The Pension Plan Expands from the Three Kingdoms to the Heavens

Chapter 621 Deadpool: “I wish all readers a happy New Year!”

Chapter 621 Deadpool: “I wish all readers a happy New Year!”

The two of them had a tacit understanding and waved their weapons at each other at a speed that exceeded the physical limit. The aftermath of the fierce fight even instantly rolled up a huge tornado with a radius of nearly a thousand kilometers, rumbling thunder and lightning. It rolled its body like hundreds of spiritual snakes in the storm.

Each wind blade contained the power to tear apart space, and even rolled the surrounding area into pieces of void.All matter is cut into particles smaller than atoms.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding soldiers evacuated their fighting positions.

A huge no man's land was formed directly on this huge battlefield!
At this moment, in a corner of the battlefield, a strong figure wearing a very sultry red tights and holding two samurai swords was walking in a very vulgar and weird dance step, kissing and loosely cutting the flesh. The bodies of the four or five vanguard guards in front of him were destroyed.

These basic arms that followed Thanos and destroyed countless planetary civilizations were basically cut down one by one by this guy!
If you get closer, you will find that this guy is still a chatterbox. While waving his two long knives left and right, his mouth is still chattering endlessly.

With such obvious features, you readers have already guessed who this guy is!
That's right!

This guy is Thanos's love rival, known as the little bitch Deadpool!

Originally, he shouldn't have appeared on this battlefield at this moment.

It's just that when Magneto and Dr. Recovery ability, but these two bosses still do not intend to let Deadpool intervene in this war.

This crazy and talkative guy is not only annoying, but he is also not accepted by the mainstream mutant forces.

The only mutant with whom he has a decent relationship is the honest and honest Colossus.

But how could it be so difficult to get this little bitch? In the end, he successfully joined the team with his thick skin and shamelessness.

In fact, Deadpool still succeeds as an anti-hero with a full personality, and he has good popularity with the audience outside the fourth wall.

But in the eyes of people in the Marvel world, he is a crazy, dangerous and slightly perverted mutant!
Wade Wilson!
Because he participated in the mutant experiment and was injected with Wolverine's serum, he became the crazy and talkative chatterbox he is now.

No, this description is not accurate. Before the mutation, he was a super talkative person.

Even the other super chatty Spider-Man in the Marvel world can't stand it.

For example, at this moment, he has been pestering and harassing little Peter Parker who is casting a spell!
"Oh, my dear little spider, why don't you play with spider silk now and start drawing circles? This is not in line with your temperament at all!
You know, among all the superheroes in the Marvel Universe, only your uniform matches me best.

I have been waiting for you to grow up and be bitten by a spider, and look forward to forming a very popular pair with you! "

After finishing speaking, he muttered in a low voice in a tone that only he could hear: "After all, after Iron Man is over, you will inherit the inheritance, and the future first brother of the Avengers may be you. As long as I have a relationship with you, in the future I will have a bright future!"

While thinking about it, he was still laughing like a nymphomaniac, and his saliva even seeped out from the red mask on his face.

Peter Parker:

Harry Osborn: (angry`Дangry)
Deadpool ignored Parker, who was pale with fright, and Harry Osborn, who was green with anger and was about to give him a space blade for his friend.

Then he lowered his head and whispered: "After all, your boy is so popular now, and forming a team with you will definitely get a lot of traffic. By then, maybe I will have money to shoot Deadpool III and IV!"

Just when the salty uncle was about to take a few steps forward and extend his evil hands to the little boy who was just a teenager and looked like a doormat.

A huge green foot kicked over his head, viciously sending Deadpool flying more than ten meters!
The person coming was none other than the Hulk.

"Don't hurt these children!"

Although he is tall, Hulk has a relatively simple mind, and he usually plays very well with these children.

Originally, he was still killing enemies on the front line, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a pervert wearing a red tights who seemed to want to hurt Peter Parker and Harry Osborn.

Then it erupted immediately, and directly cut off a long and deformed tall demon in front of him with two axes, and then jumped to Parker's side with a full jumping force, and directly kicked the suspected perverted Deadpool away. !

After finishing it, he curled his lips in disdain, and then prepared to take Harry and Parker to the rear of the front line.

Although the two of them are very talented, they are still too young and not strong enough. Therefore, they are still borrowing the bodies of game characters to enter the battlefield. They were also assigned auxiliary work before, but the two little brats are a bit too close to the front line. Got it!

Not only the two of them, but other little mages and Pietro also borrowed characters from the game to enter the battlefield.

Hulk put the two little guys on his back, looked at Deadpool like he was invisible trash, and skipped back to the rear!

Although Deadpool is a perverted person, there is no way he can just play ball like this.

Not to mention his extremely powerful self-healing factor, he relied on his ability to pick up girls that surpassed that of any pretty boy in the universe, and finally succeeded in hooking up with the whitest and longest thigh in the entire universe, leading to him being cursed forever by his love rival Thanos. The inability to die.

After a while, he transformed back into a human form from the pile of meat sauce!

I saw him staggering up from the ground full of blood, wearing a tattered system, and then shook his head hard.

"Oh, it's really enjoyable, it's really Hulk, he's really big enough, I really want to do it again!"

As he spoke, he suddenly fell silent for a while, facing the direction of no one, and strangely tilted his newly recovered ears, as if someone was speaking in his ear.

He looked like a madman!
"Oh, honey, why are you in such a hurry? I want to play for a while longer!
You know, this is Peter Parker who hasn't turned into Spider-Man yet.

Look at that little face.

This is so memorable. I must take a photo with him first. When he becomes popular, it will be very valuable!
If it were put up for auction on a certain treasure, there would definitely be many readers and die-hard Marvel fans rushing to buy it at high prices! "

As he spoke, he was about to take out the mini camera he carried with him, and then look for Peter Parker, who was still very pink, to take a photo together.

But under Hulk's heavy punch, even Deadpool himself turned into a pile of meat, not to mention the fragile camera!
Sure enough, this camera has become a pile of scrap metal.

"Fuck Mother Hulk, you fat green man actually ruined my plan to make money. I curse you to never be able to have a relationship with the Black Widow, and to masturbate with nothing for the rest of your life!"

Immediately, Deadpool uttered a series of curse words at supersonic speaking speed, leaving TM standing there angrily cursing for more than half an hour.

And none of them said the same thing. Not only did he greet all of Hulk's immediate family members, but he also mocked the eighteen generations of his future descendants as all impotent!
There are too many flaws in this, but it’s a pity that no one can hear it except the readers in front of me!

Seeing that this guy could just curse on the spot for the longest time, the inaudible voice in his ear began to speak again, and seemed to be very impatient with his nonsense.

"OKOKOK, honey, I know!
I know, I didn’t forget the business!
Alas, my dear, you have become more and more manic recently. Are you approaching menopause? "

"Oh, how can you doubt that, your dearest little bitch, of course I will always love you!"

"It really makes me so sad. No, you must comfort me after you fully recover!"

"Hehehe, then when the time comes, we will make out directly in front of that scumbag Thanos, and we must make this purple licking dog angry to death!

Hey Hey! "

(End of this chapter)

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