, a look of regret appeared on Skye's face. Poor guy, she actually quite likes this very polite classmate. I hope this guy won't break his front teeth today!

After completing her daily exercises, she put on a closer-fitting jacket and a set of convenient sportswear and prepared to go out for a walk!
The air in Kamal Taj, far away from the city, is very good!
But as soon as she went out, Skye saw a familiar person!
"Uncle Malik, why are you here?"

Looking at the surprised little girl, Malik's face was also full of smiles!

"Look who I see, isn't this my little Skye?"

As one of Gongsun Lu's most loyal supporters.

Malik is naturally very familiar with Kamateki.

And he has been coming more frequently recently!
The mages are tracking demons in other dimensions, but there are always cunning demons who can escape the detection of magic, such as Mephisto who is possessed by his own son.

This requires some intelligence in reality, so Gongsun Lu asked Malik and Wang to work together to track down this powerful and cunning demon king.

I don’t know what’s wrong with this old guy recently, and he’s getting into trouble faster and faster. Although the mages on the mission handled their problems very well, some of them were still almost discovered by ordinary people.

Fortunately, Malik still has a strong influence in reality, and with the help of him and Hydra, he can still help to cover it up.

After going back and forth, Malik became familiar with the magician of Kamateki.

Especially for these kids!

Malik is also a wonderful person. He can naturally understand Gongsun Lu's expectations for the future of these children and their own strong potential.

And compared to those adults, he prefers these inexperienced children who are easy to make friends with.

Under his deliberate approach, he became the "wise and kind-hearted Uncle Gideon" in the eyes of the children!

Among all the children, he values ​​​​the mysterious guest Illyana who has the greatest strength and potential the most.

But in his heart, he actually liked Skye the most.

He is different from other children who are slightly childish and naive.

Although this little girl is not the best in terms of magic and qualifications.

But because he has been wandering since he was a child, his mind is the most mature. He is not only scheming but also has a bottom line.

Although he was in a difficult situation, he was unwilling to accept his fate.

He practiced world-class hacking skills in the orphanage at a young age.

And he decided that there was one thing about this kid that he liked very much, and that was the persistence of never giving up until he reached his goal!

If such a talent is placed in Hydra, sooner or later he will be able to achieve great results. Even compared to his daughter who has a more competitive personality, she will have more knowledge of advancement and current affairs!

This made Malik feel that this girl's personality was very similar to his outdated wife, so he was very close to her. He even wanted her to be his second daughter.

"Sky Malik? That's a good name, too!" Malik thought warmly in his heart.

After the two hugged each other warmly, Skye asked expectantly: "Uncle Malik, are you here to see me?"

Malik, on the other hand, stroked the little girl's head with a gentle look on his face and responded: "Part of it is!"

As he spoke, he also took out a gift prepared in advance from the back, which was an extremely sophisticated laptop computer.

He noticed early on that Skye's original computer was very worn out, so he bought a new one for her.

Skye also played with the new computer in her hands with a cheery look on her face, and her eyes were full of attachment to Malik!

Perhaps in the eyes of this child, she saw the appearance of her ideal parents in Malik's care!
The two talked for a while, and then Wang walked out of the library.

I saw him handing Malik a large bag of stuff with a pained look on his face.

"Save it, even these things are very troublesome!"

"I know, I know!"

Malik quickly put it into a small iron box the size of a cigarette box, and then put it into the breast pocket of his suit.

Thanks to the input of Hank Pym, Gongsun Lu successfully created equipment capable of storing storage through the Pym particles he invented and some space magic in Kamateki's hand.

The things are very useful. Basically, most of Gongsun Lu’s subordinates have one person, and now it is the standard equipment of Kama Taj. Now this group of mages go out to subdue demons, basically everyone carries a big bag Magical tools and equipment flow have greatly increased their actual combat capabilities!

Skye, who was watching from the sidelines, looked envious. Space equipment is still relatively rare. Among the Kamateki, apart from the official mage, only the adult Stephen Strange has this!

(End of this chapter)

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