Pokémon: Hoenen Rage

Chapter 694 The Resurgent God Chapter Hunter (15)

Chapter 694 The Resurgent Myth Hunter (15)

"Pafula, find a few more people."

Orson frowned. Receiving the influx of information from the outside world was not a comfortable thing for anyone. This was the case for Laishang, whose mental power was much stronger than ordinary superpowers, let alone Pavla. , Orson et al.

But Bixias had a lot of memories in his mind.

After forcibly breaking through Nazi's superpower blockade, countless secrets about Team Rocket and other evil organizations were unearthed.

It turns out that Bishas is not only a speculator within the Rockets, but also has connections with many evil organizations, large or small.

Hunter Organization, Lava Team, Water Fleet, Galaxy Team, Myth Hunter, Qiang is a large organization with multiple kings and even champions, and there are also many small and medium-sized organizations that just hold groups in various places. Some of the information is out of date, but Lai There is no way to identify them, so we can only publish all the information in detail.

Dozens of honest, loyal and reliable international police officers sat around a large conference room, working hard, sifting through the hard-earned intelligence and summarizing it. Daphne, who had always been a formal person, had the biggest workload. of.As a powerful superpower, her mental power is dozens of times that of ordinary people, and she is responsible for more than one-third of the information on her own.

This summary takes most of a day.
While waiting for the international police to handle the case, Lai himself was not idle.

Sitting in a quiet room, he peeled off the cocoons, sorted Bishas' information into categories, and selected the parts that might be useful to him.

Most of the information is either out of date or of a type that will not have any connection with the Hoenn region in the short term. For the international police, they are most likely to be useful and can be compared with other intelligence. , classification, and deduction, but it is of little use to Lai.

Only a few of them, finding gold in the sand, do have important meaning.

One of them is that after a year of dormancy, the mythical hunter organization has once again attracted a few new members and urgently promoted the strength of the new generation.

Although it is not completely certain, according to Bishas' own analysis, they are probably cooperating with the lava team and possibly even the water fleet to conduct some strange research of unknown reasons.

However, because his relationship with these organizations is very superficial, it is just a simple cooperation of interests, so he does not understand the deeper things.

Such news would be of great use to Lai.

He knew what Bishas didn't know.

Team Lava, research on the Crimson Orb Fragments, Jirachi's blood, Myth Hunters, research on the genes of fantasy Pokémon, and the potential for the Water Fleet to allow Myth Hunters to hedge their bets.

In this way, a complete logical chain is constructed.

The research basis of the Myth Hunter, combined with the research materials of the Lava Team and the Water Fleet, as well as the scientific research power of various parties, as well as the data stolen by German researchers.

What they are studying must also be the use of Jirachi's prayer power.

The hidden worries in my heart turned into a cruel reality.

The two major organizations hiding in the dark must be planning to use Jirachi's power to revive the two gods of Hoenn, sea and land.

Now, they are weak and have no other means. This will be their last resort.

However, at this moment, Lai, as well as Daigo and others far away in Hoenn, still can't find any specific clues about them. They can only cast a wide net and wait for news from Shijana.

This situation makes Lai a little anxious.

The situation has gone beyond the scope of the original history, and all he can rely on is his own analysis and judgment.

The thoughts and behaviors of these two lunatics, Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong, are also changing.

One variable after another filled his mind.

Anxiously, he turned his head and, together with Natural Bird, carefully screened Bixias' memory, not missing any detail.
"Yes, this is it!"

During his long meditation, Lai discovered a detail that Bishas didn't care about.Off the southern coast of Hoenn, there is a training base for mythical hunters.

Newcomers from all over the world must undergo sufficient study and training in the base in order to become trained internal members of the organization, rather than those motley crews who are engaged in daily interest exchanges and hired for major events.

With the financial, material and manpower that Mythical Hunter has at the moment, it is unlikely that it will abandon its existing mature base and instead build a new base.

Time does not allow.

After losing most of their senior cadres and direct lineage forces on the Island of Prayer, they were in urgent need of new blood.

Thinking of this, Lai realized that he had an entry point to break the situation.

This mythical hunter who has been severely damaged but has technology and historical background is not only the key to the plans of the Lava Team and the Water Fleet, but also the key to Rai and the Hoenn Alliance to solve this crisis.
"Sister Sachiko, the situation is like this. I need to trouble you to get in touch with the people sending the sacred mountain. In particular, tell Furong that no matter what, we must strengthen the protection of the two orbs and maintain a high degree of alert. Yes, I will also give them to her later. Call him."

Returning to Daphne's residence alone, Laima started contacting all parties non-stop to make layouts and plans. The first step was to contact the Shenyuan family in Shuijing City and Furong from the Sendoff Mountain to strengthen the protection of the Sendoff Mountain and the two orbs.

With the blessing of the orb, the power of Groudon and Kyogre will increase unprecedentedly. At that time, there will be a huge disaster sweeping the entire Hoenn. But this time, can we wait until the empty seat on the Pillar of the Sky is cracked? There are two different views on assistance.

"I understand, Lai. I still know the seriousness of this matter. During this period, I will hide in the Sendhen Mountain with the trustworthy and capable force in the family. Don't worry."

On the other side of the screen, Kanbara Sachiko also nodded solemnly. Although the four wealthy families had cooperated with the Lava Team and the Water Fleet before, such cooperation did not mean supporting the stupid plans of the two organizations. As a coastal A large tourist city and commercial center, Suijing City is one of the places most troubled by ocean problems.

On the other side is Kaina City.

The two major families, Imagawa and Kanbaru, chose the water fleet not only for their own interests, but also to better control their movements.

Now, at a critical moment, Kanhara Sachiko did not hesitate in her choice.

"Then thank you for your hard work, Sister Sachiko. I will try to get rid of these bugs in the gutter in the shortest possible time."

Lai nodded slightly and his expression became more relaxed.

"Why should I be polite to my sister? However, I still have some information to give you. Regarding the water fleet, they have two bases. Our family has detected them before, and they should be their No. [-] and No. [-] bases. "

Sachiko Kanhara seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and changed the information of the Mizu Fleet that the Kanhara family had, and revealed everything while picking herself up.

In addition to the No. [-] base in Shuijing and the No. [-] base in Nanhai, the water fleet also has a more secret base.

Considering the silence of Base No. [-], Base No. [-] may be the new headquarters.

After pondering for a moment, Rai asked: "So, Sister Sachiko, how do you think we can catch them all in one fell swoop?"

"One in the south and one in the north, attack at the same time, without giving them any room to react."

Sachiko Kanhara replied without thinking.

"Then let's do it this way, the No. [-] base in the northeast, please ask my sister to help us keep an eye on it, and I will make preparations as soon as possible."

Taking over what Sachiko Kanbara said in a logical manner, Rai ordered.

"No problem, just leave it to me."
"Fu Rong, that's it. Please pay more attention to the mountain during this period. If anything happens, please contact me at any time. I will rush over as quickly as possible."

"Is there such a thing? Leave it to me! Me and Guhunyan will definitely guard the orb. Aunt Kanbara will come too, right? Then there will be no problem. Don't worry."

Fleur patted her flat chest in assurance.

(End of this chapter)

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