Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 618: Meeting a Good Talent (55)

Chapter 618: Meeting a Good Talent (55)


With his breath sinking in his dantian, Lai silently adjusted his breathing rhythm, calmed down his heartbeat accelerated by the high-intensity battle, united his mind, and stared at the opponent in front of him.

The power of the heart is fully released, taking care of every part of the battlefield.

Except for the Mega Swampert side, which is still hard to distinguish, the rest of the battlefield has initially established an advantage. However, Jirachi and the Lizard King cannot be easily dispatched without knowing the opponent's trump card.

In the distance, Sirona completely suppressed Hunter A, and the battlefield also moved from the north to the Zhizhi Cave in the center.

The mega bites the land shark like a god coming down from the earth. With one against three, it beats Hunter A's desert dragonfly, self-destructing magnet monster and poisonous skull frog without any power to fight back.

Perhaps because the battle was going smoothly and she had the habit of leading by example, Sirona charged very aggressively and was only more than ten meters away from Hunter A.

Under the fierce attacks of Lucario and Ice Eevee, Hunter A's two king Pokémon have been defeated, and their defeat only takes a matter of seconds.

Suddenly, one of the two remaining Poké Balls in Richter's waist suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, he appeared behind Sirona.

The warrior eagle of the divine horse rushed out of it and went straight to Sirona's unsuspecting back.

On the front, in the hands of Hunter A, two miniature energy cannons, or energy guns, appeared quietly, firing beams of light one after another, attacking Sirona's chest.

In an instant, the offensive and defensive positions changed, and the situation was reversed.

The rash Sirona accidentally missed Jingzhou, putting herself into a dilemma of life and death.

"Natural bird!"

At the critical moment, Lai shouted, and the natural bird that was fighting with Elledo responded immediately. He appeared behind Sirona in a flash, and the sub-space split tore apart the space, blocking the fierce attack of the brave bird that the warrior eagle was determined to win. , At the same time, while doing two things, a weak light wall was erected in front of Sirona. It was instantly shattered by the energy cannon, but it also greatly weakened the intensity of the attack.

The beam of light fell on Sirona, and was barely blocked by the shimmering combat uniform.


Spitting out blood, Sirona fell down and was caught firmly by Togekis who hurriedly came back to help.

"cough cough"

Blood foam gushed out during the violent coughing, and the heaviness in his chest relaxed a lot.

Rejoicing in the aftermath of the disaster, Sirona looked at Len gratefully.

However, Lai's situation suddenly became much worse.

"You dare to lose your focus while fighting me?!"

With a stern shout, Richter, who had caught the opening, strode forward and slashed out with two knives, aiming at Lai's vitals.

Alureduo, who had lost the blockage, nimbly dodged the water fluctuations of the big-billed gull, jumped towards Lai and killed him.

At Richter's waist, the elf ball opened, and Thousand Faces Dodger swooped forward and launched a decisive blow.

All the cards are revealed, and Richter wants to complete his victory in one battle.

"Lizard King! Jirachi!"

At the critical moment, Lai could only show his back-up plan, and the two Pokémon who had been waiting for a long time came out of the elf ball.

【Hey! 】

With a powerful shout, Jirachi's super power surged and turned into a heavy hammer. He calculated mentally and unintentionally, and directly knocked away the hastily attacking Elledo, and then stepped forward to meet him, using slow to hit fast, and using Defending and attacking, he tightly entangled his opponent.

The Lizard King swept across with his blade, and curled his long tail. While stopping the Qianmian Dodger who was attacking, he slapped Richter, who was rushing and beating him, and knocked him to the ground.

As a price, the Lizard King's abdomen was also blasted with a scorch mark by the shadow ball thrown by Thousand Faces.


Taking advantage of the Lizard King's opportunity to trade injuries for injuries, Rai jumped up and slashed down with the metal rod.


Under the huge force, the wakizashi that Richter had hastily set up was completely broken, and the broken blade almost penetrated his own body.

"Dang bang"

Throwing the useless broken sword on the ground, Richter held the remaining sword in both hands.


With a diagonal upward swing, Richter deflected Lay's second blow. Richter knelt down on one knee, using the pain as motivation to hold on to the ground and forcefully get up.

In mid-air, the blade changed direction and struck Lai's abdomen at a tricky angle. The strike was a defensive and offensive blow, showing a fierce murderous aura.



Lai, who had the door wide open, did not choose to retreat. Instead, he loosened his hand and raised the metal rod from top to bottom, just blocking the slashing path of the knife. He missed the sharp blade and deflected it. Richter's attack only scratched the outer layer of the combat uniform, leaving a shallow blood mark on his waist.

"Dang bang"

The metal stick that left a scratch also fell to the ground.

Blood flowed out, quickly dyeing the damaged parts of the combat uniform red. It hurt a little from the rain, making him look quite embarrassed.


However, there is no room for carelessness in a life and death battle. In the pain, Lai's speed was three points faster. His released left hand suddenly turned down, and the small crossbow in the cuff fired again, pouring out the second round of three rounds of crossbow arrows. And out.

"Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping. Let him feel the pain of impact.But he did not dare to be careless at all, and concentrated on searching for the specially made crossbow arrows.


A special crossbow arrow struck, making his hands numb, but he still managed to block it.


Followed by another one, leaving a not small gap on the blade, the sharp pain in the tiger's mouth made him slow down a bit.


He didn't have time to block the other crossbow, but changed its direction slightly.


The arrow originally aimed straight at the chest hit Richter's shoulder socket.

"Dang bang"

Under the severe pain, the hand holding the knife also lost strength, and the heavy knife fell to the ground.

During the altercation between offense and defense, all the weapons of the two men were left behind.


With a suppressed scream, Richter bent down, and on the other side of his waist, a weak beam of light went straight to Len's chest as his angle was adjusted.


He put his arms on his chest, and while blocking and protecting, Lai fell to his side, narrowly avoiding it, falling to the ground, then rolled over, stood up quickly, stretched his arms forward, and fired crossbow arrows one after another.


Richter, whose center of gravity was already unstable, pushed forward and stabilized his body, soared into the air, spun to the side, dodged the crossbow fire, and at the same time, with all his blood and flesh, he pulled out the crossbow arrow from his shoulder. , running towards the rear to evacuate.

Just as Lai was about to stand up, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his waist. When he lowered his head, he saw that the combat uniform was damaged, leaving a scorched black mess.

This hesitation gave Richter a chance to distance himself.

"Gyarados, Nilin!"

The power of the dragon began to go berserk. The Mega Gyarados, which had been evenly matched with the Mega Swampert, suddenly gained another three points in strength, throwing the battlefield into chaos.

"Big Marsh, parry it, grab it!"

In the blink of an eye, Mega Gyarados' Dragon Dance and Mega Swampert's bodybuilding have been superimposed to the limit.

With a body like hundred-forged steel, struggling to withstand a fierce attack from Mega Gyarados, Mega Swampert forcibly grabbed the opponent's dorsal fin, turned it over, and dragged it to the ground.

"Now, Earthshattering Hammer!"

"Shock it out!"

With a flick of the dragon's tail, the mega swamp monster, which was about to deliver the winning blow, was caught off guard and flew out until it was about ten meters away before it fell.

On the chest, deep blood marks emerged, telling the power of the previous blow.

"Won't you lose your mind, Reverse Scale?" Lai whispered, and then loudly ordered, "Swamp Monster, deal with it, and use the Earth-shattering Hammer again!"


Turning the pain into motivation, Mega Swampert rushed out again, leaped to high altitude, and fell down with an unstoppable momentum.

"Gyarados, Nilian, go up!"


While roaring, the mega Gyarados, full of desire for destruction, greeted it head-on without fear.


The fierce collision detonated volcanic energy.

After a round of collision, the two Pokémon fought evenly, and both flew upside down and fell to the ground.

"Come again!"

Rai and Richter spoke in unison, commanding their respective trump cards and launching the final contest.

The violent explosion outside the Dezhi Cave triggered a powerful shock wave, which lifted Hunter A off the back of the desert dragonfly and flew not far in front of Sirona.

"Pokkisi, air slash! Bite the land shark, dragon dive!"

Sirona, who has excellent combat awareness, would not give up such an opportunity. Pokkisi and the Biting Land Shark soldiers split into two groups to attack Hunter A, who was still in a daze.

The Desert Dragonfly and Poison Skeleton Frog, who were unable to help, could only watch their attacks pouring onto the back of the Biting Land Shark, but they were unable to prevent their trainer from being dismembered.

Blood spurted out.

After Hunter U, who was the first to die, Hunter A, known as the strongest hunter, also followed in his footsteps in almost the same way.


The headless corpse fell, dyeing a small area of ​​the lake red, but it quickly faded away under the wash of rain.

Dozens of kilometers away, trainers from the Sinnoh Alliance in Shigen City and Suiran Town, as well as the main force of the Sinnoh Branch of the International Police, were also working hard.

In order to avoid the leakage of information, the international police and the Sinnoh Alliance Headquarters did not release the information until the battle was about to break out. All the forces near Lizhi Lake were dispatched to form a huge encirclement network around the periphery. The hunter organization and Chiri and his party who came here were besieged in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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